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Updated 11mo ago

Lost my job due to anxiety, need support

Hey guys. I’m new to this app and needing some support. I lost my job last week due to having a panic attack at work. It’s a long story on what set it on, but I have severe anxiety. So bad it’s causing me to hardly be able to work. Im not lazy, but I’m needing to figure out something to do.

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I understand how you feel. I have been terminated/laid off for anxiety literally making me sick for a month. I couldn’t go to a doctor or prescribe medication because it was a low paying job, so I had no reason to call the company’s HR line to defend my side of the case. It’s probably best to find a better job if they can’t understand your mental health.



Hi, I am so sorry this happened to you. I agree it is probably for the best anyways. You want to be in a work environment that will understand your mental health struggles. I see that you do take medication. Do you find that this helps?



it helps, but not as much as I wish, I take more medications that what are listed, but it’s the mix on everything going in life… it’s hard to feel much better



I just lost my job in February because due to a recent accident my anxiety no longer allows me to drive. It’s the worst feeling. But remember you are more than your anxiety. You can do this. And you’re absolutely correct - if your job can’t recognize that your mental health comes first then it’s definitely best to find a new one! My best advice is apply for unemployment ASAP. Idk where you live but it’s been 3 months and I still haven’t gotten a penny 🫠



I'm not sure what your specific situation is, but would freelance or contract work help? Then you may be able to set your schedule? Anxiety can cause burnout which can make motivation be impossible so i totally get that



Unfortunately, we live in a world that values labor over employees’ well-being. However, I know you’ll find a job/company that will be understanding of your situation. I know exactly how you feel, I’ve been laid off twice since 2020 and I’ve never had worse anxiety and trust issues. It helps to make a checklist of the qualities you want in a job and things you’re not willing to budge on, while also considering tons of options that could be good for your case. For example, while there were times where working in an office was fun, but I’ve realized that working from home is better for me so I can multitask and have my own self-soothing routines. Maybe make an alert on LinkedIn with all your favorite settings so they can just email you jobs instead of stressing yourself out and searching the web everyday, that’s what I’m doing! Best of luck ❤️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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