Well Vickibk, as most of our other Hashi friends above stated that you must change your diet, whether your husband is the cook or not, you must change your diet if you want your same ole self back. And I’m sure your husband wants to see you feeling great again also. So buy him a nutrient dense cookbook, stop eating gluten, dairy, soy, SUGAR and all processed foods. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store where all the fresh Whole Foods are. It’s ALOT easier than it sounds and your body will thank you for it in ways you can’t even imagine. I’ve been on the autoimmune paleo lifestyle change for almost 5 years and feel better than I have in years. I’m 66 and feel like I’m half that again! My thinning hair has improved also amongst many other ailments. Vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, B-complex, vitamin C and E, CoQ10, ashwaganda, and a few more taylored to my needs by an amazing “Functional” medical doctor has set me back on track. All the endocrinologist did was test my TSH, put me on thyroid meds and basically said to live with it. Unacceptable! For so many ladies out there, your health is the most valuable asset you have. Even a holistic practitioner or chiropractor can give you a list of the proper essential tests that you really need for an accurate diagnosis and most will also be able and willing to help you get back your health. Have them also check your iodine levels, check your IGg and IGa antibodies. FreeT4 counts. Google the proper tests and ask your doctor to run them all. If they won’t, FIND A NEW DOCTOR!!!! Do some research. I read 3 of Isabella Wentz’s books, along with Carrie Vitt and Amy Meyers books. Educate yourself on what’s happening inside your body so you get get to the “root cause” and don’t just treat the symptoms with prescription drugs that only make your health further decline. Hopefully this didn’t sound harsh because it’s wasn’t meant to be. I’m just very passionate about helping others. If I can get through it, with God’s help, you can too. So God bless all who are out there struggling with any kind of disease and keep praying for your healing. Faith over fear is a good lesson God has taught me. Love & good wishes to you all. 🙏🏻❤️