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Updated 10mo ago

Tips for Managing a Bad POTS Flare

What helps with a bad POTS flare?

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I generally start to drink lots of electrolytes like liquid IV and also tons of salt. I wish I knew ways that were more effective but I'm still trying to discover them. POTS has been pretty bad as of late, so I don't have tons of advice but am interested to learn from others!



yes!! Drinking electrolytes or ingesting high sodium within your intake of food is what personally helps me! If your POTS flare gets extremely bad and you have somewhere to lay down near a public setting (such as a car)- it has helped me to take a minute and totally recline within the seat, putting it all the way back. If you get light-headed after a long walk, or if you are coming from an outing with extraneous physical activity, this is a tip that has extremely increased my quality of life!! It eases light headness and blood pooling as well!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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