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Updated 1y ago

Struggling with PTSD Nightmares and Sleeplessness

I’m unable to see a therapist right now due to being out of work but I’m really struggling with ptsd related nightmares and not being able to sleep. Does anyone have anything that worked for them?

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I wish I had some good advice - I struggle with this, too. Tbh the dreams are wide when im in therapy because it brings stuff back to the surface. My best advice is take care of yourself when they happen. Need mind to yourself. Breath, text a friend. Get some water. Remind yourself you're safe now



I’ve found success in isolated CBN tinctures - cannabinoid specific for sleep/muscle pain



any brand recommendations? I use medical marijuana already to help when I wake up acting them out or having a panic attack but a specific for sleep might work better



honestly, i really struggle with this. have for awhile. ive found when i fall asleep pumping my brain of good things (ex . funny shows, cute memories, etc) i have a better night ! however sometimes the nightmares can sneak in regardless. so its hard. maybe try vulgarian root ? or a sleep aid ? it could help, theyre all over the counter and safe too. best of luck



addiction runs heavy in my family so sleep aids make me nervous but I am definitely down to try holistic remedies! I also pump my brain with all good things - I made an Instagram account just for asmr and pleasant brain imagery but still I’m having these absolute wild, totally messed up, and extremely vivid nightmares. It definitely helps but it’s just not enough 😥



Thank you all for your suggestions they were all very helpful 💕



I don't have a ton of advice, but I also have PTSD nightmares and they can be awful, I'm so sorry you have to deal with them as well. One thing that I've found helps me to cope with them is getting up and moving around my house while doing my best to ground myself in the fact that I'm currently safe and in the present. I sometimes run into our pet rabbit and will sit and pet him to help with the anxiety. That all makes helps to make so i'm able to like have a bit of a reset and go back to bed to try and sleep once I feel safer again. It doesn't always help me to be able to fall back asleep, but it at least helps pull me out of the lingering nightmare icky feeling. I also use mmj before bed most nights and that helps me to fall asleep and also a bit with the frequency of the nightmares. I use a 10:1 CBD to THC tincture nightly mostly for my chronic pain, but I do think its been helping a bit with the nightmares as well. I hope you're able to find some relief soon



thanks for sharing - I will definitely try getting up and moving around more to see if that helps! My ESA always comes to me when I wake up so I usually just stay put. She’s a huge help 💕



I have started listening to biblical stories or movies when I have nightmares. It really seems to help once I get to sleep. The issues now is falling to sleep!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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