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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling Insecure About Sharing My Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Does anybody with FM feel insecure when telling other people? In my teenage years I had a lot of trouble with attention seeking because of BPD, and now I worry so much that that's how it comes off. I don't like to tell people, but sometimes it's necessary when the brain fog flares up.

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Sometimes I definitely feel insecure telling people and I still have people in my life that don't know. So many people don't understand FM or they just don't believe it's real. I'd rather not tell if I'm only going to have to defend myself and I feel like you never know how people will react. Sometimes I feel like I need to tell people if I'm not able to participate in things asked of me. It's a struggle for me.



For sure. I am sorry you are so young and dealing with all of this. I am 51 currently. Was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 12 years ago. Crohns Disease 8 years ago and Lupus SLE just last year. People are the same with me. They say ...we never count on you or always cancel. They don't understand that we don't know what we are gonna feel like doing from one hour until the next. I know who my true go to people are and I know I can confide in them and depend on them. It's tough. I'm 51 and it's tough on me. I can only imagine what you must feel. You would think people my age would understand but no. Most people are too self centered. You will learn who to confide in and feel comfortable with. Pray for God to send you the right people you need in your life. Best of luck. Sending hugs amd prayers.



Thank you for your reply, there are definitely a couple people who are very understanding and I thank God for them everyday. Praying for you as well.



Absolutely! I was diagnosed in my 20s and most people don’t understand. I hate having to explain the condition when all I really wanna say is “please webMD this”. You can try and surround yourself with the chronic illness/disability community. It’s a really supportive and empowering space. But for everyone else- your pain and symptoms are valid and you deserve understanding and grace. I try to remind people that faking a chronic illness gets people literally nothing. There’s way better ways to “get attention” then throwing the wrench into your life that is chronic illness.



Thank you! It's true sometimes I just want to say "look it up!!". There are usually never-ending questions.



Yes, I have mental health disorders and Fibromyalgia and feel like I will be judged and treated differently if I tell anyone what I suffer with. I keep it hidden at my part-time job and school. I have only told people I am closest to.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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