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Updated 10mo ago

Help! I think I have a rib out of place.

Y’all. I swear I have a rib out of place. My back hurts so bad around a particular rib and when I take deep breaths it’s sharp. How do I put it back/handle it?

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My daughter had samething today had to go to see chiropractor



Have you ever went to see I chiropractor?



yes for years actually. This happened of course a couple days after my appointment 🤦🏼‍♀️



I myself have ribs come out all the time. It hurts to breathe or move



I had 3 come out at one time I was so miserable. Oh it hurt to get them back in place



Unbearable when spine pinches a nerve and hits the runs that spasm the lungs. At least I low know what’s causing it. I can’t have surgery or cortisone shots do doctor said to use my core. First I’ll need to loose weight to find my core.



Chiropractic care is not recommended for individuals with EDS because of tissue sensitivity but of course it can vary person to person, always ask the doctor who manages your EDS before seeking any new treatment. Look up Jeannie Di Bon on YouTube, she has great videos explaining rib subluxations and exercises to help prevent them. You can try to pop it back in yourself if it’s a subluxation, if it’s a dislocation you may need to seek medical care. To pop it back into place, sit up straight and relax your rib cage, take a slow, deep breath extending your ribcage until you feel the rib pop back. You can repeat this process multiple times if it doesn’t work the first time, always be gentle. If that doesn’t work, you can run your hand along the rib, gently pushing it to encourage it to slip back into place. Twisting side to side slowly and leaning side to side can also help it to slip back into place. If these things don’t help and the pain is excruciating, you should consider seeing your doctor. It is good to keep in mind that even if you’re able to pop the rib back in, the pain can last for over a week due to the damage and inflammation in the connective tissues. Best of luck!



thank you. I actually have been seeing chiropractors since I was a kid. However, I am still fighting to get my EDS diagnosis and just have been given Hypermobile spectrum disorder for now. Unfortunately idk if chiropractic makes it worse or better but I found out I had 2 ribs out and he had to pop them back in. Hopefully I will know more in June after my genetics appointment but unfortunately I don’t have a care team for my EDS yet

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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