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Updated 1y ago

How Can I Overcome My Social Anxiety?

Should I try to speak more, to come out as more friendly or talk less as to not embarrass myself?

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Start with small steps



Like Vixen said, start with small steps like asking someone “Hi! How was your day?” Or compliment someone saying “hey I like your shoes! Where did you get them?” Things like that



The embarrassment you are afraid of may not even be real to the other person. Often, we think we've embarrassed ourselves, while the other person didn't even notice, and if they did they won't remember it. There's a good chance you are the only one who remembers embarrassing things you've done in a conversation, or you are the only one that thinks what you did is embarrassing. Do you remember the last time someone embarrassed themselves when talking to you? I have a few speech impediments and they can make me stutter, not be able to pronounce words, and sentences come out jumbled. I've always seen that stuff as embarrassing. For the longest time, I would avoid anyone that the conversation "went wrong" with. In time I realized, I was the only one that seen it as embarrassing. I, also, am really bad with social cues. I can't count the amount of social blunders I've made. They used to haunt me at night, but no one else remembered them after 10 minutes. I promise, it's not as big a deal as you think it is! 💕

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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