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Updated 2y ago

Can My Cat Sense My Blood Pressure?

So despite being on a regular schedule with my blood pressure medications, my blood pressure has been ridiculous. I've had two different days where I've felt really nauseous and off and my cat (who is definitely not a service animal and has not had any training) has alerted me and stayed pretty close to me on both these days. and both days he's done this, I've had horrible blood pressure spikes. Is this a thing? Can he be aware of my blood pressure?

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We are not worthy of cats. They sense so much about us!!! πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ



- Dogs have owners, cats have staff. 😸



Most definitely he can sense it. My cats both stay super close to me when I have my bp spikes as well



Due to my experience, I realize high blood pressure can lead to chronic kidney disease. I was on 5 meds at one time and was still not controlled. My Primary Care Provider actually asked if I was taking the meds! (I was religiously) The reason I got high BP was because of chemotherapy. The reason I got stage 4 chronic kidney disease was because of high blood pressure, the chronic kidney disease then led to fluid overload (due to decreased urine output) which made my blood pressure stay up. High blood pressure can also lead to a heart attack or stroke. I hope you have a cardiologist managing your blood pressure. Spikes can lead to permanent damage to your vision too! (a.) Is your creatinine and GFR in normal range? (b.) Are you spilling any protein in your urine? (This can be measured with a urine sample and you may see foam on your urine as well). If the answer to a is no or to b is yes please ask for a Nephrologist consult. Otherwise a Cardiologist is your best bet. I invested in an Omron BP machine and check my BP daily and record it. I suggest you do the same. Then you can see trends. High BP is usually without symptoms, if it is sky high you might have the symptoms. You are probably nauseated when your BP goes up because your intracranial pressure goes up very high which is bad. I realize you are asking a cat question. I have 3 cats. They never seemed to pick up on my BP spikes when I had them but I still love them. They are a wonderful distraction.



Animals can sense all kinds of things. Tootsie is not trained at all but he tells me when I'm about to faint or when my heart is going to fast. He told me about my tumors. Animals are that in tune with us. Especially dogs.



The natural cure for high blood pressure is the combination of Potassium and Magnesium when the Salt/Sodium, Cholesterol and blood sugar is high in our bodies. Usually what can cause High Blood Pressure physically is high Salt/Sodium, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar and mentally is Stress/Depression. We hear from doctors that our Potassium is high, well the potassium help lower the high blood pressure naturally also with the help of Magnesium. We just need to add the food that has them in it into our bodies example: natural coconut water, any green veggies Celery, Spinach, Kale, cucumber, lime or lemon, ginger, half of green apple make it into a powerful juice and drink it twice a day of a 250 ml cup. If you ate to much Salty food well now you need to balance it with potassium and magnesium so your blood pressure wouldn't get out of control.



Anytime I am talking loudly or excitedly to my daughter. Could be happy could be anxious, but anytime my heart rate goes up my cat can sense it. She walks over to me meows stands on her back leg and just lightly taps me with her front paws as high up as she can reach. She stops as soon as I sit down. I know my cat can sense either my blood pressure or heart rate. Even if I am not loud she will come and check on me

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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