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Updated 11mo ago

Realizing My Health Condition: A Personal Story

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My medical journey started when I realized a cataract in my right eye about June 2020. My eye doctor was shocked because I was only 34 at the time and it developed so quickly. It came down to it to be believed it was caused by trauma to the head at some point at my old job. About the same time I experience heavy bleeding issues which caused my low iron deficiency and eventually in January 2021 turn out to be stage one endometrial cancer. My iron better with stronger prescribed iron pills but I'm still working on the cancer ordeal because I took the hormone therapy route to preserve my fertility and I'm wary about having it removed at this point in time in fear it would cause spread when it actually seems to be shrinking accordingto the MRIs. THAT been a long and tiring journey of confusing results which I now find myself at the crossroads lately because I'm starting to question the doctor I'm seeing and seeking another opinion and or doctor. I discovered I have borderline diabetes, but it not to the point I actually need medication for it just a healthier diet which I'm already working on a strict deit regime for the cancer.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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