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Updated 11mo ago

What Diet Helps with Fibromyalgia Pain and Exhaustion?

have any of you found a diet that helps with the daily pain and exhaustion of fibromialgia?

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I have been expermenting with food triggers. I've learned that dairy is one of my major triggers, and that avoiding it really helps me. Even trace amounts can really make my day difficult. Apples were a surprising one too. I'd track your eating habits & learn to listen to your body for at least a month. If you feel extra wore out or painful after a meal, write down what you ate. Once you start noticing similarities (FODMAP foods, dairy, gluten, certain sugars, alcohol, etc, ) you might be able to learn what you need to watch out for.



I agree with the previous comment. It is a good idea to write down anything specific you have eaten right before a bad flare up. I also have found that dairy causes me a lot of issues. I quit drinking or using regular milk and have started drinking almond milk.



I find that adhering to some sort of anti inflammatory diet is helpful



I heard, (which I need to try) keto, or carnivore, or the low carb high fat. I've been doing alot of research lately and we all are different but I'm no doctor but tye research I've done says stay away from any and all sugars, stay low on carbs. But that's just my research. I will be starting to experiment a bit. But also yes watch what triggers you... I also have triggers with dairy... but I hope you find what suits you. Good luck.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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