One way you can think of ADHD is like your brain needing a certain amount of stimulation to do a task. If you find yourself unable to focus on a task then one thing you can do is add stimulation, I think of the senses when I need to add more.
Hearing: I like to add music or podcasts depending on what I'm doing. Music without lyrics if it's something that involves words that I need to focus on, music with lyrics if there aren't words in my task or they aren't important, podcasts if a task is very very boring like dishes.
Tasting: If I have to read a textbook to take notes on I'll add a chocolate chip at the end of every paragraph to suck on and to keep me going. When I have a long drive I'll buy candy, usually mnms and lemon drops or mints, so I can mix it up as I go. *Note: I read somewhere recently that ADHD brains consume more glucose when they're thinking hard, so snacks and candy can help in that way as well.
Touch/Movement: Sometimes I'll jiggle my leg or wiggle if that's the vibe. I'll just dance in place if I'm standing and need to think hard. It may look weird but people get used to it after a while. Also wearing different textures can be good or bad depending on the vibe of the day.
Sight: If I need to listen to an audiobook or something, sometimes I'll color in a coloring book, it keeps me focused and gives me the space to hear the words.
These are what have worked for me, really what got me through highschool and college before I was diagnosed. Sometimes I added one, sometimes several, just gotta hit the bar of stimulation for my brain to decide it's okay to start working. You gotta find what works for you. Experiment, have patience and grace for yourself, and know that sometimes medication can be the right next step. Sometimes people will start on medication, figure out coping mechanisms and how to apply them better, and then stop medication. Everyone's journey is different. Sending positive vibes and hope you figure out your next steps soon.