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Updated 10mo ago

Pros and Cons of MAT for Substance Abuse

does anybody have any pros and cons on MAT (suboxone,methadone,vivitrol etc) for substance abuse? I've been on suboxone for over 15 years and I'm OK with being on it for life. I'm just curious to hear others stories. when I first got on it out was HIGHLY frowned upon and I got alot of grief about it.

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I've been on it for about 2 years but have tapered down to about 1-2mg a day so I'm microdosing. Check out reddit at r/suboxone and post there to get much more input



Also screw the people that gave you grief for trying to better your life and not take real opiates that get you high. Getting on subs and off your d.o.c is a huge accomplishment you should be proud of and people who look down on it are either incompetent or don't support you



I appreciate your reply. I congratulate you on tapering! I started this medicine in it's infancy here and under lies basically. The biggest being there's no withdrawal from it.... as I'm sure you know, that's shit. Thank you for the reddit tip I will def check that out. I hope you continue to do well in your journey! As for the people that gave me grief, I've cut so many people out of my life to date I have 2 true friends now. Which is plenty!



thanks bro, I appreciate that. The same goes for you. I'm Always available. It's pretty much my line of work.



I have been taking Suboxone for almost 8 months and I don't think anything is wrong with it but personally I'm trying to get off of it because if I don't take it I'm sick and can't move but when I do take it it rots my teeth and makes them brake easily plus I'm gaining a lot of weight from it. I was on 12mg and weaned myself all the way down to 2mgs



Try Kratom .its been a live changer for me from getting off opioids and subs. Get it over the counter at smoke shops and gas stations. But DO NOT ABUSE IT. Take 1 a day to get you off subs and you'll be golden



I know a few people that got off subs by using kratom... is there any one type in particular that you recommend using?



thank you so much I will try that. I wish I just tapered when I was in rehab but didn't think I would have a problem trying to get off it. But you can't learn if you don't try right



I've been on and off opiates, methadone and subs for 15 years. It's been a long cycle of the three. Four if you include kratom. Currently I've been on subs for the last year. I prefer it to methadone because I don't have to go to a clinic everyday and I didn't instantly gain a ton of weight, and was actually able to lose weight on it. I did get pregnant in September and gained like 60 pounds during my pregnancy. Now that I had my baby I am going it's just as easy to lose weight as it was last summer. The only complaint I have right now is headaches, and finding a decent doctor. I had to switch to getting my script from my Obgyn when I got pregnant. And a few months ago my PCP got kicked off Medicaid. So I'm literally on my last script and scrambling to find a doctor. I would go to the one my husband is at now, but he was the doctor I went to when I was on subs before and he is just an asshole. He "forgets" to call in your script, even though you literally just walked out of the office. So you have to call back to the office and go days without your script. I live in a small town in Michigan and there are no doctors close. Other than all of that I have no complaints and don't plan on getting off of it anytime soon. Last time I was on them for two years and it was not long enough at all. I used kratom to get off. I'm telling you right now, 1 gram, or 1/2 a gram of kratom was NOT enough to get me through a day. I was filling my own capsules ( 1 gram each) and I would take 10- 20 at a time and still be extremely sick. It is stronger if you mix the powder with juice and drink it.. all in all, unless you are importing it, kratom is expensive, and the quality is unreliable. It's never the same batch, and it just isn't consistent. It did keep me off other drugs for a while, but you quickly grow a tolerance, and it became a problem. For me at least.



I don't know if you have ever tried better life partners but that's who I go through and you just have to attend a weekly meeting over zoom and then they send your script right to the pharmacy and medicaid covers it. Definitely worth a shot if you haven't found a doctor yet



and if you need the number or anything just reach out to me and I can give it to u. I'm pretty sure they cover everywhere I can double check for you though if you would like 💜 hope this helps



Wow, sorry for rambling 😂



that wasn't rambling lol. It was an interesting read. I chose subs over methadone for partly the same reason as you, not wanting to go to the clinic, but I also LOVED methadone to abuse so it just made sense when I finally wanted to get clean for real. I also find the whole kratom thing quite interesting. I've asked many people what kratom they used and how much and nobody answers. I agree with you that a gram or less of it is worthless. I've only done it maybe 30 40 times but immediately I was doing 25 plus grams at a time.



I've been on it probably about 8-10 years. Just recently started getting it prescribed though. I got on it to get off of oxycontin. It's worked for me. I use to take about 16mg a day but I'm down to 4-8mg a day. After having kids I started slowing down a lot. Where I live if you take Suboxone while pregnant, they send cps. It's a pain. I have 3 kids, 2 born while on Suboxone. No issues with either kid. But I had to let cps do a home visit with each kid. They talked to my neighbors. It was so embarrassing. In my town it's still frowned upon but only by doctors & higher up ppl. Everyone else pretty much takes it. I'm not so ashamed of it now because without it I'd probably wouldn't be here.



exactly I love this comment💜 that's why I don't go to na cuz they frown upon it and judge you if you take it



I just switched from 15 years on methadone to Suboxone. Or myself into precipitated withdrawals. That was fun... So my Suboxone experience is limited, but if you want to know about METHADONE... I have detoxed off it before and knew I couldn't do it again so I used Suboxone, am using it, to kill the withdrawal symptoms that last up to 45 days sleeplessness, discomfort, heebeejeebees. But afraid I missed my window to taper down quick, stuck on 2 strips a day for A couple months now. I sleep thru the nights and my brain seems more organized. Any insight into that or what I can expect if I decide to continue?



one thing I will say, is getting off Suboxone is hard so it's one of those things if you're not planning to take for years, it's best to avoid. Or if you just plan for a short term solution, that's fine too. They really do help though. I don't have cravings, I don't have withdrawals, I sleep great, my mood is pretty good. I do have some bad days but i think it's because I was also diagnosed with depression. I've been battling it since childhood. But overall, I'm grateful for Suboxone. I had to be on it for a while before I could taper to a more agreeable amount. I think it was about 2-3 years o had been taking it when I lowered it the first time. But I lowered it in the least amount possible. Then every week I'd lower again so I was comfortable. Now that I'm at 4-8mg a day, I'm happy with that. Lowering it a tiny amount each time was enough to where I didn't really withdrawal from it. So it was pretty easy. Some days when I'd feel like it was too much, I'd take my normal amount or the amount I lowered to the day or week before. I'd also take Tylenol, ibuprofen, Pepto for stomach aches instead of reaching for Suboxone. I actually did take methadone but only for a few months. I didn't really struggle with it a lot. Pain pills and Suboxone for me were the hardest to completely stop. I got back on Suboxone after stopping because I was about to take pain pills again. I got to craving them.



I've been on fentynal because there just isn't heroin around anymore. I tried methadone and at 80mg there was no difference then without. I'm doing a slow induction Suboxone plan right now. I take a small sub dose, get precipitated withdrawal for 30 min then get well. I'm increasing subs and decreasing Fetty every day. It has to work out because I can't go on any longer. This fentynal these days is a whole other animal. It's bad out there.



if you didn't take anything would you say fentynal withdrawal is worse then heroin withdrawal? I can relate to what you said. Trying to taper down from fet without taking anything else but I've heard the withdrawal is worse. What do u think 🤔



well I wish you all the best with your recovery, thanks for the info yes there's nothing good out here anymore. What happened? Alot of people



Sorry it posted before I was done.. alot of people say stuff is not like it used to be. It is dangerous out here. Well I wish you the best. Update the post with your sober date 🙂



where are you located? I'm in Portland Or. I know the east coast went through the shift from heroin to fentynal was before. It's really only been about a year now that it's pretty much replaced H. First with the counterfeit oxy 30s and now the powder

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