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Updated 11mo ago

Best route for MCAS diagnosis?

Hi I was just Diagnosed with MCAS....trying to figure out the best route. Doctor or functional medicine Doctor

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Both can be helpful in different ways!! I think it would completely depend on your specific symptoms - for example, I am allergic to medications, therefore a functional medicine doctor would be better suited for my needs. Since a functional medicine doctor can be expensive and rarely take insurance, I would recommend a regular doctor. There are a lot of herbal medicine treatments that truly help my MCAS, but actual medication is life changing- I personally maintain a mixture of functional medicine and modern medicine. Tulsi tea works great for maintaining homeostasis for mast cells daily, but for comprehensive stabilization I would need something designed for MCAS. if you go to a doctor, be sure to look for mast cell inhibitors for medications. Depending on your severity, it will look differently. good luck!!! Hope this helps!!



BOTH I’d also add an allergist. It’s a long winding road but you’ll get there. Make sure you have an EPI pen on your person in your car & home & ask about chromolyn sodium if you’re not on it already. I have been having to navigate this since 2011 after childbearing.



I agree both. I have an allergist/immunologist and a specialist who I would say is more functional. The allergist has a lot of limitations being cover by insurance but when your willing to go outside of this is when the real medicine exists. In my experience the one that truly works to fix the root cause and not just treating the symptoms.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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