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Updated 10mo ago

Tips for Losing Weight with ADHD and Obesity

Anyone who is unmedicated with adhd and obese have tips on how to lose weight? I’m having problems with joint pain and the obesity only exacerbates the issue, and I’m not able to get medication for adhd yet to a stingy insurance plan.

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I wasn’t able to lose weight until I had been on the correct thyroid medications for 6+ months. If you haven’t had your thyroid levels checked I would recommend that. I have currently lost 50 pounds in a way my doctors are happy about. My joints still hurt and I still have chronic pain. (I’m still 280 so I’m not done yet) but I’ve noticed a huge difference with doing stairs, standing up from sitting on the floor and other joint strenuous tasks. If you want to talk about the specific things I’ve found work for me while avoiding reigniting my ED feel free to DM me.



I’ve been tested multiple times for my thyroid because my mum has had a calcified parathyroid and levels are slats normal

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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