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Updated 10mo ago

Two Handwritings and a Mental Block

This is a weird one: So I have two different handwritings. ALL CAPS and *cursive*. I’ve noticed that I write in one depending on my mood. I might sometimes write in both when mating notes, but it feels weird. Forcing a specific handwriting almost, hurts? And then what’s the kicker is that, sometimes I simply can’t write at all. As if my hand has cramped but it’s not. There’s no actual pain, it just is mentally painful? I like to think both my handwritings are nice and pretty, but when I get in this “cramp” it’s noticeably bad. There’s no physical pain I’m feeling, so I’m assuming it’s some kind of mental thing? I don’t wanna write it off as some king of OCD, attention deficient, or autistic think, but I don’t know enough about it to comfortably claim it as such. But it is super annoying. I’ll be taking notes, and my hand just can’t do the job because of some kind of block. My hands aren’t shaky either. So it’s not like Parkinson’s. Just… my brain’s willpower or even understand how to write has left the building.

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it kinda almost fluctuates with if I’m feeling more masc or femme, but I’m not an overtly androgynous person? Then also if I’m more relaxed I might do cursive. But if I’m panicked in some degree or maybe more focused I might do CAPS

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