I don't know if you remember this, but a while back, a very "importanr& powerful" woman's son overdosed on heroin( she made it to public radio, so she had serious connections) She %100 blamed the doctors for giving inf her sn 2 weeks worth of ,I think, it was oxycontin. He chose to start shooting dope after he ran out of pain pills. Her son was an angel and completely without any responsibility for his choice
Never once in the 30 minute interview did she ever have him take one iota of responsibility. It was evil medicine and doctors who caused him to stick that needle in his arm. I have heard, in my life, as a substance abuse denial, but never to this extent. She was on a crusade to stop anyone from getting narcotics, for any reason. This entitled wealthy, well- connected woman couldn't care less about other kinds of pain. She got the government involved and harped day and night against the use of any narcotics. Never once did she admit to the possibility that her son could be an addict and chose to sneak around using when his pain & meds were gone. Her angel could not be an addict and would never had OD'd if it weren't for drugs & doctors. Who knows? He was probably smoking pot, drinking ir doing other drugs b4 he went to heroin. My mother had bonrme cancer. I have not seen pain like that. She hallucinate from it. You could give all the narcotics in the world, but she hardly ever touched them because she didn't like them. My point is, you can't make an addict( except for physically b/c of the nature if the drug) out if people who don't have the"addict gene". They will take as little if the med as they can and if it isn't chronic they'll stop them, asap. I believe that this woman had something to do with it become more difficult to get put on meds and to keep getting them. Now if you go to new pain doctor, they will make you try all the non-narcotic ways you've tried b4. Even when you tell them that it didn't work. I think she got after the AMA and regs were passed to keep people off narcotics. She probably grew her other rich and well-connected friends to put pressure on the government who put pressure on the AMA.She was in so much denial and so angry at the people who killed her son. Things started getting tougher, a little while after hearing her interviewed on NPR. How many people OD and their mothers get a half hour in-fepth interview? Very, very few. I was so angry at her inability to place the problem where it belonged, the boy. I may have been on pain medication or in between when I moved and had no doctor. I thought-"oh no, this woman is gonna cause a lot of problems for people who need meds for chronic pain" That being the case about 15 yrs ago, I gave people exorbitant amounts of narcotics, that should have been intervened. A lady with back pain was getting 1800 MG daily of morphine plus delaudid 4mg every 2 hrs for breakthrough pain. That is insane and I even called the doc to check the amount. This woman was in her late tewnties and lived in bed in a stupor. We all know that we have to push ourselves to just walk twice a week(unless we can't, but we won't make it better if we don't do what movement is prescribed from our conditions) So there is a middle-ground and right now we are going backwards towards puritanism( another word for getting to hurt &kill others who believe differently) I also have lived in liberal states and never had a problem getting pain meds. Here, now, in FL and I am always made to wait a week or more for my meds. They know that I need it everyone but have o order from pick-up date even though they have to order it. They make up excuses. Stay away from CVS & Walgreens if you live in a conservative state like FL. The gov rules with the Bible nit with constitution and couldn't give a f**k about anyone that isn't rich & powerful. They go to private doctors and don't have to deal with this bulls**t. Sorry for the rant, I've been living with this for 20yrs & if we had humane health care that was not for profit, many of us would know what the hell was causing this pain & fatigue. ❤️