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Updated 11mo ago

Sudden bladder loss, what's happening to me?

What does it mean when all of sudden you start losing your bladder. Because I don't know what's going on with my body. I don't see my doctor till may 31st.

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I have adhd and I cant actually tell when I need to potty or when I'm hungry or full I have to remind myself to try and go at least once a hr and I eat and snack at specific times in the day. It could also be attributed to age or a medical condition you don't know you have. Nerve and muscle issues can also contribute too bladder release without knowing you need too or meaning too. I hope that helps ❤️



Could your bladder be prolapsing? I would think that's the worst case scenario, but it is a possibility. I hope you find out what's going on!



bladder infection ?



Gastroparesis falls under the spectrum of autonomic nervous system dysfunction (Dysautonomia). The autonomic nervous system controls all automatic functions such as swallowing, breathing, heart beats and pressure, digestion, urinary, and bowel. This could be symptoms of neurogenic bladder. However, it could be related to diabetes such as a bladder or kidney infection. Your doctor can test your blood and urine for common causes and if not refer you to a urologist for further testing.



If you’re having saddle numbness- literally can’t feel groin area or upper internal thighs that can be serious and need to go to ER ASAP so it doesn’t cause further damage. Look up Claudia equina to check that doesn’t sounds like what’s going on because that’s serious. Hopefully it’s not that🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 but if you have any back problems it could be serious and raise hell to get in to your doc sooner or ER if it continues- that’s not coming from Google I ended up in the ER recently and they told me they couldn’t do anything (they weren’t willing to really) unless I literally completely peed myself and couldn’t feel “saddle” area.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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