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Updated 11mo ago

Living with an Autoimmune Disorder: Struggling to Get a Diagnosis

Hey. Not sure if anyone here relates but I have an autoimmune disorder and for the past year or so I’ve been convinced I have lupus. Doctors won’t say. Recently my hands have started to shake more and I’ve noticed my ability to open things like a jar or a bag of chips has gotten a little more difficult…. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this?

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I’ve never experienced this, but if your doctor isn’t willing to help or listen when you are concerned, go get another opinion. We know our bodies better than anyone else, so if you feel something is off, it’s worth talking to another doctor.



Hello I would look into a different doctor so that you can get some answers! I have experienced those symptoms and I have rheumatoid arthritis and it can be confused with lupus. I hope you find a great doctor It took me years to figure out what was happening.



I see two specialists. Ones at Boston childrens so I thought she would be able to find what’s wrong. She hinted at it possibly being lupus when I saw her last year, but has since never mentioned it again. I look at the symptoms on google and I experience most if not all of them. I’m just tired of constantly telling my docs all this stuff that my body is doing and them just wanting to monitor it. They’ve been monitoring it since 2013…



Lupus can be detected with a blood test. You have the right to ask for certain tests. I have an autoimmune disease and have similar symptoms to you. I'm undiagnosed still and I'm seeking a second opinion now. I would encourage you to ask for the test and see a different doctor. Also you might want to consider an neurologist.



thank you for responding! I’m currently seeing a specialist up at Boston childrens. My ANA is slightly positive which is the test they use to diagnose lupus. Since it’s not extremely positive test result I think she’s trying to look at different stuff. But it feels like I’m getting worse and no doctor wants to confirm what it is. Ik lupus is tricky so I get it, but I just want an explanation to why my body sucks lol



Ask for specific tests for Lupus. If they ask why tell them it is for your peace of mind because nothing else is working. You have the right to ask for specific blood tests. Had I not asked for a specific test years ago they never would have found out about several problems I have that are all connected to that issue. Now they are all being treated with proper meds.



It took me a while to pinpoint my diagnosis as well and seeing several different doctors. Try seeing a specialist like an Endocrinologist or an Allergist. An allergist or ENT may not be able to treat what’s going on with you but they are likely to pickup on anything that may be off with your body and levels in your body. I have tremors and I have hypothyroidism. Honestly your triggers can be related to anything atp but it’s best you get tested for everything.



Yes I have tremors- mine are essential (meaning of an unknown cause) tremors because they are not believed to be genetic

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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