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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling Tired After Taking BP Medication

is it normal to feel tired and lazy after taking BP medication.. I just started taking lisinopril and I feel tired after taking it

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I tried Lisinopril once and it gave me a weird feeling in my upper chest. I switched to Losartan with minimal side effects.



I feel like it has done the same to me ...I just started taking lisinopril and I feel like my blood pressure is better but still feel like some air or something is in my chest they're sending me to the cardiologist soon



I was on lisinopril and my cardiologist put me on amolodipine because I coughed all the time. Also it made me extremely drowsy... amolodipine makes my legs swell but I combat the swelling by keeping on moving and exercising.



I'm just new to taking medication ...and I feel like I've been losing my appetite so I just eat to put something in my stomach but I'm never really hungry



I was on amlodipine and it made my legs swell. But now I’m on Losartan with no swelling. No feeling drowsy neither.



No u take that too it don't make me tired



It don't make me tired



Lisinopril gave me a weird cough. It’s one of the side effects. With Amlodipine I was retaining fluids which is one of the side effects. Finally doctor switched me to Losartan HCTZ 100/25. It worked for many years. Unfortunately doctors still don’t know what’s causing my hypertension. And now I am on Clonidine 0.01 tablets twice a day. Clonidine does the job but it’s rebound effect is brutal.



I've been taking Lisinopril for 2 years, and it makes me very tired. I started taking it a couple of hours before bedtime, and that's worked out for me.



Hi Silvio and Everyone ❤️🙏. Not a Doctor. But I am going through this same path at moment. I also got prescribed Lisinopril 20 mg, Carvedilol 12.5 mg and NIFEdipine 90 mg for my High Blood Pressure when I ended up in the Emergency Room on August 17th, 2022 with a blood pressure of 260/127, with a little bit of shortness of breath and a little bit of headache, no chest pain, I was able to feel my arms, fingers, I passed all those feelings test they do. The only thing that I was thinking about if I had the Covid-19 virus. In that day I carried with me a PH balance water called CoRe with a blue cap. During my five days hospitalization they did a lot of blood test, in my patient portal I checked my lab results and in the first day of hospitalization my Chloride or Potassium Chloride was high, and also including the four remaining hospitalization days. Usually what can cause High Blood Pressure physically is high Salt/Sodium, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar and mentally is Stress/Depression. My Blood Sugar was in the normal range, and my Salt/Sodium was in the normal range, just my Cholesterol was a little bit high, my Covid-19 test came back negative. So I said to myself what is happening with me: Sugar, Sodium is good, cholesterol is just a little high what else is causing my blood pressure to be high and then I said to myself is got to be this PH balance/alter water CoRe it had ingredients in the water such as: Chloride or Potassium Chloride and Calcium and more others. I just came to discover that any calcium supplement that is not natural will make the soft Organs hard, they found part of my heart wall to be thick and Chloride or Potassium Chloride to be high. I honestly can't put 100% of the blame to this PH Balance/alter waters until more people come across or they start to notice their sides effects from this alter waters. I have been trying this PH balance/alter waters for about nine months now. Drinking this PH balance/alter water are history now in my life, I will drink just plain water with no ingredients in it. Regarding my side effect with Lisinopril is that I get a sort of anxiety or minor panic attack with in the 1 hour and then after I feel on lazy mode like weak with a little dry mouth and lips. Directions of taking my medication for my High blood pressure: 9:00 Am time: one Aspirin 81 mg, one Carvedilol 12.5 mg, one NIFEdipine 90 mg. Then at 9:00 Pm time: one Carvedilol 12.5 mg, one Lisinopril 20 mg



A Latino Doctor name Frank Suarez has helped so many people sharing natural cures for our bodies issues to the point that he was murdered last year 2021 on February 25 thrown from his 9th story apartment in Puerto Rico. The content are in Spanish and English.



The natural cure for high blood pressure is the combination of Potassium and Magnesium when the Salt/Sodium, Cholesterol and blood sugar is high in our bodies. Usually what can cause High Blood Pressure physically is high Salt/Sodium, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar and mentally is Stress/Depression. We hear from doctors that our Potassium is high, well the potassium help lower the high blood pressure naturally also with the help of Magnesium. We just need to add the food that has them in it into our bodies example: natural coconut water, any green veggies Celery, Spinach, Kale, cucumber, lime or lemon, ginger, half of green apple make it into a powerful juice and drink it twice a day of a 250 ml cup. If you ate to much Salty food well now you need to balance it with potassium and magnesium so your blood pressure wouldn't get out of control.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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