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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling to Sleep Due to Hypersensitivity

Anyone hypersensitive? I am a light sleeper and noises, clothes, blankets, lights, etc… all drive me crazy and make it extremely hard to fall asleep… and the more tired I am the worse it is so it’s and awful cycle.. I sleep with ear plugs but still hear noises through them. Any tips on how to sleep better/ block out the things that annoy me?

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I have a set playlist of videos and songs that I'm comfortable with. I play the playlist every night while I sleep. It helps keep men from waking up so much. Otherwise I just have to be super specific with how I set things up. I reccomend just changing things up until you find something that works.



*Keep me



The only thing I have found is the little pink sinus and allergy medicine. I take one at night every night. I also take visteral which enhances the effect. I'm the same when it comes to hearing noises. I believe that the Lyme does this. Another thing about your earplugs. I found that I have to twist it to make kinda a point then pull the lower part of my ear to get them in all the way to block out noises. Good luck and hope you get some sleep soon❤️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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