Posts on Alike for May 2022

  1. Chronic Nausea and Vomiting for a Year - Seeking Advice
  2. My Experience with A-fib Ablation
  3. Introducing Myself: Living with RA
  4. Hair Issues on This Drug: Any Advice?
  5. Breathing difficulties after thyroidectomy and Levo
  6. Can I have symptoms from each type of BPD?
  7. Looking for Relief from Paresthesia in Scalp
  8. Looking for healthy habits to replace smoking marijuana
  9. Hip Pain After Grocery Shopping
  10. Dealing with Anxiety at Work: Tips and Tricks
  11. What Medical Tests Were Done Before Your Diagnosis?
  12. Dealing with a PANS Diagnosis: How to Cope
  13. Just upped my thyroid medication, what to expect?
  14. Unsuccessful Hiatal Hernia Surgeries: Seeking Advice
  15. Can't Eat Without Feeling Sick
  16. Immediate Relief for Accidental Dairy Consumption?
  17. Trying the Clint Paddison Diet Again
  18. Struggling with Mania: Coping Tips Needed
  19. Exhausted Despite Normal Labs and Meds for Hashimoto's?
  20. Help with Dealing with Debilitating Panic Attacks
  21. Struggling to Keep Up in School After TBI
  22. Struggling with Endometriosis and Infertility
  23. Lessening Cognitive Symptoms of Turner Syndrome
  24. Swelling and Blisters on Lower Legs: Will Dialysis Help?
  25. Newly Diagnosed with Endo: Joint Pain and Surgery
  26. Young and Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea - Anyone Else?
  27. Anxiety and Bathroom Urges
  28. Is it Normal to Not Take Meds for ADHD?
  29. Looking for effective bruxism treatments
  30. Regrowing Hair After Hair Loss: Any Success Stories?
  31. Sudden Anxiety Attacks: What Triggers Them?
  32. Fear of not eating enough and emotional eating
  33. Job Accommodations for Syncopy and Chronic Migraines
  34. Experiencing Shaky and Weird Feelings Since Starting Zoloft
  35. Looking for Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  36. Tingling Scalp During Hair Loss: How to Make it Go Away?
  37. Experiencing Slight Chest Pain
  38. Living with Chronic Illness: Finding Support and Balance
  39. Dealing with Hand Pain from Cell Phone Use
  40. Struggling with Low Sex Drive in Long-Term Relationship
  41. Overcoming Fear of Regret for Top Surgery
  42. First Seizure Experience: Share Your Story
  43. Newly Diagnosed with Pancreatitis: Experiencing Strange Symptoms
  44. Dealing with COVID-19 and Asthma: Share Your Experience
  45. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Anyone Else Struggling?
  46. Valerian Root: A Supplement That Helps Me Sleep
  47. Looking for HS diet remedies
  48. Holistic Alternatives to Statins: Seeking Advice
  49. Looking for Support with Vestibular Neuritis
  50. Does Hormonal IUD Cause Worsening of Ovarian Cysts?
  51. Dealing with Muscle Pain and Depression
  52. Insomnia as a Side Effect of Escitalopram
  53. The Importance of Checking Aldolase and Creatine Kinase Levels for FM Patients
  54. Numbness in Limbs: Is it Related to EDS?
  55. Asking about EDS subtypes
  56. Natural remedies for high blood pressure?
  57. No Medications for OCD Diagnosis?
  58. Hair Loss Due to Crohn's Flare: Will it Grow Back?
  59. Need advice for wrist pain during flare up
  60. Abilify Experiences: Share Your Story
  61. Cortisone Shots in Hip Joint - Any Bad Experiences?
  62. Dealing with Lymphedema Pain in Legs
  63. Memory Loss and Depression with UC
  64. Possible Rare Disorder: Arachnoiditis
  65. Strategies for Reducing Intrusive Thoughts
  66. Struggling with Temperature Regulation with EDS/HSD
  67. New Onset of Asthma Attacks in Home Town Store
  68. Coping with Excess Hair due to PCOS
  69. Recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease, seeking advice
  70. Labrum Tear Surgery: Need for Another Surgery?
  71. Sertraline Side Effects - Need Advice
  72. Struggling with Weight Gain Due to Adrenal Insufficiency
  73. Dealing with Heart Palpitations: Need Advice!
  74. Seeking Treatment for Chronic Pain
  75. Managing Chronic Pain and Nausea
  76. Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Lupus?
  77. Sharp Chest Pains When Breathing In
  78. How to Get Yourself Out of Bed in the Morning
  79. Living with Cancer and COPD: My Struggle
  80. New Back Pain at Night
  81. Advice for Someone Newly Diagnosed with Lupus
  82. Advice on playing instruments with hyper mobility syndrome and carpal tunnel
  83. Need help with dietary restrictions
  84. Dealing with Prednisone Attacks: Anyone Else?
  85. New Job and Mental Health Meds
  86. Considering Mobility Aids for Pain Management
  87. Coping with Anxiety from Long Covid
  88. Struggling with Depression After Losing My Father
  89. When to See a Doctor for Hemorrhoids: A Guide
  90. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  91. Long hauler with lung scarring seeking advice
  92. Major Stomach Issues and Nausea
  93. Dealing with Agoraphobia Caused by Panic Attacks
  94. NES Triggers: What Are Yours?
  95. Dealing with Heart Palpitations and Anxiety
  96. Struggling with IBS: From Overactive to Underactive Bowels
  97. Bruising Easily with EDS: Anyone Else?
  98. Has anyone used BetterHelp? Need advice!
  99. Desperate for help with foot pain
  100. Dealing with Incontinence After Childbirth
  101. Dealing with Eating Disorders Without Therapy or Medication
  102. When to Seek Medical Advice for Conceiving?
  103. Struggling with Weight Loss, Need Help!
  104. Gabapentin for Anxiety: Anyone Tried It?
  105. Seeking Advice on Possible EDS Diagnosis
  106. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Uncertainty
  107. Coping with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Seeking Advice
  108. Experiencing Jaw Pain and Headaches: Possible TMJ
  109. Chronic diarrhea after taking antibiotics
  110. Looking for Support Groups for Atypical Bipolar/NOS
  111. Dealing with EDS Flare-ups and Chronic Pain
  112. Symptoms of ADHD or Anxiety?
  113. Feeling Lost: Dropping Out of College
  114. Experiencing Phantom Scents: Is it Phantosmia or Parosmia?
  115. Struggling with Depression: Tips to Boost Your Energy
  116. Coping with Manic Episodes: Need New Ideas!
  117. Terrible Neck Pain and Crepitus: Is it Arthritis or Autoimmune?
  118. Feverish at Night, Normal During the Day?
  119. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  120. Positive Medical Update and Honest Conversation with Doctor
  121. Recovering from Exercise Addiction and Eating Disorders
  122. Dealing with Reflux After Giving Birth to Twins
  123. Loss of Sensation in Legs - Seeking Advice
  124. Looking for Information on SLT Procedure for Glaucoma
  125. New to Depression Medication - Any Success Stories?
  126. Living with Hypothyroidism: My Struggle with Sleep and Eating Habits
  127. Experiences with Chiropractors?
  128. Realizing My Health Condition: A Personal Story
  129. Struggling to Explain My Emotions
  130. Struggling with Iron Deficiency Anemia
  131. Dealing with Spiking Blood Pressure
  132. Dealing with Chronic Joint Pain for Over a Year and a Half
  133. Recurring Fever and Cold Symptoms
  134. Struggling with Impulsive Lying
  135. Coping with Hallucinations: Tips and Tricks
  136. Alternative treatments for fibromyalgia?
  137. Living with Multiple Health Conditions: An Introduction
  138. Living with Scoliosis: Seeking Support and Advice
  139. Seeking Advice for My Medical Condition
  140. Hiding My Chronic Pain From Friends
  141. Alternative treatments for ADHD?
  142. Lexapro for Sertraline Side Effects
  143. What to Expect: Progression
  144. How to Get a Diagnosis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
  145. Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea: Anyone Else?
  146. Struggling with IBS: Any Tips?
  147. Finding People to Talk To
  148. Severe Sinuses: Pressure Pain, Dry Blood, Loss of Taste and Smell
  149. Can't Eat on Celexa: Any Suggestions?
  150. Stuck with CHS: Need Help and Encouragement
  151. Using Cannabis to Cope with ASD Symptoms
  152. Has anyone tried Xiaflex shots for Peyronies?
  153. Feeling Stuck: What to Do When You Have No Energy
  154. Need help with meal planning for prediabetes
  155. Feeling Undiagnosed: Is There More to My Health?
  156. Iron Infusion: Experiences and Reactions
  157. Recurring Ovarian Pain with Cysts: Seeking Advice
  158. Orthopedic Troubles with SLE: Seeking Advice
  159. Struggling with Household Chores
  160. Alternative treatments for mental health?
  161. Pancreatic Pseudocyst Drainage Procedures
  162. Can't live without my blanket!
  163. Going off Birth Control with Endometriosis: Experiences?
  164. Coping with Chronic Illness Fatigue: Seeking Advice
  165. Lyrica causing adverse reactions
  166. Severe pain in ribs, is it GERD or something else?
  167. Newly Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes - Need Advice!
  168. Looking for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief: What Works?
  169. Managing Spirolactone Side Effects: Will They Ever Go Away?
  170. Seeking Information on Chemotherapy Process
  171. When Should You Get a Health Checkup?
  172. Pregnancy Sciatica Pain: Any Advice?
  173. Kidney issues with Hypoparathyroidism
  174. First Time Taking Dextroamphetamine and Feeling Intense Anxiety
  175. Unmedicated ADHD and Impulsivity
  176. Losing Weight on Antipsychotics: Need Advice!
  177. Do I have BPD if I don't have an FP?
  178. Coping with Mental Illness: Tips and Tricks
  179. Digestive Issues and Dietary Changes
  180. Are My Meds No Longer Effective?
  181. What helps you when you're feeling down?
  182. Coping with ADHD as an Adult: Medication-Free Tips
  183. Best Treatment for Mouth Ulcers?
  184. Living with Bipolar Type Two Disorder
  185. Always Tired and Depressed: What's Going On?
  186. Looking for others with SCAD diagnosis
  187. Dealing with Rectocele Symptoms: Tips and Advice
  188. Looking for friends after diagnosis
  189. Gabapentin for Anxiety: Anyone Have Experience?
  190. Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?
  191. Dealing with Depression and Loneliness: Alternatives to Therapy and Medication
  192. Tips for Reducing Pain During Dupixent Injections
  193. Recently diagnosed with SVT, seeking advice
  194. Chronic pain and inflammation after car accident
  195. Dealing with Gastritis and GERD for 12 Years
  196. Numbness in Chin and Lower Lip on Right Side
  197. Using Cannabis for Depression: Is it Wrong?
  198. Managing Hypothyroidism Symptoms: Feeling Tired and Depressed
  199. What do you think about asthma?
  200. Itchy Sores on Legs from Thyroid Meds?
  201. Need help falling asleep without sedatives
  202. Alternative Treatments for Lupus?
  203. Numbness in fingers - Need advice
  204. Dealing with ADHD and Skin Picking Disorder
  205. Discovering My Autism: Seeking Community
  206. Need help controlling anxiety attacks in public
  207. Stay-at-home mom with health issues seeking friends
  208. Looking for GERD support and natural remedies
  209. Starting ADD/ADHD Medication in Your Twenties
  210. Anxiety vs Depression: Which One Do You Skew Towards?
  211. Job Seeking with Anxiety and Depression: How to Manage?
  212. Tips for Taking Generic Adderall?
  213. Long-term Treatment-Resistant Depression
  214. Weird Smell in Urine
  215. Alternative Migraine Relief Methods
  216. Help! Allergic to Statin Drugs and High Cholesterol
  217. Tips for Calming Down After a Vivid Flashback
  218. Detaching from Reality: How to Come Back?
  219. Hypermobility and Spontaneous Limb Collapse
  220. Help! I've lost my voice for over a month now
  221. Menstrual Symptoms: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  222. Dealing with Ovarian Cysts: Pain and Patterns
  223. Looking for Support and Answers with Lichen Planopilaris
  224. Considering Kyleena IUD for Heavy Periods
  225. Increasing Methotrexate Dose: Need Advice
  226. Looking for Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  227. Starting Seizure Medication: Need Advice and Encouragement
  228. Non-Medical Ways to Manage Bipolar Disorder
  229. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue and Pain
  230. How Do Herpes Outbreaks Affect You?
  231. Has anyone gone into remission?
  232. Will I Get Better? Coping with Mental Illness
  233. Struggling with Nightmares: Seeking Advice
  234. Dealing with Low Blood Pressure and Dizziness with Hashimoto's
  235. Living with Sjogren's Syndrome: My Journey
  236. Traveling with Chronic Pain: Tips for a Successful Trip
  237. Struggling with Memory and Directions with Lyme Disease
  238. My 11 Year Journey with Cymbalta for Anxiety
  239. Do IBS and Periods Have a Link?
  240. Severe Leg Pain with Lyme Diagnosis
  241. Looking for other teens with Lyme Disease
  242. Coping with Mental Health and Chronic Illness
  243. Sudden Vertigo: What Could Be the Cause?
  244. Managing Personality Disorders: Medical and Mental Strategies
  245. Skin Sensations During Fibromyalgia Flare
  246. Struggling with Job Anxiety and Fear of Failure
  247. How to Improve Memory with ADHD?
  248. Looking for Personal Experiences with Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  249. Dealing with Imposter Syndrome as a Mid-Range POTS Patient
  250. Taking a Break for Mental Health
  251. Has anyone taken Buspirone before?
  252. Struggling with Chronic Illness and Lack of Medical Care
  253. Living with BPD: How it Affects My Daily Life
  254. Can't Sleep, Need Help!
  255. Tips for dealing with moderate to severe daily headaches?
  256. Struggling with Hyperthyroidism and PCOS: Need Advice
  257. Managing Hypothyroidism Symptoms
  258. Dealing with Lyme Disease Treatment Side Effects
  259. Struggling with Weight Gain After Diagnosis
  260. Tips for ASD assessment appointment?
  261. Exploring Alternative Substances: Delta 9
  262. Dealing with Recurring Flare-Ups: Tips and Tricks
  263. Stopped taking meds due to insurance loss, what now?
  264. Daily Ear Ringing: Hearing Damage or Concussion?
  265. Struggling with Fertility: Keep Trying or Adopt?
  266. Need advice on easy-to-digest foods for weight loss
  267. Small Aortic Dilation - Worried About Stability
  268. Recovering Repressed Memories: A Discussion
  269. Natural Ways to Relieve Occasional Constipation
  270. Struggling to Gain Weight After UC Flare
  271. Concerns about spironolactone and potassium intake
  272. Managing Anxiety: Beyond Medication and Therapy
  273. Struggling with Physical Work
  274. Pregnancy Scare: Dream or Reality?
  275. Alternative Ways to Calm Acute Anxiety Symptoms
  276. Struggling to Sleep Due to Hypersensitivity
  277. Looking for Preservative-Free Eye Drops
  278. Struggling with Weight Loss and PCOS
  279. Struggling to Get Out of Bed: Tips and Tricks
  280. Feeling Sad for No Reason
  281. Post-Gallbladder Surgery Issues: Seeking Advice
  282. Dealing with Daily Postnasal Drip
  283. Vivid and Horrific Dreams During the Day
  284. Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy: Tips and Advice
  285. What to Expect at a Cardio Referral for POTS Diagnosis?
  286. Recurring Chest Pain and Jaw Pain
  287. Excessive Sweating in Hands and Feet - Any Advice?
  288. High Heart Rate in the Morning - POTS or Weirdness?
  289. New Medication - Any Experiences with Seroquel?
  290. Struggling with Chronic Pain
  291. Dealing with Hyperthyroidism and Nodules on Thyroid
  292. Hallucinations while smoking weed and taking cymbalta
  293. Recommendations for protein powder or protein in general?
  294. Overcoming the Stigma of Autism
  295. Looking for Low-Carb Electrolyte Drinks
  296. Alternative Pain Management Techniques
  297. Starting Lyrica for Fibromyalgia Pain: Any Advice?
  298. Dealing with Osteoporosis and Lower Back Pain
  299. Changing Sensitivity to Gluten?
  300. Feeling Emotionally Numb: Any Advice?
  301. Dealing with Prolonged Menstruation: Seeking Advice
  302. Decades of Chronic Pain: Seeking Answers on Alike
  303. Long Covid Symptoms: What Are You Experiencing?
  304. Overcoming Eating Disorders: How Have You Done It?
  305. How Does My Condition Affect My Social Life?
  306. Recommendations for Pain Relief?
  307. How did you realize you had ADHD?
  308. Need advice on managing high cholesterol without relying on medication
  309. Coping with Panic Attacks: Need Help!
  310. Itchy Vagina During Period: Normal or Not?
  311. Coping with Symptoms: Tips and Advice
  312. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression as a SAHM
  313. Managing Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure
  314. Managing High Blood Pressure: Exercise or Deep Breathing?
  315. Managing Chronic Pain While Working Full Time
  316. Managing Blood Pressure and Diabetes without Medications
  317. Tolerance to Concerta: Seeking Advice
  318. Does Illness Trigger POTS Symptoms?
  319. Looking for advice on HS treatment and wound healing
  320. Migraines around period - Does birth control help?
  321. Feeling Overwhelmed: Dealing with Panic Attacks During Finals
  322. What's it like being Deaf? Any Deaf Parents here?
  323. Struggling with Indecisiveness
  324. Has anyone had MALS surgery? Does it help?
  325. Has anyone tried Aloe Vera Juice for IBS?
  326. Overcoming Chronic Illness and Codependency in Relationships
  327. Managing ADHD without medication: Tips and Tricks
  328. Coping with Chronic Migraines: Tips and Tricks
  329. Understanding Heavy Periods: Symptoms and Causes
  330. Looking for Friends with Similar Struggles
  331. Scared to take Methotrexate for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  332. Should I get a second opinion on my ADHD diagnosis?
  333. Experiencing Extreme Tiredness with Lexapro?
  334. Managing Low Blood Sugars: Tips and Tricks
  335. Struggling with Sleep Apnea and CPAP Machine
  336. Living with Seizures and Anxiety
  337. Dealing with Long and Light Menstrual Bleeding
  338. Managing IBS: Tips and Tricks
  339. Do I Have Autism? Need Advice
  340. Struggling with ADHD and Anxiety: Need Help!
  341. Keppra XR and Cognitive Ability: A Concern for Epilepsy Patients
  342. Checking Anemia and Vitamin D Symptoms
  343. Alternative Treatments for Medical Conditions
  344. Chest Pain and Difficulty Breathing
  345. Managing Muscle Fatigue Without Mobility Aid
  346. Dealing with Worsening Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  347. Ear Sensitivity and Smell Sensitivity
  348. Tips for Coping with Agoraphobia
  349. Struggling with Addiction and Mental Health Issues
  350. Share Your Experience with Endometriosis
  351. Dealing with Fibromyalgia: Seeking Advice
  352. Discovering Binge Eating Disorder
  353. Numbness and Pain in Outer Thighs - Seeking Advice
  354. Dealing with Tarsal Coalition Pain: My Journey
  355. Controlling Daily Diarrhea: Seeking Advice
  356. Looking for sleep remedies that won't give me side effects
  357. Struggling with Period Pain and Upcoming Surgery
  358. Need advice on increasing sex drive in a relationship
  359. Looking for Alternatives to Botox for Chronic Migraines
  360. Dealing with my first panic attack
  361. Need Help with Asthma Symptoms Caused by Seasonal Allergies
  362. Panic Attack at Walmart
  363. Bleeding after sex: What could be the reason?
  364. Looking for Information on a Medical Condition
  365. Prednisone Headaches: Is It Normal?
  366. Need advice on breast reconstruction decision
  367. Do I Need a Follow-Up Appointment for My ADHD Medication?
  368. Dealing with Chronic Pelvic Pain: Seeking Advice
  369. Considering Birth Control Options: IUD vs Tubal Ligation
  370. Share Your Medical Treatment Experience
  371. Living with Chronic Illness: Seeking Support and Joy
  372. Severe balance issues - seeking advice
  373. Dealing with Anxiety and Health Issues
  374. Dealing with Chronic Pain: My Daily Struggle
  375. Question about Humira side effects
  376. Chronic Kidney Stones: Seeking Advice
  377. Severe Heart Palpitations - Seeking Advice
  378. Managing Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  379. Looking for New Friends to Chat With!
  380. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Uncertainty
  381. Constant Burning Sensation in Body
  382. Coping without medication: What are your strategies?
  383. Raynaud's Phenomenon Getting Worse - Need Help
  384. What to do when BV strikes?
  385. New to Alike, struggling with social anxiety and depression
  386. Tips to Stop Skin Picking?
  387. New to the Group, Seeking Advice for Chronic Pain and Stress Management
  388. Introducing Myself: Living with Chronic Medical Issues
  389. Can Gastritis Cause Chronic Constipation?
  390. Pain in Right Wrist with Pins and Needles Sensation
  391. Looking for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Tips
  392. Lyrica and Weight Gain: Anyone Else Concerned?
  393. Looking for Chronic Pain Treatment Advice
  394. How to Monitor Your Health Condition
  395. Taking breaks from ADHD meds: helpful or harmful?
  396. Dealing with Impulse Control After Brain Injury
  397. Net Specialist vs Family Doctor: Who to Follow?
  398. Constant Nausea: Seeking Advice
  399. Dealing with Anxiety at Work: Need Help!
  400. Struggling with Bipolar Disorder: Need Advice on Finding Support Groups
  401. Constant Foot Pain: Any Suggestions?
  402. Newly Diagnosed with Gluten Sensitivity: Need Advice!
  403. Looking for affordable telehealth options for mental health
  404. Dealing with Emotional Confusion in Relationships
  405. Upper Left Abdomen Pain and Reflective Pain
  406. Dealing with Anxiety at Work: Entry Level Jobs and Coping Tips
  407. Questioning my ADHD diagnosis, what should I do?
  408. Help with PCOS Symptoms
  409. Dealing with Chronic Neck Pain and Swelling
  410. Struggling with Anxiety: Need Help!
  411. Excruciating Toe Pain for 17 Months - Seeking Remedies
  412. How to Start Dating Again with Depression?
  413. Struggling with Consistent Medication Management
  414. Newer Anti-Coagulants for APS Treatment?
  415. Need advice on taking prazosin for nightmares and terrors
  416. Living with Asbestosis: My Journey So Far
  417. Should I still be taking epilepsy medication?
  418. Looking for others with LPR/ Silent Reflux
  419. Redness and Tingling After Panic Attack
  420. Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis at Work
  421. How to Include Chronic Pain on Your Resume?
  422. Struggling with B12 Deficiency: Seeking Answers
  423. Constant Hand Numbness: Need Advice
  424. Help with POTS Syndrome after COVID
  425. Coping with Bipolar and ADHD Symptoms
  426. Dealing with College Burnout: Seeking Advice
  427. What to Expect After Endometriosis Diagnosis?
  428. Understanding Nocturnal Epilepsy Symptoms
  429. Dealing with Gastroparesis: Seeking Advice
  430. Dealing with Epilepsy without Medication
  431. Dealing with Hip Pain: Tips and Advice
  432. Pregnancy with Hypermobile EDS: Seeking Advice
  433. Excruciating pain in legs and feet due to blood sugar spikes
  434. Dealing with Chronic Migraines: Any Advice?
  435. What Are My Anxiety Triggers?
  436. Dealing with Worsening IBS Symptoms
  437. Quick Relief for Migraines: Pineapple?
  438. Diagnosed with CVS but No Vomiting?
  439. Struggling with Bipolar Disorder: Need Advice
  440. PCOS and Anxiety: Is There a Connection?
  441. Mood swings: Is it normal?
  442. Living with Epilepsy and Insomnia: Seeking Advice
  443. Hypomanic Episodes: Triggers and Symptoms
  444. Natural Supplements for High Blood Pressure?
  445. Best medication for controlling epilepsy?
  446. Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Affect Concentration?
  447. Experiencing Tactile Flashbacks: Anyone Else?
  448. Introducing Myself: A Recovering Addict with Anxiety and Depression
  449. In Need of Caring Ears: Seeking Support for Mental Health Struggles
  450. Living with POTS: My Experience and Tips for Management
  451. Looking for Friends with Dysautonomia
  452. When were you diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder?
  453. Can PCOS be diagnosed with a blood test?
  454. Can I Use Cannabis with Alcoholic Cirrhosis?
  455. Concerns about Seizure Medication Side Effects
  456. Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?
  457. Looking for effective RA medication suggestions
  458. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  459. Coping with ADHD: Tips and Tricks
  460. Waking Up Breathless: What Could Be the Cause?
  461. Looking for Support and Advice for My Anxiety Diagnosis
  462. Chronic Diarrhea After Childbirth: Seeking Answers
  463. Suggestions for Braces and Joint Help?
  464. Looking for someone with similar rare diseases
  465. Struggling with Depression and Loss of Appetite
  466. Coping with Emptiness: Tips and Tricks
  467. Transitioning as a Transgender Man: Seeking Advice
  468. Hopeful about my diabetes for the first time!
  469. Dizziness and Vision: Possible Causes?
  470. Understanding the Different Types of CMT
  471. Experiencing 'Drunkenness' with Migraines
  472. Struggling to Find a Doctor Who Will Listen About My Endo and PCOS Symptoms
  473. Brain fog and vision loss - anyone else?
  474. Success with Service Dogs for FND?
  475. Living with Colorectal Cancer: My Journey So Far
  476. Living with IBS-C: My Struggle with Daily Routine
  477. How to get rid of phlegm balls?
  478. Should I Use a Cane for My Collapsing Leg?
  479. How to Improve Your Mental Health?
  480. Episodes of Abdominal and Chest Pain
  481. Diagnosed with Systemic Lupus, Need Advice
  482. Looking for experiences with Graves disease
  483. Early Menopause and Memory Issues: Can They Be Related?
  484. What are your hidden talents?
  485. Managing Anxiety Without Medication: Success Stories?
  486. Dealing with MCAS Symptoms: Any Advice?
  487. Struggling with Communication Among System Members
  488. Tips for Avoiding Constipation with Kidney Stones
  489. Newly Diagnosed with RA: Need Coping Advice
  490. Lightheadedness and Fast Heart Rate: Is it My Medication or Anxiety?
  491. Looking for Others with Vertigo Disorder
  492. Considering getting a dog to help with my mental health
  493. Headache and Neck Pain While Reading to Kids
  494. Recovering from Anal Surgery: Seeking Advice
  495. Managing Side Effects of Concerta 36 MG
  496. Hot Flashes at Night: Menopausal Symptoms?
  497. Help! Seeking Diagnosis for Debilitating Symptoms
  498. Tips for Managing Pain During Exercise
  499. Natural remedies for GERD-induced heartburn and nausea?
  500. Tapering off Klonopin: Seeking Advice
  501. Calling out of work due to menstrual symptoms
  502. Looking for Hashimoto's Medication with Fewer Side Effects
  503. Misleading Medical Test Results: Has This Happened to You?
  504. Struggling with Medication Side Effects
  505. Constant Fatigue: Is It Just Me?
  506. Meds Sensitivity and Vaccines: Any Tips?
  507. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  508. Coping Mechanisms: How Do You Deal With Stress?
  509. Panic Disorder and Shaky Vision: Anyone Else?
  510. Experiencing Increased Pain Sensitivity
  511. Considering Breast Biopsy for Non-Affected Breast Calcifications
  512. Tips for Treating Lyme Disease
  513. Symptoms of Cervical Stenosis
  514. Looking for beginner-friendly yoga with fibromyalgia
  515. Struggling with Myasthenia Gravis: Seeking Advice
  516. Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder
  517. New to SNRI's and struggling with side effects
  518. Unusually Intense Mindpops with ADHD
  519. Quality of Life After Total Thyroidectomy
  520. Struggling to Manage Blood Sugars: Need Advice
  521. Tips for Overcoming Driving Anxiety
  522. Managing Mental Health Symptoms: Best Treatments and Methods
  523. Looking for Support with BPD Diagnosis and Medication
  524. Struggling with Sleep Despite Multiple Medications
  525. Questions about SI Joint Fusion Surgery Recovery
  526. Hiatal Hernia Surgery: Risks and Weight Loss Requirements
  527. Controlling Ascities and Muscle Loss with Cirrhosis of the Liver
  528. Struggling with Motivation and Accomplishment
  529. Questioning if I'm on the Autism Spectrum
  530. Can Wellbutrin Trigger a Hypomanic Episode?
  531. Seeking Medical Advice for Gluten Issues
  532. Tips for Managing Burnout with ASD and ADHD
  533. Managing an Emergency at 18 with Low Cortisol Levels
  534. Tips and Strategies for Chronic Migraines
  535. Do Others Feel Urethral Pain with Interstitial Cystitis?
  536. Tips for Getting a Formal Diagnosis
  537. Best ADHD meds without bad side effects?
  538. Following Ana Count: Helpful or Harmful?
  539. Tips for Avoiding Sensory Overload
  540. Experiencing Brain Fog - Is it Normal?
  541. Has anyone tried ketamine for pain?
  542. Has Gabapentin Helped with Fibromyalgia?
  543. Riding Roller Coasters with hEDS: Tips and Experiences?
  544. Discovering the Low FODMAP Diet for IBS Relief
  545. Struggling with Infertility: Seeking Natural Remedies
  546. Coping with Medication: Seeking Advice
  547. Abilify Prescription: Seeking Experiences
  548. Struggling with High Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance
  549. Alternatives to Medication for Mental Health?
  550. Intense Neck Pain and Tightness: Need Advice
  551. Mysterious Fizzing Noise in My Head
  552. Can Psychosis be Cured Naturally?
  553. New to Chronic Fatigue and Random Hives
  554. Dating with a diagnosis: Has it impacted your love life?
  555. Passing out frequently, need advice
  556. Managing Symptoms: Overcoming Challenges
  557. Shaking in Hands After Strenuous Activity
  558. Chronic Vomiting: Need Advice
  559. Can't Stop Singing: OCD or Just Annoying?
  560. Parents don't believe my Autism diagnosis
  561. Struggling with Bipolar II: Seeking Advice on Medications and Treatments
  562. Alternative Treatments for Hashimoto's?
  563. Severe Knee Pain from Autoimmune Problems
  564. Newbie with Pancreatic Issues Seeking Advice
  565. Managing Nutrients with Food Sensitivities
  566. Seeking Advice for Rare Movement Disorder
  567. Going Gluten-Free: My Struggle with IBS-D and Reflux
  568. Struggling to Exercise with Worsening Symptoms
  569. Sharp Pain After Endometriosis Surgery
  570. Anxiety and Loss of Appetite: Coping Strategies?
  571. 4-day Migraine and Ear Pressure Pain
  572. SSRI's and Dissociation: Is There a Connection?
  573. Dealing with SVT and a Pacemaker
  574. Looking for BPD treatment advice
  575. Treating ADHD or Anxiety First?
  576. Struggling with ADHD Medication Side Effects
  577. Dealing with Overthinking: Tips and Tricks
  578. Struggling to find the right insomnia drug
  579. Looking for Anxiety Support and Treatment Advice
  580. Dealing with Parosmia: Seeking Advice
  581. Can I Smoke Weed After a Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound to the Brain?
  582. Major Appetite Loss Since Starting Medication
  583. Covid Vaccine: Is it Worth the Shot?
  584. Shortness of Breath on Blood Pressure Medication
  585. Sudden Panic and Deja Vu Feeling
  586. Coping with Pain: Tips and Tricks
  587. Dealing with Leg Pain: Tips and Tricks
  588. Newly Diagnosed with T2 Diabetes and HBP
  589. Non-Medication Ways to Improve Mental Health
  590. Dealing with Fatigue after Barretts Esophagus Procedure
  591. How do I motivate myself to eat when I'm not hungry?
  592. Filing for Disability with Chronic ITP and Lymphedema
  593. Help! My Knee is Giving Out and I'm Feeling Terrible
  594. Coping with Anxiety and Depression
  595. Struggling with Intimacy as an Autistic Person
  596. Dealing with Parents' Comments on My Eating Disorder
  597. Caring for a Husband with Failing Health: Coping with Pain and Limitations
  598. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Depression
  599. Looking for others with POTS or related disorders
  600. Struggling with Weight Loss and Nerve Damage
  601. How to Confirm Seronegative RA Diagnosis?
  602. Tips for Battling Brain Fog
  603. Join our Discord group chat for living with chronic pain/illness!
  604. Uncommon Autism Symptoms: Hair Pulling and Exhaustion
  605. Health Anxiety: Tiny Spots of Bright Red Blood in Toilet Paper
  606. Could I be a diabetic?
  607. Uncommon Migraine Symptoms: Do You Have Any?
  608. Difficulty Communicating with Autism: Is it Normal?
  609. Should I Continue Therapy?
  610. Struggling with Post-Concussion Syndrome Migraines
  611. Dealing with Chronic Migraines
  612. Sensation of Slow Perception
  613. Has anyone tried Zoloft? Need advice.
  614. Positive News About My Transition Journey
  615. Controlling Bipolar Disorder: Seeking Advice
  616. Feeling Tired After Taking BP Medication
  617. Low Blood Pressure or Low Blood Sugar?
  618. Struggling with Hashimoto's Symptoms Despite Medication
  619. Best route for MCAS diagnosis?
  620. Managing Depressive Episodes: Tips and Tricks
  621. Struggling with ADHD: Affordable Treatment Recommendations?
  622. Seeking Advice on Digestive Issues
  623. Struggling with Handwriting Due to Autism and EDS
  624. Tips for Losing Weight with ADHD and Obesity
  625. Struggling to Quit Smoking: Seeking Advice
  626. Shooting Pain in Left Arm: Need Advice
  627. PTSD from Narcissistic Relationships
  628. Bipolar and Weed: Is it Safe?
  629. Constant Fatigue: What's Wrong with Me?
  630. Sudden Allergic Reaction to Peanut Butter - Need Advice
  631. Constant pain and diarrhea with NAFLD diagnosis
  632. Struggling with Dermatillomania: Seeking Advice
  633. Alternative ways to treat depression?
  634. Weird Sleep Sensations
  635. Struggling to Initiate Tasks - Any Advice?
  636. Has Anyone Had a Full Hysterectomy Due to Endometriosis?
  637. Exploring Food Intolerance and Alternatives
  638. Scared to Take Heavier Anxiety Meds: Need Advice
  639. Struggling with Memory Loss due to Hypothyroidism
  640. Navigating Mental Illness and Gender Identity
  641. Struggling with Severe Food Allergies and EOE
  642. Concerned about my heart health, seeking advice
  643. Getting an Official Diagnosis for VSS
  644. Hair Loss After COVID: What's Happening to My Hair?
  645. Always Tired: Is It Normal?
  646. Struggling with PTSD Nightmares and Sleeplessness
  647. Should I Stick With a Strict Diet or Diversify?
  648. Looking for Fibromyalgia Treatment Advice
  649. New Anxiety Medication: Hydroxyine
  650. Dealing with Health Anxiety: My Experience
  651. Feeling Exhausted: How to Overcome Fatigue
  652. Neglecting Supplements: Any Complications?
  653. Identifying ASD Characteristics
  654. Need snack ideas for gastroparesis diet
  655. Heartburn Medication for Asthma?
  656. What is it like to get top surgery?
  657. Concerned about Anemia Symptoms
  658. Dealing with Anxiety: My Struggle and Seeking Help
  659. Managing Anxiety with PTSD and Depression
  660. Need Help Relieving Back and Hip Pain
  661. Muscle Rigidity - Seeking Advice
  662. Worsening anxiety on Lexapro
  663. Trouble Focusing While Driving
  664. Stomach Problems for a Month, Is it Normal?
  665. Struggling with Treatment Resistance for Fibromyalgia
  666. Struggling to Make Friends in a New State
  667. Struggling with ADHD and Eating Disorder Recovery
  668. New Onset Depression on Effexor: Anyone Else?
  669. Freaked Out by Sudden Venous/Circulation Issues
  670. How did your fibromyalgia start?
  671. Struggling with Depression and Cleaning
  672. First Time at Urgent Care for Migraine
  673. Admitting myself to inpatient facility as an adult
  674. Finding the Right Neurologist: How Many Did You Go Through?
  675. Migraines, Visual Snow, Delusions, and Spirituality
  676. Tips for Managing a Bad POTS Flare
  677. Living Sober: My Experience in a Sober House
  678. Sharp Rib Pain: Anxiety or Something More?
  679. Living with Absence Seizures: My Experience and Advice
  680. Alternative Ways to Manage Mental Health?
  681. Feeling wired on Wellbutrin
  682. Extreme Nausea and Dizziness After Showering - Any Advice?
  683. Struggling with Weight Loss: Need Advice
  684. Struggling with Memory Loss and ADHD
  685. Questions about Atrial Fibrillation
  686. Best Diet for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?
  687. Seeking Advice on Breast Cancer Hormonal Therapy Options
  688. How has Myasthenia Gravis affected your career/schooling?
  689. Looking for Medication Advice for PTSD, Depression, and Chronic Pain
  690. Dealing with Endometriosis: Seeking Advice
  691. Two Handwritings and a Mental Block
  692. Sudden Headaches: Anyone Else?
  693. First Time Here, Anyone Had Cataract Surgery?
  694. How to Start the Conversation About Therapy?
  695. Misdiagnosed with BPD? Could it be ASD?
  696. Dealing with PMDD and Endometriosis: Seeking Advice
  697. Scoliosis Surgery Recovery: What to Expect
  698. Blurry vision during migraines, anyone else?
  699. Lyme Fatigue: Why Am I Still Tired?
  700. Looking for a cure for Ménière’s disease
  701. Best Specialist for Diagnosis and Treatment Options
  702. Asking for Reasonable Accommodation with Bipolar 2 and PTSD
  703. Feeling Trapped: My Experience with Hearing Loss
  704. Syringomyelia without Chiari?
  705. Dealing with Panic Disorder and BPD in Social Situations
  706. Tips for Getting Blood Drawn with hEDS and Sensory Processing Disorder
  707. What Does Fibro Pain Feel Like?
  708. Dealing with Uncontrollable Panic Attacks
  709. Feeling Pressured to Leave the House More
  710. Feeling Numb on Zoloft: Anyone Else?
  711. Mentally Dealing with Physical Pain
  712. Dealing with Misophonia and PMDD
  713. Looking for Endometriosis Treatment Advice
  714. Looking for advice on ADHD medication and stimming
  715. Looking for Relief through Dietary Changes
  716. When were you first diagnosed?
  717. Vyvanse and Restlessness: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  718. Diagnosed with EOE: How Long Did It Take to Get Help?
  719. Advice needed for going gluten-free and organic on a budget
  720. Is it worth getting diagnosed with ADHD and taking medication?
  721. Probiotics for Symptom Management: Any Success Stories?
  722. Feeling Dizzy and Nauseous - Is it a Heart Attack?
  723. Looking for Emotional Support and Friendship
  724. Sweating Profusely on Zoloft - Is This a Side Effect?
  725. Living with Fibromyalgia: My Journey
  726. Dealing with Fibromyalgia Pain: Seeking Advice
  727. How to Manage Anxiety and Its Physical Symptoms
  728. Tips for managing CHF-related weight loss and exhaustion
  729. Understanding the Difference Between Quiet and Loud BPD
  730. Struggling with Anxiety: My Story
  731. Struggling with OCD Validation: Seeking Advice
  732. Feeling Off Balanced and Nervous: Health Anxiety or Something More?
  733. Seeking Advice for Diabetes Symptoms
  734. POTS and Periods: Does Anyone Else Experience Worsened Symptoms?
  735. Managing Epilepsy: Tips and Tricks
  736. Need Help with Symptoms After Nexplanon Removal
  737. Struggling with Depression and Socializing
  738. Struggling with Anxiety in Public Places
  739. Should I Trust My New Medications?
  740. Struggling with Weight Management? Share Your Tips!
  741. Will Taking This Medicine Make Me Sweat Horribly?
  742. Reactions to Autism Disclosure
  743. Need Help with Arthritis Pain Relief
  744. Possible Sleep Apnea Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  745. Dealing with switching and work as a new system
  746. Chronic Leg Cramps: Should I Be Concerned?
  747. Stanford Study: Marijuana Use and Heart Disease
  748. Anyone taking Lexapro for anxiety?
  749. Looking for POTS management tips
  750. High Blood Pressure in the Morning: What Should You Do?
  751. Dealing with Chest Pressure and Light Pain
  752. Struggling to Get Doctors to Listen About Chronic Pain
  753. Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome after 18, anyone else?
  754. Struggling with Disordered Eating as an Older Adult
  755. Seeking Advice for Arthritis Symptoms in Wrist and Thumb
  756. Dealing with Change: Zoloft Side Effects
  757. Late ASD Diagnosis: Anyone Else?
  758. Overcoming Brain Fog: Tips and Tricks
  759. Tips for Improving Focus and Concentration
  760. Looking for Relief from Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  761. Dealing with Menstrual Cravings and Emotional Roller Coasters
  762. Can TV Shows Trigger Paranoid Thoughts?
  763. Concerned about my health, need advice
  764. Does a gluten-free diet help with FM?
  765. Need advice on seeing a dermatologist
  766. Introducing myself and asking about difficult illnesses
  767. Coping with Anxiety in Social Situations
  768. Inventive Solutions for Everyday Problems: Is it an Autism Thing?
  769. Considering Nexaplanon for PCOS - Any Experiences?
  770. Newly Diagnosed with T1D - Looking for Support
  771. Dealing with Anxiety-Induced Nausea
  772. Dealing with Loneliness and Depression
  773. VP Shunt and Headaches: Anyone Else?
  774. Weighted Down with Anxiety
  775. Weight gain on Zoloft - looking for advice
  776. My Recovery Journey: It Gets Better
  777. New Medication for Seizures and Anxiety: Opinions Wanted
  778. Struggling with Zoloft: Is it working?
  779. Dealing with Pain: Tips and Tricks
  780. Withdrawal Symptoms from Venlafaxine
  781. Iron Supplements for CFS: Did They Help?
  782. Struggling to Eat: Need Help!
  783. Dealing with EDs: Seeking Residential Treatment or Doing it at Home?
  784. Diagnosed with ASD, but afraid people don't believe me
  785. Fibro Insomnia: Anyone Else Struggling?
  786. Telling My Mom About My Alters
  787. BPD and Libido: Does Anyone Else Struggle?
  788. New CRPS patient seeking understanding and support
  789. How to Identify Hallucinations?
  790. Dealing with Chronic Lyme: Seeking Advice and Recommendations
  791. Dealing with Social Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  792. PTSD or Autism? How to Tell the Difference
  793. Looking to Move Within the US with Health Concerns
  794. Need help with masturbation
  795. Frequent Vomiting: Seeking Advice
  796. Dealing with Panic Attack Episodes
  797. Looking for tips on managing osteoarthritis pain
  798. Managing Vitiligo: Tips and Tricks
  799. Dealing with Pain that Doesn't Show
  800. Laparoscopy Recovery: What to Expect
  801. Dealing with Eczema on My Fingers
  802. Lost my job due to anxiety, need support
  803. Is it wrong to consider myself disabled?
  804. Post-Thyroid Surgery Fatigue: Will It Ever End?
  805. Monitoring My Condition: Signs of Progression
  806. Scoliosis surgery - What were your curve degrees?
  807. Dealing with Hepatic Encephalopathy Diagnosis
  808. GERD Symptoms Worse in Certain Seasons?
  809. Dupixent Journey: Share Your Experience
  810. How to Determine if Your Weight Loss is Healthy
  811. Feeling Disconnected: Menopause or Fibromyalgia?
  812. What does GERD feel like? No burning sensation here.
  813. Looking for Others with Occipital Lobe Epilepsy
  814. Looking for Clitorodynia Support
  815. Struggling to talk about my possible autism diagnosis with family
  816. How to Manage Worsening Fibro Symptoms at Home?
  817. Dealing with Mental Health Issues: Tactile Hallucinations, Voices, Anxiety
  818. Dealing with Excess Guilt in GAD
  819. Dealing with Stomach Issues for Over 20 Years
  820. Songs for Coping with Flashbacks
  821. Dealing with PTSD Flashbacks: How to Cope
  822. Non-Medication Stenosis Treatment Options?
  823. How to help a teen with depression who won't talk?
  824. Managing Schizophrenia: Struggling with Productivity
  825. Dealing with Concussions from Extreme Sports
  826. Seeking advice on getting diagnosed with ADD
  827. Experiencing Raynaud's Symptoms Before Autoimmune Conditions?
  828. Can Selenium Help with Thyroid Inflammation?
  829. Lowering Blood Pressure and Foods for Anemia
  830. Seeking Stage 1 Breast Cancer Survivor for Chat
  831. Living with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
  832. Can Lumbar Stenosis Affect Upright Walking?
  833. Crosslinking and Sclera Hard Contact Lenses for Keratoconus
  834. Dealing with Anxiety-Induced Stomach Pain
  835. Looking for ways to alleviate low energy/mood with hypothyroidism treatment
  836. Adjusting to New Medication: Will the Side Effects Go Away?
  837. Dealing with Chronic Pain Without Pain Killers
  838. Struggling with Depression and Diabetes: How to Overcome Food Restrictions?
  839. My Experience with Hormone Replacement Therapy
  840. Looking for Natural Anxiety Relief: Reishi Mushrooms and Kin Euphorics
  841. Realistic Dreams and Emotional Drain
  842. Seeking Specialist for POTS
  843. Autistic and have synesthesia? Share your sensory integration experience!
  844. Dealing with Work Anxiety
  845. Need help with stomach pain from gastroparesis
  846. Severe Vertigo and Chest Pain
  847. New to the app, seeking advice for anxiety and depression
  848. My Diagnosis Journey: How Long Did It Take?
  849. Looking for POTS Medication Recommendations
  850. Dealing with Self Consciousness of Skin Conditions
  851. Dealing with Rebound Migraines and Strange Treatment Options
  852. Struggling with Tics in a Judgemental Environment
  853. How many antihistamines are too many?
  854. Dealing with Panic Attacks: Seeking Advice and Support
  855. Struggling to Get Out of Bed in the Morning
  856. Dealing with Anxiety Attacks and Thoughts
  857. Share Your Sarcoidosis Symptoms and Medication Experience
  858. Tips for Helping Someone with Social Anxiety Start Therapy
  859. Reducing Foot Neuropathy Severity in Diabetes
  860. Burning stinging calves after parathyroidectomy
  861. Should I Reschedule My Medical Procedures Due to POTS Flare?
  862. Frequent Nightmares with BPD
  863. Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts: Seeking Advice
  864. Feeling Emotionless: Anyone Else?
  865. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  866. Episodic Rapid Weight Loss - Anyone Else?
  867. Questions about Fibromyalgia and POTS Symptoms
  868. Struggling with ADHD and Memory Loss
  869. Struggling with ADHD in College
  870. Bad reaction to massage with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  871. Overcoming Health Challenges: Coping Strategies
  872. Feeling Uncomfortable in My Own Skin
  873. Tips for Coping with Agoraphobia
  874. Dealing with Chronic Pain After Vacation
  875. Getting Lost in My Own Thoughts
  876. Dealing with Dermatillomania: Seeking Advice
  877. Discovering a new hobby after leaving an abusive relationship
  878. Asking for Advice on Muscle Cramps
  879. Dealing with mucus in stool and IBS flare ups
  880. Cannabis for Joint Pain with POTS Diagnosis
  881. Concerns about my health and mental well-being
  882. Endometriosis Diagnosis: How Long Did It Take?
  883. Newly Diagnosed with POTS - Looking for Support
  884. Fibro Fog in Hot Weather: Is it Common?
  885. Coping with the Incurable: My Struggle with Bipolar 2
  886. Vaping to Cope with Anxiety: Is it a Good Idea?
  887. Abdominal Migraines: Has Anyone Experienced Them?
  888. Nortriptyline 10mg Side Effects: Share Your Experience
  889. Morning Gagging: Anyone Else Experience This?
  890. Home Remedies for Severe Migraines
  891. Schizoaffective Disorder and PCOS: A Possible Connection?
  892. Bad Reaction to Massage: Anyone Else?
  893. Non-Medication Options for Treating ADHD?
  894. Exploring My Gender Identity: Need Advice
  895. Seeking Advice: Could I Have Autism?
  896. Dealing with Anxiety: To Take or Not to Take Medication?
  897. Surviving Endometrial Cancer: Coping with Headaches, Anxiety, and Depression
  898. Compression Tights for POTS: Do They Actually Help?
  899. Undiagnosed ADHD: Should I Try Medication?
  900. Struggling with Activation in the Morning
  901. Coping with Depression: Seeking Advice and Support
  902. Lack of Motivation: What's Happening to Me?
  903. Looking for help with non-epileptic seizures
  904. Struggling with Charcot Marie Tooth Syndrome - Need Advice
  905. Has anyone tried Hem Healer for external hemorrhoids?
  906. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Could My Aches and Pains Be Amplified by Anxiety?
  907. Curing Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Naturally
  908. Misdiagnosed with ADHD as a kid, later found out I have Autism
  909. Looking for non-medical treatments for mental health
  910. Is Fibromyalgia an Autoimmune Disease?
  911. Dealing with Family Members Who Don't Believe in Mental Illness
  912. Dealing with Anxiety While Driving on Highways
  913. Confused about my Chronic Pancreatitis Diagnosis
  914. Struggling with Nicotine Vape Addiction
  915. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  916. Struggling with ADHD and Self-Studying
  917. Lyrica Dosage for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
  918. Struggling with Adderall Dosage - Looking for Advice
  919. Starting a New Job with Agoraphobia: Need Advice
  920. Choosing Between Medications: Vyvanse vs Clonopin
  921. Is it wrong to find everything annoying?
  922. Looking for someone who can relate to my health struggles
  923. Looking for Hodgkin's Lymphoma Support
  924. Seeking Advice on Treatment Options
  925. Looking for ADHD tips
  926. Dealing with Anxiety-Induced Insomnia: Seeking Advice
  927. What's Your Go-To Coping Mechanism?
  928. Tips for Managing Anxiety-Induced Breathing Difficulties
  929. Living with Chronic Illness as a Single Mom
  930. Sore Finger Joints - Can't Move Knuckle
  931. Looking for Non-Medication Migraine Relief
  932. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Any Tips?
  933. Supplements and Practices for Mental Health
  934. Coping with Epilepsy: Tips and Tricks
  935. Should I be on medication?
  936. Digital Spoon Tracking for Chronic Illness
  937. Finding Support Beyond Medication
  938. Understanding PTSD Flashbacks: Can You Help?
  939. Need help with psoriasis on my hands
  940. Frequent Vivid and Scary Dreams: What Can I Do?
  941. Struggling with Safety Seeking OCD as a Parent
  942. Dependence on Marijuana for Anxiety Relief
  943. Sudden Temperature Changes: Is It Raynaud's or Fibromyalgia?
  944. Lifestyle changes for Hashimotos disease
  945. Winter Woes: My Health is Taking a Hit
  946. Making the Decision to Get a Mobility Aid
  947. Pure OCD: How Common Is It?
  948. Considering a Medication Change for My Mental Health
  949. How do you cope with mental illness?
  950. Managing Mental Health: Beyond Medication
  951. What to Expect When Having a Cyst Removed
  952. What Foods Should I Avoid While Taking Medication?
  953. Coping with Multiple Mental Disorders
  954. Opinions on Abilify?
  955. Hair Loss and Brittle Nails on Synthroid: Should I See a Specialist?
  956. Unmasking and Stimming: Dealing with Social Pressure
  957. How can I boost my hemoglobin levels?
  958. Need advice on what to eat for gout treatment
  959. Seeking advice on ADHD/ADD treatment
  960. Just diagnosed with UC, seeking advice
  961. Understanding My DID: Struggles and Questions
  962. Explaining My Episodes: Tips and Tricks
  963. Struggling to Accept Help: Any Advice?
  964. Dealing with Chronic Pain Flare Ups
  965. Crying as a Coping Mechanism for Anxiety: Is it Healthy?
  966. Coping with Depression: Tips and Tricks
  967. Overcoming Social Stigma in Mental Health Diagnosis
  968. Recommendations for AIP Cookbooks?
  969. Bleeding after sex with vaginismus - should I see a doctor?
  970. Looking for Lyrica experiences
  971. Anxiety and Hallucinations: Anyone Else?
  972. Struggling with Self-Care and Motivation
  973. Is Daily Cannabis Use Something to Feel Guilty About?
  974. Tips for Dealing with Night Terrors
  975. Smoking weed with uncontrolled asthma
  976. High C Reactive Protein Levels
  977. Struggling to Eat Healthy with PCOS While Traveling
  978. Struggling with Bipolar Depression: My Journey So Far
  979. Anxiety-Related Aches and Pains: Should I Be Worried?
  980. What treatments have you tried for bipolar and depression?
  981. Looking for Support with Knee Replacement and Mental Health Issues
  982. Burning Sensation in Back When Standing - Any Advice?
  983. Looking for Vitamins to Combat Fatigue
  984. Dealing with Terrible Night Sweats
  985. Exploring Special Interests in Autism
  986. BPD and Sociopathy: Do You Feel Like a Psychopath?
  987. Skin Bumps and Tags: Normal or Cause for Concern?
  988. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression
  989. Managing Symptoms at Night: Alternatives to Self-Medicating with Alcohol
  990. Finding New Doctors and Therapists as an Adult
  991. Do I Need a Diagnosis for DID?
  992. Stomach Pain and Acid Reflux: Any Thoughts?
  993. Why do I feel sad around my roommates?
  994. To Medicate or Not to Medicate: That is the Question
  995. Positive ANA and RNP: Early Stage Autoimmune Disease?
  996. Positive Covid Test Triggering Health Anxiety
  997. Understanding Gastrin and B12 Levels in NET Bloodworkup
  998. How to Get Your Doctor to Listen About Trauma-Based Illness
  999. How Long Have You Been on Birth Control for PCOS?
  1000. Menopause and Weight Gain: Seeking Advice
  1001. Newly Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Seeking Advice
  1002. Treatment for Subclinical Hyperthyroidism: What to Expect
  1003. Share Your Treatment Success Stories
  1004. Is it wrong to talk about being autistic?
  1005. Constant Nausea: Seeking Easy and Cheap Relief
  1006. Tips for Remembering Medications Without Alarms
  1007. Choosing the Right Treatment for CLL: What Works Best?
  1008. Running out of Meds: What to Expect?
  1009. Tips for Clearing Fibromyalgia Fog
  1010. Is my Endo at stage 4?
  1011. Need help managing anxiety in crowds
  1012. Misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder: What to Do?
  1013. Concerns about my daughter's speech regression
  1014. Has anyone had the Botox stomach procedure?
  1015. New symptom: ringing in left ear and hearing loss
  1016. Tips for Managing Dissociation
  1017. Feeling Tired? Check Your Iron Levels
  1018. Managing Anxiety Attacks: A Simple Trick
  1019. Quick and Filling Meals for ADHD Alikes on Medication
  1020. Dealing with Relationship OCD
  1021. Focal Epilepsy and Hallucinations: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  1022. How to Tell Friends About My Epilepsy?
  1023. Trulicity causing stomach issues and exhaustion
  1024. Can a Gluten-Free Diet Help with Sjogrens Symptoms?
  1025. Struggling with POTS symptoms: seeking advice
  1026. Tips for Taking Amoxicillin
  1027. Struggling to Lose Weight: Need Help!
  1028. Struggling with Weight Gain: Will I Ever Lose It?
  1029. Frustrated with Unanswered Blood Tests for Autoimmune Disease
  1030. Dealing with Morning Anxiety: Tips Needed
  1031. Looking for Advice on Cardiomyopathy Treatment
  1032. How to Calm Waves of Mania Sooner?
  1033. Struggling with my sexuality and BPD
  1034. Nervous About Kidney Doctor Visit and Diet Tips Needed
  1035. Struggling to Get a Celiac Disease Diagnosis?
  1036. Going to College with Chronic Pain: What Should I Prepare For?
  1037. Tiredness from Lamictal
  1038. Living with Traumatic Brain Injury: Challenges and Questions
  1039. Alternative Pain Management Techniques
  1040. Tips for Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
  1041. Weight gain and medication: Has anyone else experienced this?
  1042. Managing Brain Fog and Anxiety
  1043. How to Remember to Take Your Medication
  1044. Managing Panic Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1045. Struggling with Low Energy and Negative Thoughts
  1046. Struggling with Memory Loss
  1047. Drowsiness from Zanix
  1048. Dealing with Chronic Illness: Tips for Managing Flare Ups
  1049. Managing Fibromyalgia and Work
  1050. Need Help Managing Anxiety Attacks
  1051. Looking for support with ANCA Vasculitis and RPGN kidney disease
  1052. Dealing with Bipolar: My Story
  1053. Stuttering and Vocal Tics When Talking About Trauma
  1054. Kidney Pain: Causes and Treatment
  1055. How to ask for ADHD meds without sounding like a pill-seeker
  1056. How to recover from depersonalization?
  1057. Dealing with Chronic Neuropathy Pain: Seeking Advice
  1058. Frustrated with Doctors' Responses to Health Concerns
  1059. Numbing Pain in Feet: Seeking Advice
  1060. Struggling with Mental Health Medication
  1061. Trying to Quit Drinking While Living with Another Alcoholic
  1062. Dealing with Seizures and Strained Relationships
  1063. Non-Medication Ways to Relieve Depression and Anxiety?
  1064. Living with Lupus: Tips for a Healthier Life
  1065. Feeling Sick on Antibiotics
  1066. Dealing with a Painful Gout Flare: Need Advice
  1067. Just diagnosed with Kleine-Levin Syndrome, need advice
  1068. What types of medication are effective for you?
  1069. Questioning if I have OSDD: How do you tell for sure?
  1070. High Sex Drive: How Do You Cope?
  1071. Are my herpes symptoms normal?
  1072. Tips for Grounding During a Panic Attack
  1073. Join me in my journey towards healthy eating!
  1074. Random Genital Paper Cuts: Anyone Else?
  1075. Managing GERD: Need advice on taking meds with an empty stomach
  1076. Struggling with Finding Romantic Relationships with Turner Syndrome
  1077. Looking for Guidance on Bipolar 2 Diagnosis
  1078. Dealing with Bipolar Tendencies and Medication
  1079. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
  1080. Controlling Restless Leg Syndrome
  1081. Need advice for pain relief with bulging discs
  1082. Affordable Alternatives to Apple Watch for Heart Rate Monitoring
  1083. Popping sensation in my neck
  1084. Struggling with Chronic Pain and Mental Health
  1085. Living with Congenital Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  1086. Feeling Exhausted All the Time: Is It Laziness or Depression?
  1087. Extreme Pain After Kidney Stone Stent Placement
  1088. Dealing with Chronic Reflux: My Struggle and Solutions
  1089. Struggling with Anemia and Kidney Disease
  1090. Struggling with Being Underweight
  1091. Inquiring About Symptoms
  1092. Coping with Depression: Tips and Tricks
  1093. Alternative treatments for Crohn's Disease?
  1094. Struggling with Swallowing: Seeking Advice
  1095. Feeling Frozen: Struggling with Motivation
  1096. Dealing with Unexplained Diarrhea: Seeking Advice
  1097. Side Effects of Seizure Medication
  1098. Preparing for Knee Replacement Surgery: Tips and Advice
  1099. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1100. Overcoming Postpartum Depression: Share Your Story
  1101. How does menstruation affect BPD symptoms?
  1102. Rapidly Growing Painful Condition - Need Suggestions
  1103. Do you ever have 'good' days in Anorexia recovery?
  1104. Crying Fits with Schizoaffective Disorder
  1105. Severe Foot Issues with Psoriatic Arthritis
  1106. Looking for alternative Sarcoidosis treatments
  1107. Dealing with Migraines After a Brain Injury
  1108. Looking for Pain Relief: Any Suggestions?
  1109. Feeling Weird Being Left Home Alone
  1110. Most effective interventions for symptom management?
  1111. MS and Computer Science: Is Calculus a Concern?
  1112. Explaining Frequent Bathroom Breaks with Crohn's Disease
  1113. Dealing with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: Seeking Answers and Support
  1114. Need help with tongue/mouth issues
  1115. Need Help with Constipation Relief
  1116. Newly Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder: Seeking Advice and Encouragement
  1117. Experiencing Cardiac Arrest: Anyone Else?
  1118. Struggling with Picky Eating Since Childhood
  1119. Seeking advice on anxiety medication
  1120. Parenting with Anxiety, Depression, OCD, and Possibly Autism
  1121. Coping with Anxiety: Do You Have Any Habits?
  1122. Need advice on seeing a rheumatologist
  1123. Tips for explaining mental health symptoms to a doctor
  1124. Low Oxygen Levels and Need for Oxygen Support
  1125. New here, need advice on allergic reaction to weeds
  1126. Can't stop craving food
  1127. Transitioning to a Gluten-Free Diet: Tips and Advice
  1128. Struggling with Panic Attacks and Anxiety
  1129. Looking for advice on vestibular anxiety medication
  1130. Doctor not listening to my side effect concerns
  1131. Can Childhood Whooping Cause PTSD?
  1132. Dealing with Digestive Issues After Covid-19
  1133. Struggling with Intimacy: Pain and Hormones
  1134. Struggling with Exercise Motivation
  1135. Using a cane again after a break, need encouragement
  1136. Seeking Advice on Migraine Prevention
  1137. Should I Start Medication for My Anxiety and Depression?
  1138. Struggling to Eat Healthy with a Medical Condition
  1139. Wellbutrin XR Side Effects
  1140. How Can I Manage Lupus Flare-Ups?
  1141. Constant Headache and Nausea from Medication
  1142. Has anyone tried Vraylar for intrusive thoughts and dissociation?
  1143. Tips for Managing Nighttime Anxiety?
  1144. Navigating Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with Limited Resources
  1145. Weird Symptoms: Always Tired, Rarely Hungry, and Waking Up Puking
  1146. Looking for Chronically Ill Friends
  1147. Managing Schizophrenia: Share Your Journey
  1148. Recognizing the Signs of a Manic Episode
  1149. Experiencing Lack of Therapeutic Effect from ADHD Medication
  1150. Need advice on partial hysterectomy recovery
  1151. How to Stop Being So Sexual?
  1152. Exploring Non-Medication Treatment Options
  1153. Considering Anti-Psychotics for OCD
  1154. Help with Symptoms and Diagnosis for Ana Positive and Double Strained DNA Positi…
  1155. Tingling and Pins and Needles in Arms and Legs at Night
  1156. How to Maintain Normal Blood Pressure?
  1157. Insane Ingrown Hairs with EDS
  1158. Is Borderline Personality Disorder worse than depression?
  1159. Feeling Cut Off: Undiagnosed Female with Social Struggles
  1160. Struggling with inattentive ADHD: seeking advice
  1161. Struggling with Bipolar Disorder and BPD
  1162. Experiencing Increased Pain on Medication
  1163. Need a Second Opinion on My Eating Habits
  1164. Long-term effects of ADHD medication use
  1165. Struggling with Back Pain: Seeking Recommendations
  1166. Struggling with Weight Loss and Health Issues
  1167. Starting Lamictal - Need Tips!
  1168. Conceiving with a Pituitary Tumor: Any Success Stories?
  1169. How long have you been diagnosed with Bipolar
  1170. Hyper focusing on objects in a store
  1171. Preventing Flares: Non-Medication Tips
  1172. Confused about my blood sugar levels
  1173. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Medication
  1174. Dealing with Medication Side Effects
  1175. UTI Symptoms: Fast Heartbeat and Dizziness
  1176. MTHFR Gene Mutation and Zoloft: Any Experiences?
  1177. Coping with Emotional Struggles of Lupus
  1178. Dealing with Panic Attacks: Seeking Advice
  1179. Looking for advice on treating Trichotillomania
  1180. Eating with Anxiety: Is it Normal?
  1181. Managing Anxiety During Pregnancy: Seeking Advice
  1182. Struggling with Nausea and Lightheadedness
  1183. Lyrica Effectiveness for Diabetic Neuropathy and Fibromyalgia
  1184. Dealing with Psychotic Episode Aftermath
  1185. Struggling to Get Pregnant: Seeking Advice
  1186. Disclosing Chronic Illness to a Potential Partner
  1187. Struggling with Exercise and Shortness of Breath
  1188. Dealing with Driving Anxiety
  1189. How to prevent weight gain with neck and back problems?
  1190. Feeling Depressed and Don't Know Why
  1191. Struggling to Work on Antipsychotics?
  1192. Lifestyle Changes After Diagnosis: What Worked for You?
  1193. Recently Diagnosed: Where Do I Begin?
  1194. Struggling to Sleep: Why Can't I Get a Good Night's Rest?
  1195. Experiencing Fibro Fog on Gabapentin: Need Advice
  1196. Managing Health Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1197. Dealing with HS and Body Image Issues
  1198. Bupropion and Sertraline: Anyone had success?
  1199. Is it normal to feel the need to masturbate every day?
  1200. Botox or Monthly Shots for Migraine?
  1201. Vitamin Deficiency and EDS: How Much is Due to Aging and Diet?
  1202. Hyper Fixation on TV Shows: Is it ADHD?
  1203. Can Depression Persist Despite Medication?
  1204. Severe Migraines and Confusion - Seeking Advice
  1205. Questioning My Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  1206. Inexpensive headache relief options?
  1207. Could my doctors be missing something?
  1208. Feeling Tired All the Time: Is It Normal?
  1209. Stopping Protonix for GERD: How Do You Feel?
  1210. Looking for alternatives to Vyvanse for ADHD symptoms
  1211. Struggling with Direction and Tourette Syndrome
  1212. What does remission from Crohn's feel like?
  1213. Severe Shortness of Breath with Long COVID
  1214. Vraylar causing fidgeting?
  1215. Does Asthma Cause Temperature Spikes?
  1216. Struggling with Coping After Therapy Sessions
  1217. Finding the Right Medication: My Experience with a Great Doctor
  1218. Struggling with Bipolar Symptoms
  1219. Lower Back Pain and Pins and Needles in Feet
  1220. Dealing with Dental Anxiety: My Wisdom Teeth Extraction Experience
  1221. Struggling with PCOS and Weight Gain
  1222. Alternative Treatments for Herniated Disc?
  1223. Managing PCOS: Seeking Advice
  1224. Anyone tried Topamax for migraine prevention?
  1225. Looking for Alternatives to Medication for Depression and Anxiety
  1226. Compulsive Counting: How Do I Stop?
  1227. Need advice on WPW flare ups after COVID diagnosis
  1228. What do you recommend for PCOS?
  1229. Do Others Have Bodily Twitches Like Me?
  1230. Low Iron Levels Despite Regular Intake of Iron Gummies
  1231. Feeling Dizzy and Nauseous After Sleeping
  1232. Dealing with Epilepsy: My Experience and Advice
  1233. Missed Period with PCOS - Could I Be Pregnant?
  1234. Do you struggle with insomnia?
  1235. Dealing with Painful Varicose Veins: Seeking Advice
  1236. My Jaw Hurts So Bad - What Do I Do?
  1237. Anyone tried Topamax for migraine prevention?
  1238. Help! Itchy Throat from Seasonal Allergies
  1239. Struggling with Bad Dreams and Restless Sleep
  1240. Struggling with Weight Loss and Budgeting as a College Student
  1241. Dealing with Seizures Again
  1242. Coping with Dislocated Joints: Any Tips?
  1243. Looking for Adderall Alternatives for Studying Abroad
  1244. Struggling to Swallow Pills
  1245. Weed and Bipolar Meds: Safe or Not?
  1246. New here, looking for support with mental health and fitness goals
  1247. Exploring Alternatives to Medication for Mental Health
  1248. Dealing with Anger and Anxiety Around Family
  1249. Dealing with Work-Related Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1250. Can You Get Disability for Fibromyalgia?
  1251. Smoking Weed While on Lamictal: Potential Risks and Interactions
  1252. Struggling with EDS and High-Impact Activities
  1253. First Time Taking Ritalin for CFS: Need Advice
  1254. Coping with anxiety when loved ones leave
  1255. Persistent Skin Rash from Cat Scratch
  1256. Preventing Bone Loss While Taking Letrozole: Seeking Advice
  1257. Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts: Tips and Tricks
  1258. Looking for advice on Crohn's treatment options
  1259. Managing Overwhelming Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  1260. Confused about my diagnosis, need advice
  1261. Need Help with Driving Anxiety
  1262. Need advice on treating a persistent cold sore
  1263. Dealing with High Heart Rate and Anxiety
  1264. Feeling Emotionally Numb and Hopeless
  1265. Looking for natural remedies for my psoriasis
  1266. Recurring Headaches, Nausea, and Exhaustion - Seeking Help
  1267. Has anyone tried Amitriptyline?
  1268. Experiencing a Dreamlike State: Is it Anxiety or Something Else?
  1269. When were you diagnosed with fibromyalgia?
  1270. Dealing with Heart Attack Symptoms: Can Lifestyle Changes Help?
  1271. Can People with Fibromyalgia Exercise?
  1272. Dreams during Sleep Paralysis
  1273. Looking for Advice on Chronic Migraine Injections
  1274. Overthinking ADHD Diagnosis
  1275. Living with Hashimoto's: Managing Symptoms without Medication
  1276. Non-medical ways to treat ADHD: Seeking advice
  1277. Discovering My Aspergers Diagnosis
  1278. Dealing with Social Anxiety
  1279. Dealing with Endometriosis Pain After Surgery
  1280. Looking for Medication and Healthcare Recommendations
  1281. Managing My Worst Symptom: Share Your Tips
  1282. Looking for CIDP Support
  1283. Recently diagnosed with CHF? Let's talk.
  1284. Dealing with Family Who Don't Believe My Diagnosis
  1285. Dealing with ADHD and Poor Academic Performance
  1286. Late Night Adderall Dilemma: Need to Focus but Can't Take It
  1287. Managing Flare Ups: Tips and Tricks
  1288. Has anyone experienced a second COVID-19 infection?
  1289. Extreme Tiredness During Periods
  1290. Weaning off Clonzapam for Panic Attacks
  1291. Need Help Relieving Chest Pain from Anxiety
  1292. Managing Symptoms and Embracing a New Lifestyle
  1293. Overcoming Agoraphobia: My Journey to a New Life
  1294. Struggling with Gender Identity and Body Image
  1295. Managing Fibromyalgia at Work: Tips and Tricks
  1296. Dealing with Chronic Abdominal Pain and Sickness
  1297. Struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
  1298. To Remove or Not to Remove Thyroid: A Dilemma
  1299. Combatting Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  1300. Struggling to Focus During Conversations
  1301. Understanding My Disorder: Seeking Advice
  1302. Looking for people with hEDS/HSD to talk to
  1303. Struggling with Medication for Anxiety and Depression
  1304. Scared of Unspecific Hypertension
  1305. Are Flashbacks Like the Movies?
  1306. Living with Type 1 Diabetes in the US
  1307. Need advice for pain management
  1308. Experiencing Widespread Pain
  1309. How did you get diagnosed with POTS?
  1310. Struggling with Early Mornings Due to ADHD
  1311. Dealing with Side Effects of New Medication
  1312. Describing Auditory and Visual Hallucinations
  1313. What Are Your Struggles?
  1314. Nausea and Vaginal Pain After Sex with Endometriosis
  1315. Dealing with Phobias: Coping Strategies
  1316. Dealing with Neurocardiogenic Syncope: Tips and Tricks
  1317. Struggling to articulate my thoughts during conversations
  1318. Living with EDS: Share your experiences
  1319. Coping with Panic Attacks While Traveling
  1320. Anxiety Headaches: Causes and Remedies
  1321. Fainting Spells and Seeking a Second Opinion
  1322. Sjorgens and Taste: Has Anyone Experienced This?
  1323. Hair Loss on Methotrexate: Anyone Else Experienced This?
  1324. Dealing with Extreme Stress and Anxiety
  1325. How much Vitamin D is really necessary?
  1326. Feeling Guilty About Skipping School for Mental Health
  1327. Is My Puffy Face a Sign of Rejection?
  1328. Treating Chronic Urticaria: Seeking Advice
  1329. Has Anyone Lost Weight with Ozempic?
  1330. Struggling to Keep Going
  1331. Dealing with Anxiety at Work
  1332. Dealing with Allergic Arthritis from Xolair Shots
  1333. Job Struggles During Episodes
  1334. Struggling with Weight: Need Exercise Suggestions
  1335. Dealing with Painful Skin Sores
  1336. Looking for advice on changing medications
  1337. Seeing Things When Stressed
  1338. Struggling with Motivation: Can't Get Anything Done
  1339. Struggling to Live in the Present
  1340. Looking for Advice on Getting New AFOs Without Insurance
  1341. Help! I think I have a rib out of place.
  1342. Looking for others who have undergone CPT therapy for PTSD
  1343. Dealing with Anxiety and Heart Health Concerns
  1344. Navigating Full-Time Work with Chronic Illness: My Story
  1345. Has anyone been in a mental facility?
  1346. Constant Dizziness: Seeking Advice
  1347. Surviving Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer: My Journey
  1348. Managing Gallstones: To Remove or Not to Remove?
  1349. Has anyone tried ashwagandha for stress?
  1350. Tips for Managing Fibromyalgia Without Medications
  1351. Help with Echolalia in ASD
  1352. Feeling the Aftermath of Overdoing It
  1353. Missed Diagnosis by Rheumatologist
  1354. Do You Think You Have BPD? Let's Talk About It
  1355. Struggling with Routine and ADD during Quarantine
  1356. How to Stop Picking at Psoriasis on My Forehead?
  1357. Need Migraine Relief Tips
  1358. Managing Chronic Pain: How Bad is Your Pain on a Daily Basis?
  1359. Looking for Home Remedies
  1360. Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms: Shortness of Breath and Dizziness
  1361. Looking for Fibromyalgia Treatment Suggestions
  1362. Looking for a cure for severe dry eye
  1363. What's the worst symptom you have?
  1364. How Can I Get Motivated Again?
  1365. Dealing with Bunion Pain and Diabetes
  1366. Creating Distractions to Avoid Negative Feelings
  1367. Dealing with Overactive Bladder: Seeking Advice
  1368. Possible POTS Diagnosis: Seeking Advice
  1369. Looking for Advice on Exercising with Hyperadrenergic POTS
  1370. Advice on getting Adderall for untreated ADHD
  1371. How to Get Out of Your Head: Tips and Tricks
  1372. Looking for natural remedies for psoriasis
  1373. Dealing with Osteoporosis Diagnosis at 58
  1374. Looking for Someone Who Understands My Daily Struggle with Chronic Pain
  1375. Struggling with Socializing: Shutting Down in Public
  1376. Living with Lupus and Reynalds: How Long Have You Had It?
  1377. Coping with Overactive Bladder: Seeking Advice
  1378. Swollen Hands?
  1379. Moving On From the Past: Tips and Advice
  1380. Dealing with Anxiety at a New Job
  1381. Anxious and Tired: Struggling with Autistic Burnout
  1382. Coping with COPD: Seeking Advice from Others
  1383. Abdominal Discomfort with PCOS/Cysts: Anyone Else?
  1384. Looking for a Miracle Cure
  1385. Rediscovering Myself Through Outdoor Activities
  1386. Worried About My Social Anxiety
  1387. Debilitating SI Joint Pain: Can't Even Get Dressed
  1388. Tips for Safe Exercise with Fear of Blockage Dislodgement
  1389. Considering Pregnancy with Grave's Disease: Need Advice on Treatment Options
  1390. Pain and Numbness After Discectomy Surgery: Is it Normal?
  1391. Constant Body Pain: What's Going On?
  1392. Dealing with Facial Hair Due to PCOS
  1393. Newly Diagnosed with Autoimmune Disorder, Seeking Advice
  1394. Living with T.T.P: Can it come back?
  1395. High Free T4, Low T3, and Off the Chart High B12 Level: What's Going On?
  1396. Split End Obsession: How to Stop?
  1397. Managing Emotions on Steroids for Lupus Flare
  1398. Struggling with Fibromyalgia: Need Motivation to Get Better
  1399. Sudden Diarrhea After Treatment for H. Pylori and Giardia
  1400. Struggling to Quit Smoking Due to Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder
  1401. Mirtazapine causing overeating, worried about health
  1402. Daily regimens for POTS syndrome
  1403. Dealing with Multiple Diagnosis: Seeking Alternative Treatments
  1404. Managing POTS Triggers in the Summer Heat
  1405. Looking for Support with ILD Diagnosis
  1406. Fatigue on Period: Depression or Anxiety?
  1407. Complications of Beta Thalassemia Intermediate
  1408. Identifying Flares: A Beginner's Guide
  1409. When were you diagnosed?
  1410. Starting Immunotherapy for Melanoma: Need Advice
  1411. Acid Reflux from Dairy?
  1412. Feeling like a fraud
  1413. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Suggestions Needed
  1414. Looking for Support and Friendship with Fibromyalgia and Weight Loss
  1415. Tips for Losing Belly Fat as a Teen
  1416. Dealing with Nightmares
  1417. Lazy tendencies and pushy relationships
  1418. Coping with EDS Pain: Need Help for Programming and Digital Art Classes
  1419. Safe Medications for Pregnancy
  1420. Severe Neck Pain with EDS: Seeking Advice
  1421. Midodrine for Orthostatic Hypotension
  1422. Looking for advice on mental health treatment
  1423. Dealing with Severe Pelvic Pain: Seeking Advice
  1424. Sudden Heartburn-Like Symptoms with Adderall XR and Sertraline
  1425. Dealing with Chronic Pain at Work
  1426. Going Vegan: Can it Help Your Condition?
  1427. Effective Treatments for Chronic Fatigue and Career Struggles
  1428. Ileocecal Resection - Anyone with Experience?
  1429. What Does Bipolar Psychosis Feel Like?
  1430. Leg Aches with Anorexia: Normal or Not?
  1431. Dealing with Another UTI: Waiting for Answers
  1432. Seeking Disability for Mental Illness: Has Anyone Been Approved?
  1433. Dealing with Lichen Sclerosis: Painful Sex and Wrinkly Skin
  1434. Living with Fibromyalgia in Hot Weather
  1435. Impact of Diagnosis on Mental Health Recovery
  1436. Looking for DBT Results
  1437. Looking for advice on ADHD testing
  1438. Looking for Others on Dialysis
  1439. Dealing with Muscle Atrophy: When Will I Feel Strong Again?
  1440. Giving up on having a baby at 45
  1441. Has anyone with C-PTSD tried EMDR?
  1442. Dealing with a Choking Phobia
  1443. Managing High Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1444. Struggling to Manage Symptoms at Work
  1445. How Long Did It Take to Get Diagnosed?
  1446. What are the Benefits of Cannabis for Migraines?
  1447. Help! I Can't Stop Biting My Nails and Picking My Skin
  1448. Sudden bladder loss, what's happening to me?
  1449. Struggling with Trust Issues and Expanding My Circle
  1450. Do You Struggle with Speech Difficulty?
  1451. Looking for Someone Who Understands: Living with RA
  1452. PCOS and No Period: Is it Normal?
  1453. Zoloft and newfound apathy: anyone else experiencing this?
  1454. Seeking advice on clozapine as a replacement for antipsychotics
  1455. Tremors and Body Jerks with Fibromyalgia
  1456. Living with a Chronic Illness: My Experience
  1457. Can't Remember Life Without Depression
  1458. When to Go to the ER: Tips and Tricks
  1459. Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms: Brain Fog and Memory Loss
  1460. Struggling to Work from Home with Chronic Illness
  1461. Finding the Right Treatment: Prescription or Home Remedies?
  1462. Zoning out and ringing ears - anyone else?
  1463. Dealing with Family's Discomfort with Stimming
  1464. Lost all my teeth due to SS, struggling with self-esteem
  1465. Looking for Advice on Chronic Pain Management
  1466. Coping with Chronic Illness: Tips for Managing Mental Health
  1467. What helped you on your health journey?
  1468. Living with Chronic Kidney Disease and Anemia
  1469. Has Your Perception of Happiness Been Ruined?
  1470. Turmeric and Ginger Capsules: Any Success?
  1471. Birth Control Can Trigger Lupus: My Experience
  1472. Struggling with Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  1473. MRI Woes: How Do You Cope?
  1474. Scared of My Neurologist's Sleep Study Order
  1475. Looking for advice on amphetamine stimulants
  1476. Concerns about heart health
  1477. Dealing with Severe Back Pain
  1478. Anti-Gluten Pills: Do They Work?
  1479. Alternatives to Medication for Mental Health
  1480. Struggling with Loss of Appetite: How to Make Yourself Eat?
  1481. Relieving My PCP of Much of My Care
  1482. Can Stress Cause a Rash on Your Neck?
  1483. Isometric Exercises for Fibro and CFS/ME
  1484. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1485. Joint Pain in Humid Weather
  1486. Understanding the Differences in Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  1487. Exercises for Exercise Intolerance
  1488. Struggling with RA Diagnosis and Medication
  1489. Starting Sertraline: Tips and Side Effects
  1490. Abdominal Pains and Nausea: Is it Chronic Pancreatitis?
  1491. Newbie seeking advice on managing anxiety and panic attacks
  1492. Body Aches and Shaking: Anyone Experienced This?
  1493. Struggling with Symptom Control
  1494. Dealing with Psoriasis and Arthritis
  1495. Failed Cervical Fusion Surgery - Seeking Advice
  1496. Dealing with Lower Back Pain: Seeking Advice
  1497. How is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed?
  1498. Frequent Urination and Pain: Seeking Relief
  1499. Terrible Headache and Pain
  1500. Looking for advice on managing GAD symptoms
  1501. Tips for Managing Chronic Severe Pain
  1502. Dealing with Chronic Nausea and Vomiting
  1503. Tics coming back after months of absence
  1504. Alternative treatments for Hashimotos?
  1505. How to Get Out of a Depressive Episode?
  1506. Pregnancy and POTS: How Does It Affect Symptoms?
  1507. Overcoming Elevator Anxiety
  1508. Tips for Working with Severe PNES?
  1509. Ways to Improve Mental Health Without Medication
  1510. Dealing with Restless Leg Syndrome in My Hands
  1511. Dealing with Mood Swings and Random Crying
  1512. Living with hEDS, Dysautonomia, and Mental Health Issues
  1513. Possible Bipolar Diagnosis: Struggling with Exhaustion and Relationship Tension
  1514. Advice for managing bipolar and comorbidities
  1515. How to Clear HPV 16: Tips and Advice
  1516. Dealing with Heart Palpitations: Tips and Advice
  1517. Extreme Leg Weakness - Need Advice
  1518. Feeling Dizzy When Standing Up
  1519. Advice on Breaking the Struggle Cycle
  1520. Feeling Dizzy After Showering
  1521. Managing Bipolar Disorder: What Works Best?
  1522. First dose of Ozempic for PCOS - Tips and Experiences?
  1523. Bruising on Luvox: Anyone else experienced this?
  1524. Should I Take Anti-Anxiety Pills Despite My Family's Disapproval?
  1525. Navigating Life with RA and hEDS
  1526. Dealing with Glaucoma: Can Eye Size Return to Normal?
  1527. Getting My ADHD Under Wraps
  1528. Questions about Wellbutrin side effects and effectiveness
  1529. Looking for experiences with cataplexy
  1530. Tips for Staying Calm During Migraine Episodes
  1531. How to Cope with Long Periods of Stress and Anxiety
  1532. Tiredness on Zoloft/Sertraline
  1533. Treating Symptoms vs. Tackling Root Issues: Which is More Effective?
  1534. Dealing with ADHD: Medication and Other Treatments
  1535. Possible Hernia - Seeking Advice
  1536. What to Expect After a Total Hysterectomy?
  1537. Diagnosing POTS: Symptoms and Differentiation from Migraines
  1538. How to tell if your Fibromyalgia is worsening?
  1539. Coping with Grief and Anxiety After Losing a Parent to COVID-19
  1540. Struggling with Pharmacy Refills
  1541. Dealing with Hemiplegic Migraines: Seeking Advice
  1542. Possible Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  1543. What Helps with Racing Heart Rate Caused by Anxiety?
  1544. Memory Problems with Bipolar: Does Anyone Relate?
  1545. Dealing with Extreme Nausea
  1546. My Schizophrenia Diagnosis Story
  1547. Do You Experience Seizures? Tips for Stopping Them
  1548. Need advice on using oxygen for PH
  1549. PCOS and Sleep: Anyone Else Struggling?
  1550. Constant Choking Sensation After Eating Oatmeal Cream Pie
  1551. Struggling with Brain Fog and Social Anxiety
  1552. Lost Health Insurance and Medications for Mood Swings
  1553. My Journey with Depression and Medication
  1554. Dealing with Muscle Weakness and Numbness
  1555. Dealing with Flare Ups: Pain Management Tips?
  1556. Struggling to Sleep with Tourette Syndrome
  1557. Muscle Spasms in My Eye - Is It Related to Fibromyalgia?
  1558. Coping with Chronic Depression: Share Your Secrets
  1559. How can I improve my A1C levels?
  1560. Grounding Techniques for Dissociation
  1561. Lupus and Itchiness: Is it a Common Symptom?
  1562. First Manic/Depressive Episode: When Did It Start?
  1563. Introducing Myself: Todd's Cancer Journey
  1564. Possible Early Menopause, Need Advice
  1565. Coping with MS Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1566. Managing Exercise with Chronic Illness
  1567. How do multiple mental health conditions relate to each other?
  1568. High Ferritin Levels and Fatty Liver Disease
  1569. Anyone else experiencing smell hallucinations?
  1570. Looking for Food Recommendations in Eating Disorder Recovery
  1571. Adjusting to Life After Kidney Transplant and PD
  1572. Help Needed for 33 Year Old Female with CHF
  1573. Heart Palpitations and Panic Disorder
  1574. Help! I Can't Stop Biting My Nails Due to Anxiety
  1575. Introducing myself and my struggles with Functional Neurological Disorder
  1576. Managing Diabetes with ADHD: Tips and Tricks
  1577. Need help with morning nausea
  1578. Looking for advice on managing PCOS symptoms
  1579. Fibromyalgia and Shoulder Pain: Bra or No Bra?
  1580. How to deal with sexual incompatibility in a relationship?
  1581. Starting HRT and hiding it from parents
  1582. Struggling with Identifying as Autistic
  1583. Benefits of Allergy Testing and Process
  1584. Applying for Disability with Mental Illness
  1585. Seeking insight on my episodic symptoms
  1586. Dealing with Depression After an Injury
  1587. Tips for Managing Panic Attacks
  1588. The Impact of Social Anxiety on Your Life
  1589. Help! I've had hives for months and nothing is working!
  1590. Struggling with Socializing: Need Advice
  1591. Dealing with Chronic Pain: What Should I Do?
  1592. Coping with EDS: What's been the toughest thing?
  1593. How do your symptoms present themselves?
  1594. Eating with Zoloft: Is it Just Me?
  1595. Feedback on Wellbutrin for Depression?
  1596. Dealing with Vertigo and High Blood Pressure
  1597. Anxiety and Travel: How to Cope?
  1598. Feeling Unliked: Dealing with Social Anxiety
  1599. Dealing with Anxiety due to Subclinical Thyroiditis
  1600. Cataplexy and Insomnia: Can They Coexist?
  1601. Can Balancing Root Causes Help with Mood and Anxiety?
  1602. Living with Eczema: My Experience and Tips
  1603. Coping with Chronic Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1604. Anxiety and Sleep: Is There a Connection?
  1605. Misdiagnosed with BPD instead of Autism
  1606. Tips for sustainable weight loss with PCOS
  1607. Constant Fatigue: What Could Be Causing It?
  1608. Overwhelmed with Medications
  1609. Just found out I'm bipolar, anyone else relate?
  1610. How were you diagnosed with a hemangioma?
  1611. Help! Doctors Can't Figure Out What's Wrong With Me
  1612. Random Twitching and Jerking - Is it Related to ADHD or Autism?
  1613. Struggling with Fatigue and Weight Gain
  1614. Struggling with Weight Gain on Lithium for BPD
  1615. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Negative Thoughts
  1616. Difficulty distinguishing between mania and hyperactivity
  1617. Recognizing Manic and Depressed Episodes
  1618. Struggling with Self-Expression and Identity with Mental Health Conditions
  1619. Healing from IBS and Past Trauma: Seeking Advice
  1620. Managing CRPS: Tips and Tricks
  1621. How to Manage Pain During a Flare Up
  1622. Episodes of Panic Attacks from High Blood Pressure and Tachycardia
  1623. Relearning How to Socialize with High Functioning Autism
  1624. Struggling with Weight Issues and Will Power
  1625. Dealing with Muscle Weakness and Fatigue
  1626. Negative Musk Antibody Test and MG Treatments
  1627. Tips for Organizing with ADD
  1628. Looking for Herbal Supplements to Combat Thyroid Fatigue
  1629. Dealing with Respiratory Illnesses - Any Advice?
  1630. Victoza stopped working for weight loss, what now?
  1631. Looking for MS support in Jacksonville, NC
  1632. Looking for Support with Chronic Illness
  1633. Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Depression
  1634. Dealing with EDS in College: Advice Needed
  1635. Dealing with Medication Fears
  1636. Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks While Driving
  1637. What Medication Are You Taking?
  1638. Struggling with Chronic Pain and Diabetes
  1639. Looking for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Advice
  1640. Accommodations for a Retail Worker with Spina Bifida and Scoliosis
  1641. Do I Need to Change My Medication?
  1642. Struggling to Get a CPAP: Any Suggestions?
  1643. Tingling sensation in foot while rubbing lotion on leg
  1644. Has anyone successfully conceived without trying?
  1645. Coping with Panic Attacks: Seeking Advice
  1646. Sudden Decrease in Grip Strength in Both Hands
  1647. Struggling to Take My Psych Meds
  1648. Looking for Better Ways to Manage Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos
  1649. Can People with Autism be as Smart as Neurotypical Kids?
  1650. Sudden Fall and Overthinking
  1651. Wellbutrin XR and Insane Appetite: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  1652. Need Help with Possible Autism Diagnosis
  1653. How long does it take for anxiety meds to work?
  1654. Struggling to Get Out of My Head After Using Medical Marijuana
  1655. What's in your Fibro 'to go' bag?
  1656. Looking for Advice on Migraine Prevention Medication
  1657. Struggling with Sleep and Fibromyalgia
  1658. Random Mood Swings - Need Advice
  1659. Looking for Low Impact Exercise Ideas
  1660. Fighting Cancer: Tips for Staying Positive
  1661. Struggling with Hair Care due to Autism
  1662. New to PD and looking for support
  1663. Seeking Advice for Fatigue During Breast Cancer Treatment
  1664. Managing Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  1665. Dealing with Teeth Grinding Due to Anxiety and Depression
  1666. Managing Type 2 Diabetes: Seeking Advice
  1667. Living with Multiple Health Conditions: My Story
  1668. Temporary Hearing Issues - Need Help!
  1669. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Misdiagnosis
  1670. Debilitating Fatigue and Muscle Weakness Despite Controlled Depression
  1671. Undiagnosed Mental Health Issues
  1672. Introduction and Question about Zephyr Valves
  1673. Struggling with Ambien Addiction: Need Advice
  1674. Dealing with Mania: Tips and Tricks
  1675. Managing Chronic Pain and Anxiety
  1676. Struggling with Saying No and Hearing No
  1677. Need advice on osteoporosis treatment options
  1678. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1679. Recurring Hives in the Same Spot - Any Insight?
  1680. Fainting During Blood Draws: Anyone Else?
  1681. New to the Group, Seeking Arthritis Support
  1682. Starting Zoloft: Need Advice
  1683. Dealing with Hormonal Aura Migraines
  1684. Nervous About Autism Testing
  1685. Looking for Advice on Pain Specialist
  1686. Retesting for Sleep Apnea: At-Home Tests vs. In-Lab Tests
  1687. Struggling with PCOS and Fertility Medication
  1688. Looking for support from others with inoperable NSCLC stage 4
  1689. Struggling with Yo-Yo Dieting and Weight Loss
  1690. Dealing with Prolonged Bleeding: Tips and Tricks
  1691. Taking Modafinil for Chronic Fatigue: Side Effects and Effectiveness
  1692. Experiencing Leg Cramps and Fatigue with Graves Disease
  1693. Struggling with Insulin Resistance in PCOS
  1694. Dealing with Anxiety Before TMJ Surgery
  1695. Looking for people with similar diagnoses
  1696. Dealing with Sexual Dysfunction due to Hypothyroidism
  1697. Dealing with GAD: Seeking Suggestions
  1698. Looking for Friends with Lupus
  1699. Dealing with Depression and Anxiety
  1700. Effexor Worsening Anxiety and Insomnia
  1701. Chronic Joint Pain: Seeking Advice
  1702. Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder: Anyone Else?
  1703. Another Day, Another Migraine
  1704. Severe Driving Phobia - Any Suggestions?
  1705. Does a gluten-free diet help with symptoms?
  1706. Considering Disability Process for Fibromyalgia
  1707. Feeling Alone and Desperate for Friendship
  1708. Seeing blue/white spots since getting Covid?
  1709. Fear of Blood Test and Cancer Diagnosis
  1710. Looking for ways to cope with depression and anxiety
  1711. Looking for Fibromyalgia Treatment Options
  1712. Introduction to Our Bunny System and Mental Health Struggles
  1713. Struggling with BPD and Medication
  1714. Full body shivering without feeling cold
  1715. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue
  1716. Looking for Alternative Treatments for Depression and OCD
  1717. Embarrassing Joint Popping
  1718. Reducing Hypertension Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1719. Kratom for Fibromyalgia: Does it Help or Hurt?
  1720. How to Track Your Health Improvement Progress?
  1721. Distended Abdomen for a Month - Seeking Advice
  1722. Cromolyn Burnout: How to Keep Up with Medication?
  1723. Why Am I Making Random Noises?
  1724. Dealing with Relationship OCD: How to Cope
  1725. Natural remedies for high blood pressure and anxiety?
  1726. Connecting with Others Who Have Anxiety
  1727. Struggling with Depression and Motivation
  1728. Natural remedies for pain caused by Hypermobility Syndrome
  1729. Need Help Soothing My Anxious Body
  1730. Dealing with Hypothyroidism Symptoms: Gut Issues, Fatigue, and Headaches
  1731. Quitting Cannabis: Effects on Mood and Pain
  1732. Physical Symptoms on Lamotrigine
  1733. Does Fibromyalgia Get Worse With Age?
  1734. Dealing with Brain Fog: Any Tips?
  1735. Coping with Pain and Isolation
  1736. Topamax: Good or Bad?
  1737. Trying to conceive with an older husband
  1738. What Diet Helps with Fibromyalgia Pain and Exhaustion?
  1739. Finding Support for Mental Health Conditions
  1740. Managing Rejection Sensitivity: Tips and Tricks
  1741. Managing IC: Tips and Tricks
  1742. Struggling with Weight Loss and Crohn's
  1743. Anxiety and Numbness: Am I Having a Stroke?
  1744. Do I Have an Eating Disorder?
  1745. Struggling with Accepting Medication
  1746. Looking for Friends in the ADHD/Neurodivergent Community
  1747. Explaining Borderline Struggles
  1748. Managing Attention Needs When Disabled and Lonely
  1749. Managing Migraines: Balancing Work and Life
  1750. Coping with ADHD: Tips and Tools
  1751. Coping with ADHD at School: Tips and Tricks
  1752. Coping with Food Restrictions for IBS and SIBO
  1753. Seeking Support for Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis
  1754. Using a Cane for Support
  1755. Has anyone tried CBD for anxiety?
  1756. Increased Anxiety After Restarting Medication
  1757. Unraveling Health: Vision Issues
  1758. Crying Easily with Depression: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  1759. Long-term stress led to my medical diagnosis
  1760. New to the group, struggling with PCOS
  1761. Buspar side effects - bowel movements, heart palpitations and no libido
  1762. First Ketamine Session: Nervous and Anxious
  1763. Dealing with Chronic Migraines and Vertigo with EDS
  1764. Connecting with Others with MCAS, EDS, and POTS
  1765. Pulsating or Jolt Sensations After Med Changes or Panic Attacks?
  1766. Symptoms of BPD: What Made You Realize You Had It?
  1767. Struggling with Low Energy Levels Despite Healthy Lifestyle
  1768. Struggling with Depression and Anger as a New Parent
  1769. Physical Symptoms of Mental Illness
  1770. Identifying the Cause of Chronic Tachycardia
  1771. Dealing with Anxiety and Paranoia During Autoimmune Flares
  1772. Late ADHD Diagnosis: Anyone Else?
  1773. Difficulty expressing myself
  1774. Dealing with Pain When You Have Things to Do
  1775. Looking for Support on My Mental Health Journey
  1776. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Emotional Support
  1777. Shaking after speaking in class
  1778. Looking for experiences with weightloss surgery
  1779. ADHD Medication and Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  1780. Remission and Flares: How Are You Doing?
  1781. Is it really fibro?
  1782. Applying for SSDI: Tips and Advice
  1783. Chronic Dizziness and Migraines: Seeking Advice
  1784. Itchy Legs After Wearing Compression Socks
  1785. Can I Lose Weight Without Walking or Standing?
  1786. Best Mental Health Medications for Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD
  1787. Coping with Depression and Anxiety on Tough Days
  1788. Dealing with UC Flares: Seeking Advice
  1789. Alternative Depression Treatment: Folic Acid Metabolizers
  1790. Hacks for Activating Your Parasympathetic Nervous System
  1791. Weight gain on venlafaxine/Effexor
  1792. Dealing with Chronic Pain: My Experience with Cervical Ridiculopathy
  1793. Managing Bipolar Disorder Without Medication: Tips and Tricks
  1794. Struggling with Low Mental State
  1795. Dealing with Kidney Stones: Seeking Advice
  1796. Feeling Insecure About Sharing My Fibromyalgia Diagnosis
  1797. Experiences with Atenolol for POTS Treatment?
  1798. Struggling with Mood Swings on Medication
  1799. Managing Endometriosis Pain: Seeking Treatment Options
  1800. Struggling with Depression and Socializing
  1801. Dealing with POTS and Frequent Infections
  1802. Chronic pain in pelvic/groin area
  1803. Constant Shaking: Is it Anxiety or Medication?
  1804. How to Talk to Your Partner About Possible Bipolar Disorder
  1805. Difficulty in Picking Up Objects
  1806. Dealing with Infertility as a Single Person
  1807. Deciding Who to Tell About My MS Diagnosis
  1808. Taking ADHD medication with anxiety medication - anyone else?
  1809. Need advice on weening off Prednisone
  1810. Possible Tardive Dyskinesia from Geodon
  1811. Living with Chronic Migraines: My Story
  1812. Struggling with My Autism Diagnosis
  1813. Tips for Lowering Cholesterol Levels
  1814. Constant Digestive Issues Despite Clean Eating
  1815. Dealing with Peptic Ulcers for 5 Years: Worried About Throwing Up Blood
  1816. Dealing with Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks
  1817. Mirtazapine: Side Effects and Benefits
  1818. Feeling Dizzy: Any Advice?
  1819. Nausea on Antidepressants: How to Combat It?
  1820. Dealing with Calcium Elevation and Hyperthyroidism
  1821. Alternative Treatments for Depression and Anxiety?
  1822. Feeling Dizzy and Out of Breath
  1823. Tramadol and Effexor: Anyone have experience?
  1824. Best Pain Treatments: Share Your Experience
  1825. Struggling with POTS and Work: Should I Focus on My Health or Keep Working?
  1826. Heavy Periods on Orilissa: Is it Normal?
  1827. Seeking Advice on Medication Options
  1828. Dealing with Chronic Back Pain: Seeking Advice
  1829. Realizing I'm Autistic: My Journey
  1830. Is it Normal to Have a Body Panic Attack?
  1831. Debating Whether to Go to the ER for Sinus Inflammation
  1832. Severe Joint Pain and Hashimotos
  1833. My ACE Score is 82 - What Does This Mean?
  1834. Struggling to Control My Blood Pressure
  1835. Feeling Guilty for Missing School Due to TBI/PCS Symptoms
  1836. Need advice on ADHD questionnaire
  1837. Need advice for acne treatment without medication
  1838. Struggling with Fatigue and Lack of Motivation
  1839. Unrecognized Autism Symptoms: Sorting, Humming, and More
  1840. Managing PsA with natural remedies
  1841. Getting a Diagnosis: Tips for Being Believed by Your Doctor
  1842. Dry Needling: Any Success Stories?
  1843. Tips for Beating Chronic Health Anxiety?
  1844. Giving Up Major Things Due to Illness
  1845. Faint Breast Pain: What Could It Mean?
  1846. Considering Fecal Transplant for IBS, Need Advice
  1847. Dealing with Long-Term Depressive Episodes
  1848. Seeking Medical Advice in the Metairie/New Orleans Area
  1849. Sharing Health Humor Stories
  1850. Considering POTS Evaluation: Abnormal Heart Rhythm and Tightness in Chest
  1851. Looking for natural remedies for panic
  1852. Chronic Migraines: Seeking Advice
  1853. Struggling to Gain Weight with Hypothyroidism
  1854. Dealing with Nausea: Tips and Tricks
  1855. Starting Gabapentin for Pain Relief
  1856. Struggling to Exercise with Depression
  1857. Best Non-Prescription Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia?
  1858. Experiencing Vertigo with POTS
  1859. My Experience with Lupus Treatment
  1860. Excruciating Lower Back Pain with Radiating Pain Down Thighs
  1861. Looking for Anxiety Relief Suggestions
  1862. Struggling with Career Change Due to Health Condition
  1863. Irritated Stomach from Medication?
  1864. Auras before seizures: What are they like?
  1865. Buspar making me feel spacey
  1866. Feeling Nervous and Restless - Need Advice
  1867. Dealing with Joint Pain and Instability Issues
  1868. When did you get diagnosed with Lupus?
  1869. How to Stop Migraines: Tips and Tricks
  1870. Need help cutting sugar out of my diet!
  1871. No Menstruation for Over a Year: Seeking Advice
  1872. Managing ADHD as a Parent: Seeking Advice
  1873. Dealing with SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction
  1874. Alternative Treatments for Medical Conditions
  1875. Living with a Rare Bone Disease: Seeking Advice
  1876. New to Inhalers and Looking for Support
  1877. Dealing with Sensory Overload in Public
  1878. Week Three on Anxiety Meds: How Are You Feeling?
  1879. COPD and Oxygen: Seeking Advice
  1880. New to the Community: Living with Fibromyalgia and Other Medical Conditions
  1881. How do I talk to my family about my scary thoughts?
  1882. Looking for insight on Lupus evaluation
  1883. Looking for ADHD resources for inattentive type
  1884. Need advice for managing Fibromyalgia at bedtime
  1885. Struggling with BPD: Seeking Advice
  1886. Looking for a Safe Space to Talk About Mental Health
  1887. How to Find a New Therapist When You Graduate College?
  1888. Alternatives to Medication for Mental Health Treatment
  1889. Need help with breathing techniques
  1890. Food options for a sensitive stomach
  1891. Experiencing Migraine Symptoms for the First Time
  1892. Dealing with Leg Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1893. Constant Tiredness on Sertraline: Anyone Else?
  1894. Realizing I'm Not Normal: A Journey to Self-Acceptance
  1895. Which Doctor Should I Visit for Pelvis Pain?
  1896. Dealing with TMJD and Ear Congestion
  1897. Factor 5 Leiden and Other Disorders: Seeking Advice
  1898. Natural Supplements for CPTSD and Fibromyalgia
  1899. Managing Chronic Pain and Mobility Issues with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  1900. Heart Palpitations: Normal Heart Rate but Breathless?
  1901. Looking for Relief from Chronic Low Back Pain
  1902. Feeling Burnt Out and Drained: Need Advice
  1903. Changes in Mood and Behavior on Quetiapine
  1904. Can't Take a Full Breath - Anyone Else?
  1905. Struggling with Personal Hygiene
  1906. Shortness of Breath with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  1907. Struggling with Insomnia: Any Tips?
  1908. Coping with the Mess in My Head
  1909. Dealing with Mold Exposure and Toxicity: Finding Strength in Faith
  1910. Gluten-Free Dining: Where to Eat Out?
  1911. Share Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Experience
  1912. Shaky Legs in the Shower: Anxiety or Something More?
  1913. Lyme Disease and Vaccination: Any Negative Effects?
  1914. Need advice on changing antidepressants
  1915. Drs Refusing to Treat EDS Patients
  1916. Pros and Cons of MAT for Substance Abuse
  1917. Sudden Hyperthyroidism After Being Hypothyroid for Years
  1918. Dealing with Bipolar Symptoms
  1919. When is Oxygen Therapy Needed for COPD?
  1920. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  1921. Living with Chronic Pain: Feeling Misunderstood
  1922. Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia and Trans Mandibular Joint Disfunction
  1923. Need Help Sleeping: Any Tips?
  1924. Looking for advice on my boyfriend's hip pain
  1925. Need advice on gastritis-friendly foods
  1926. LDN Trial: Increased Pain and No Relief
  1927. Dealing with PMDD as a Trans Man
  1928. Need advice on knee surgery with EDS
  1929. Struggling with Depression and Cleaning - Need Tips!
  1930. Managing Major Anxiety Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1931. Dealing with Schizoaffective Disorder Unmedicated
  1932. Affording Psychosis Medication: How Do You Do It?
  1933. Feeling like I have autism but only diagnosed with ADHD
  1934. Struggling with Nighttime Overeating
  1935. Suspecting ADHD/ADD and Autism
  1936. Has Anyone Had Radioactive Iodine and Gotten Pregnant Afterwards?
  1937. Can Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Cause Low Back Pain and Bladder Cramping?
  1938. My Chiari Diagnosis: What It Felt Like
  1939. What Are the Current Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
  1940. Dealing with Panic Attacks While Driving
  1941. Looking for Treatment Advice
  1942. Looking for Tips on Fighting BV, Yeast and UTI
  1943. Seeking Advice for Knee Replacement Surgery
  1944. Unexplained Weight Loss and Nausea After Stomach Issue
  1945. How Do I Know If I Really Love Someone?
  1946. Dietary Considerations for Hashimotos
  1947. Maintaining Steady Blood INR Levels After Ankle Sprain
  1948. What is it Like Taking Medication for Depression and Anxiety?
  1949. Relocating for Seasonal Depression Treatment
  1950. Tested Positive for COVID-19 Despite Being Fully Vaccinated
  1951. Weight Loss and Seizures: Is it Common?
  1952. What are the Best Foods for Diabetics?
  1953. Struggling with Anxiety: Need Help Socializing
  1954. Dealing with Neuropathy Pain: Any Tips?
  1955. How to Get Motivated for Weight Loss
  1956. How to Identify Insulin Resistance?
  1957. Severe Morning Sickness: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  1958. Discomfort on my left side before period
  1959. Need advice for chronic fatigue and brain fog
  1960. Supporting a Partner with Depression: How to Cope?
  1961. Feeling Dizzy and Nauseous, Need Advice
  1962. Effective Ways to Calm Down During an Anxiety Attack
  1963. Bulging Disc in C5-6 T1 T2: Seeking Advice
  1964. Struggling with Skin Picking
  1965. Difficulty Breathing Since 2019: Need Speech Therapy?
  1966. Support for Husband with CLL/SLL - Dealing with Remission
  1967. My Journey with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: Diagnosis, Surgery, and Radiation T…
  1968. Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
  1969. Medications vs. Activities: What Works for Mental Health?
  1970. Improving Communication Between Alters
  1971. High Uric Acid and Parathormone Levels: What to Expect?
  1972. Struggling with Coping and Managing Big Emotions
  1973. Nausea after eating normal foods
  1974. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1975. Trouble Breathing: What Could Be the Cause?
  1976. Autism and Tic Disorders: What You Need to Know
  1977. Managing Chronic Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1978. When did your anxiety start?
  1979. Dealing with Anxiety and Physical Pain
  1980. Looking for Relief: Has Anyone Tried Cannabis for Crohn's?
  1981. Feeling Weak and Exhausted: Anyone Else?
  1982. Question about my medication dosage
  1983. Dealing with Neck Spasms and Shoulder Pain
  1984. Random heart flutters and palpitations after COVID
  1985. Morning Sickness but Not Pregnant: What Could It Be?
  1986. Coping with Epilepsy Diagnosis: Need Advice
  1987. Struggling with Heat Tolerance in the South
  1988. Introducing myself and seeking support for CRPS
  1989. Dealing with Chronic Low Back Pain
  1990. Gabapentin and Mood Changes: Anyone Else?
  1991. Struggling with Anxiety-Induced Weight Loss
  1992. Has anyone tried Zoloft for anxiety?
  1993. Questions about Citalopram and side effects
  1994. Possible Gastroparesis Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  1995. Is Mirtazapine Effective for Depression?
  1996. Advice for Finding Work with Chronic Illness
  1997. Dealing with Extreme Fatigue and Nausea
  1998. Feeling Guilty About Passing on My Condition to My Kids
  1999. Dealing with Paranoia in Close Relationships
  2000. Looking for Pain Management Tips
  2001. Dealing with Fibromyalgia: Any Advice?
  2002. Struggling with Agoraphobia as a Mom
  2003. Struggling with Blood Sugar While Dieting for Diabetes
  2004. New to the Community: Living with Multiple Chronic Illnesses
  2005. Looking for advice on taking Abilify for bipolar disorder
  2006. Concerns about Hypothyroidism Medication
  2007. Looking for a Pain Specialist
  2008. Zofran and slow heart rate
  2009. Managing Pain with Patella Femoral Syndrome
  2010. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Depression
  2011. Need Help with Celiac Disease Recipes and Brands
  2012. Heart Failure and Passing Out - Need Advice
  2013. Struggling with Hyper and Hypothyroidism: Need Advice
  2014. Constant Bad Breath and Drainage After Hysterectomy
  2015. Explaining Depression to Someone Who Doesn't Get It
  2016. Do you ever not realize you're binging until it's over?
  2017. Struggling to Sleep? Here are Some Tips!
  2018. Antidepressants stopped working after 25 years, ECT treatments not successful
  2019. How to Handle Mental Health Affecting Relationships?
  2020. Looking for Others Who Can Relate to My Misdiagnosis and Transgender Identity
  2021. Terrified of Lumbar Disectomy Surgery
  2022. Earbuds and Auditory Hallucinations
  2023. Trying to Figure Out the Cause of My Physical Tics
  2024. Struggling to Eat with IBS-C
  2025. Dealing with Constipation on Venlafaxine: Any Tips?
  2026. Decompression Surgery - What to Expect?
  2027. How to Stop Rapid Switching?
  2028. Constantly Numb Fingers, Need Help!
  2029. Endo Flare Ups After Exercise: Need Advice
  2030. Hearing Voices in Sounds
  2031. Coping with Mental Health Conditions: Tips and Tricks
  2032. Dealing with IBS and Diverticulosis Pain
  2033. Has Clonidine Helped You?
  2034. Managing Blood Sugar Levels: Tips and Tricks
  2035. Extreme Back Pain - Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  2036. Seeking Advice on Gynecological Oncologists and Condition Progression
  2037. Coping with Chronic Illness: How to Help Your Loved Ones Understand
  2038. Salt Pills: How Effective Are They?
  2039. Constant Sickness: Is It Just Me?
  2040. Tips for Losing Weight: Share Your Experience
  2041. Effective treatments for depression after TBI?
  2042. Dealing with Pure O OCD: Seeking Advice
  2043. Dealing with Fibro pain and medication changes
  2044. Managing a Household with a Disability: Tips and Advice Needed
  2045. Anxiety and Panic: Even After Fixing the Problem?
  2046. Worried about Epilepsy's Impact on My Growth as an Adult
  2047. Taking Bipolar Medication Without Being Bipolar?
  2048. Looking for Lip Products to Help with Eczema
  2049. Coping with Depression: Seeking Advice
  2050. How to Calm Down Anxiety Attacks?
  2051. IBS and Testicular Pain: Seeking Information
  2052. Tips for Eating When Sick?
  2053. Did My Personality Change After My Concussion?
  2054. Vagus Nerve Dysfunction and Panic Attacks: Natural Remedies?
  2055. Struggling with Depression and Excelling at Work
  2056. Is Age Regression a Safe Coping Mechanism?
  2057. Dealing with Chronic Headaches: Any Advice?
  2058. Struggling with Grief and Illness
  2059. New to the App, Looking for Support with Chronic Issues
  2060. Struggling to Explain My Anxiety Symptoms
  2061. New on Abilify, looking for positive experiences
  2062. Clear Ultrasound but Suspected Endometriosis: Laparoscopy Experience?
  2063. Severe Stomach Pain and Other Symptoms
  2064. Dealing with Dry Eyes: Seeking Solutions and Advice
  2065. Living with Sjogren's: Share Your Experience
  2066. Swollen feet after work, is it normal?
  2067. Covid Triggered My Asthma: Need Advice on Vaping
  2068. Struggling with Panic Attacks and Shortness of Breath
  2069. Do medications actually work?
  2070. New Symptoms: Heightened Smell and Trances
  2071. Long-lasting Herpes Outbreak: Is it Normal?
  2072. Coping with Fatigue due to Anemia while Working Full-time
  2073. Constant Dizziness and Lightheadedness - Seeking Advice
  2074. Possible EDS Diagnosis: Seeking Advice
  2075. Looking for remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3
  2076. How BCQ supplement helped me manage endo pain
  2077. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  2078. Dealing with Sleep Apnea and Anxiety
  2079. My Journey with Grave Disease: Healing Naturally
  2080. Help! My legs hurt when I stand or walk
  2081. Complications after COVID: Anyone else experiencing this?
  2082. Looking for Diagnosis and Treatment for Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  2083. Living with an Autoimmune Disorder: Struggling to Get a Diagnosis
  2084. Possible ADHD Symptom?
  2085. Update on my Neck Situation: Ouch!
  2086. Help! My Hair is Thinning!
  2087. Should I Talk to My Psychiatrist About BPD?
  2088. Always Sore After Exercise: Normal or Not?
  2089. Looking for Natural Arthritis Treatments
  2090. Managing Mental Health Without Medication
  2091. Struggling to Get Diagnosed with Autoimmune Disorder
  2092. Coping with Complex PTSD Triggers
  2093. Struggling with Binge Eating and Health Issues
  2094. Feeling Like I'm Losing My Mind
  2095. Midodrine not working like it used to?
  2096. Dealing with Weight Gain and Hair Loss with Fibromyalgia
  2097. Concerns about Nexplanon and PMDD
  2098. Struggling with Chronic Illness and Starting Over
  2099. Can My Cat Sense My Blood Pressure?
  2100. Struggling with Clutter and Organization as Someone with ASD
  2101. Microdosing Shrooms for Depression and Anxiety
  2102. How to calm an anxious mind?
  2103. Dealing with Migraines: What's Your Self Care Routine?
  2104. Worried About Taking Dupixent: Cold Sores vs. Itching and Rash
  2105. Dealing with Anxiety During Final Exams
  2106. USMC Veteran with TBI and Chemical Exposure Seeking Support
  2107. Healthy Weight Loss After Eating Disorder Recovery
  2108. Tips for Managing Anxiety Attacks
  2109. Stage 4 COPD - Seeking Support and Advice
  2110. Gabapentin Dosage for Spinal Stenosis and Pain
  2111. Struggling with Social Anxiety
  2112. Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts: Seeking Advice
  2113. Dealing with Hashimoto Disease at 71
  2114. What to Expect with Neurosarcoidosis Diagnosis
  2115. ADHD and Social Anxiety: Does Anyone Else Experience Self-Consciousness?
  2116. Anyone else experience a manic and psychotic episode?
  2117. Struggling with Zoloft and Mood Stabilizers
  2118. Finding Diabetic-Friendly Foods: Need Suggestions
  2119. How did you know that you had PNES?
  2120. How Chronic Illness Affects Family Planning
  2121. Newly Diagnosed with ADD: Struggling with Medication
  2122. Exploring Different Treatments for Migraines
  2123. Dealing with Sciatic Nerve Pain: Any Advice?
  2124. Struggling with Body Image and Weight Loss
  2125. Struggling to Stay Motivated with Healthy Eating
  2126. Trouble getting prescribed pain medication
  2127. Dealing with PTSD Triggers: Tips and Strategies
  2128. Severe blood pooling in legs with POTS
  2129. Has anyone had success with Plaquenil for connective tissues disease symptoms?
  2130. Struggling to Find Psychiatric Help for My Anxiety
  2131. Constant Fatigue: What's Wrong with Me?
  2132. Struggling with HIV in Serious Relationships
  2133. Gabapentin for Pain: Headaches Persisting
  2134. Signs of an Anxiety or Panic Attack
  2135. Muscle Spasms from Wellbutrin?
  2136. Looking for a Vitamin D Rich Snack on the Go
  2137. Looking for Sneakers with Arch and Ankle Support
  2138. Concerned about a mole on my scalp
  2139. Tips for Dealing with Facial Swelling in the Summer
  2140. Coping with a New HIV Diagnosis
  2141. Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Depression
  2142. Dealing with Chronic Dizziness: My Struggle for Answers
  2143. Introduction to Schizoaffective Disorder
  2144. Looking for others with bowel motility disorder diagnosis
  2145. Blackout Seizure: Has Anyone Experienced This?
  2146. Balancing My Emotions: Tips and Tricks
  2147. Picky Eating with Autism and OCD
  2148. Loose Eyes with Dysautonomia: Anyone Else?
  2149. Tips for Not Losing Hope with Finding Medical Help
  2150. Dietary Restrictions with Lupus: What You Need to Know
  2151. Looking for Migraine Treatment Advice
  2152. Debilitating Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Seeking Advice on Medication
  2153. Coping with BPD, depression, and anxiety
  2154. Dealing with Migraines in Crazy Weather
  2155. Dealing with Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Seeking Tips and Advice
  2156. Random fevers with epilepsy
  2157. How Can I Overcome My Social Anxiety?
  2158. Debilitating Stomach Pains
  2159. Remission from Gastroparesis: Possible or Not?
  2160. Looking for advice on depersonalization treatment
  2161. Looking for advice on PCOS and Depo Shot
  2162. Tips for Navigating Asperger's Syndrome as an Adult
  2163. How do you get out of your own head?
  2164. Looking for ADHD coping tips without medication
  2165. Looking for answers on my POTS-like symptoms
  2166. Positive Effects of Cannabis on ADHD Symptoms
  2167. Spinal Cord Stimulator for Severe RLS?
  2168. Struggling to Motivate Myself to Work
  2169. Introducing Myself: Struggling with Chronic Depression as a Trans Person
  2170. Recovering Hand and Foot Motor Function After Stroke
  2171. Managing Bipolar Type 2 Disorder with Aromatherapy and Meditation
  2172. Calling all Service Dog Handlers!
  2173. Struggling with Motivation: Need Advice
  2174. Legs Going Numb and Tingling - Need Advice
  2175. Dealing with MS diagnosis and treatment
  2176. Women with Breast Cancer: When Were You Diagnosed?
  2177. Tips for Exercising Without Feeling Nauseous
  2178. Struggling with Weight Loss After Diagnosis
  2179. Looking for alternative treatments for coronary artery blockage
  2180. Understanding How to Get Out of Your Head