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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Relationship OCD

i deal immensely with relationship ocd. i have been dating my boyfriend for about 9 months now, so not super long, but i already am aware of how much i appreciate him and how positive he is for me. i have no desire to exit my relationship. however, my ocd constantly points out little flaws and feels embarrassed watching him eat or do very normal things like yawn or if there's something in his teeth because it tells me that anyone less than perfect must mean it's not the right relationship. anyone without ocd would not understand this. it seems selfish or wrong but i hate it and don't choose it and it's against everything rational i know. i used to stress over him sending selfies because i wasn't prepared for the over-analyzation of imperfections my brain would jump to. the ocd goes deeper than physical traits as well. any sort of academic struggle, weird phrase he says, just general quirks... things i like... my ocd attacks. it's not me and it's not how i really feel. if anyone has advice i would love some. i love my boyfriend and feel guilty that my ocd tries to convince me otherwise.

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I’ve learned to ask my self, “is this rational? is this a rational deal breaker for my/our relationship?” when i have those kind of thought, as long as you have a healthy, non-toxic, relationship, he is good to you, try ti focus on the positive, i’ve had to just let things go, it’s not easy. Communicating in a gentle way can help too, with your partner. Just remember perfection is not possible and everyone will have quirks, weird things they do or say, but is this person worth it?



I had this problem as well for a long time in my relationship. We are about to be together for 9 months and in the beginning I did the same thing. I felt like I needed to almost control everything he did even though he’s amazing and idk what I would do without him. One day I was a little too rude and we were having a rough day and I saw him cry. I never had before and this totally changed my perspective. I didn’t want to hurt him and my ocd reversed on me. Now I’m over paranoid about being me 😂 that’s my new obsession which is better I guess?




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