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Updated 10mo ago

Applying for Disability with Mental Illness

Have any of you applied for disability for your mental illness? My panic attacks are so bad I cannot take on a job right now. It’s been going on for 6 months and I really need money. I don’t feel stable enough to work 😞 I’m trying to find the right med with my psychiatrist

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I'm on disability for my mental illness you just need to apply but u got to have proof of your disability from your doctor it can take months to get it but they'll pay you back from the month you applied once you get approved



I wish I had gotten approved. I had like 10 years worth of proof, multiple suicide attempts hospital paper trails I supplied with them but they denied me. They said o did meth because I was on Wellbutrin that can show up as meth. It was one of the most stressful experiences trying to get disability I was denied twice and appealed the first time I was denied. I went to court, the judge said it seemed like I didn't have anxiety that was bad enough because I was able to talk to him normally. Then I started crying and told them I was doing my best to keep it together for my livelihood. They denied me and said I could work as a general laborer even though I have 3 herniated disc and can't even lift 20 pounds without pain. Can't bend or stoop. I'm in California. I don't know if it's just here that social services do everything in their power to make sure we aren't helped or get benefits



I'm currently in the process of getting on disability for mental health issues. It is possible! But yes it can take a long time which is super stressful because I'm also out of money and will have to find someone to do in the meantime. Which sucks cause it's like, hey I'm gonna work here for 6 months then quit! So then I feel bad! But then I would probably quit by then anyways cause I have a very hard time holding down a job anyways which is why I'm doing it;



Yes, I heard it is very common for an initial denial and everyone told me to appeal. It is a long, arduous process, but after 10 months I was approved without needing an appeal



How bad does the mental illness have to be...I have general anxiety disorder and depression that's been going on for a year now



I am on SSDI and yes it was a long road. 3 denials then a hearing and I got it for physical and mental disability. I cannot teach preschool any longer and the mental illness came on strong after 3 spine surgeries and then breast cancer. It’s definitely possible but it was tough financially for 2 years. Worth the fight though. At least for me.



I literally wanna cry and feel like throwing up from how awful the process was, when I mentioned my trauma to the social security assigned doctor he said it's normal. It's not normal to be assaulted as a child. It's exhausting and taxing, but probably worth it if you want it bad enough. I never wanna go through what I went through again so I don't want to apply again. I'd rather just be jobless and figure it out. I also can't hold down a job because of my mental problems



I haven't but have considered it. I'm anxious to do so because I hear in the US they don't treat those on disability well. It's hard for me to work with my conditions but it sounds like I'd have a hard time even just moving out of my parents house if I got on disability.



well, we don't get treated well eitHer way so might as well get Some money for it tHo right? If you qualify, you've got nothing to lose just advocate for yourself and set boundaries with the people who interview you. And no, it is very difficult to manage to pay rent on disability. You may be able to roommate with people tho! Depending on your state you'll get more or less based on the living wage, but still the amount you get isnt something one can live off comfortably

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