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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for ways to alleviate low energy/mood with hypothyroidism treatment

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after 2 years of depressive episodes; when I went on synthroid and my thyroid levels returned to normal, I felt better, but still not as energetic or happy as I was before I started experiencing symptoms. Does anyone know anything else I can try to alleviate low energy/mood alongside synthroid?

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I agree with dowagiac! it took a long time to get back onto my feet. even when my thyroid levels were normalized / balanced, i still felt groggy, unenergetic, etc. i actually had a talk with my doctor about increasing the dosage of synthyroid, i was 17 at time i was diagnosed with hypo. she was on the same page as me and i increased from .50 to .75 in increments. i notice a big change in my energy! also, i think diet plays a big role too. i try to cut gluten to a minimum and cook at home. little bit of regular activity or exercise can help as well :3 just the basic essential stuff yk. i still feel tired here and there, but it does help out!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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