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Updated 10mo ago

Going off Birth Control with Endometriosis: Experiences?

Is anyone willing to share their experience of going off birth control with endometriosis? I’m hoping to conceive in the next 3-6 months and I’ve been off the pill for about 6 weeks now. I did get my period and the pain was quite intense. I’m working with a naturopath to try to manage symptoms. I think I’m also experiencing heightened anxiety and a little depression/mood swings but I’m not sure if this is a coincidence or if it has to do with my body recalibrating after coming off the pill. I’d love to hear others’ experiences! Thank you! 🙏🏻

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I went on an alkaline diet when I first went off BC💊 (10yrs ago) and it really helped me recalibrate.



I was on different types of birth control for my endo for years and then my period just stopped about 10 years ago! I have not taken anything since and have experienced menopause now! I took a test from a functional medicine doctor last year and I am completely post menopausal! I do wondering if anything I am experiencing now is do to my endo! I has an endometrial cysts about 4 years ago and was cleaned out but nothing since!

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