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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for POTS management tips

Has anyone found a reliable method to deal with POTS??

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Medication and hydration have been key for me. I take fludrocortisone, atenolol, and pyridostigmine and have found them helpful. I try to drink as much water with electrolytes (I do Liquid IV) as I can, but I know that can be hard (especially if you have gastroparesis/stomach issues), so I’ve found IV fluids are great too. I did them for about eight months and might go back on them (insurance is sometimes an issue). Good luck!



See a Neurologist, a Neurologist specializing in Dysautonomia, a Cardiologist, and perhaps a GI D or other if you are really bothered by those generalized symptoms. Mobility aides have helped the most to regain some daily function. I haven't seen a specialist yet, so there are still things I haven't tried. To find a specialist, you can search on the Dysautonomia International website. Other than mobility aides, resting a ton is the only thing that helps me feel well enough to cope with it. However, I have other things going on my Drs are trying to Dx.



Overall, Dysautonomia International is a great resource. As well as the Facebook support groups. They're much more active than ppl on Alike



Starting a beta blocker was the key for me. Also drinking a ton more water, eating more salt, and compression socks

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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