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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Chronic Fatigue and Pain

For years now I have been getting progressively more tired during the day. I sleep over 10 hours a night and take naps daily but I never feel rested. I am always struggling to get up and get going. I get physically exhausted by basic tasks and my muscle relaxer does not ease my pain. I feel like such a disappointment. I want to be able to do everything other people my age can. I want to be able to do basic chores, study for my class, engage in my hobbies, etc. My mental health is good it’s just physically I’m drained. Coffee doesn’t help at all. Caffeine pills make me physically ill. Energy drinks do nothing. I just want to have a normal level of energy and not be in constant pain. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I don't have any helpful suggestions perse- but have you seen a sleep specialist? There are medications that can help with this. I am also chronically tired- I can never get enough sleep. I often get these "attacks" where it feels like I HAVE to sleep during the day. But I have POTS and take a medication (midodrine) that helps me quite a bit. I really really hope you find relief ❤️



I have not seen a sleep specialist. I am gonna call my doctor tomorrow and set up an appointment to talk to him about all of this. Does the midodrine help a lot? Maybe I could bring that up with my doc.



Change your naps to 10-15 min naps if you can. Try not to sleep 10 hours a day google how long you should for your age add an 1-2hrs. Remember your body’s working overtime that’s why you’re so tired. Try some orange juice in the morning and try to keep heavier meals/carbs later in the evening, another thing is find 1-2 days where you can just rest still shower and eat well but rest your body and mind. I still feel exhausted most days but someday it’ll get easier



I was told by several doctors that muscle relaxers work more as a sedative then actually helping with muscle spasms. For me personally they make me extremely tired and unable to function normally I would sleep 12-14 hours a day. I had to stop taking them and deal with the pain in order to be able to do the things that I loved doing. Many prayers and wishing you the best.



One thing that'll give you some energy as if you take ginseng tablets next song with vitamin B12 iron and by vitamin C take those All 4 and you'll be you'll be good for after we could take a nap what happens is your body doesn't dissolving take on the vitamins and minerals like other people do some are bones and arm muscles can't dissolve that and I've been struggling 40 years with five different kinds of arthritis I've raised 11 kids and I was only started being medicated recently if I can help please let me know



I totally get it. I've had fibromyalgia for 10+years. It sounds like you have the same symptoms I do. And if you hurt I would definitely recommend seeing a rheumatologist. You could have fibro, or lupus, or RA so I would really check that out.



thanks I will



I'm going to a sleep clinic later this month for the same reason. I expect to be diagnosed with CFS. I will try to update you on what they say if they give any tips



What is CFS if u don't mind me asking

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