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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Brain Fog and Social Anxiety

My brain fog has been making my social anxiety worse bc I often can’t concentrate enough to follow conversations and have a hard time talking one-on-one with people bc I often forget what we’re talking about mid-conversation or think of things to say but forget them before I have a chance to say them. Does anyone else struggle with this? How do you cope?

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I forget the things I want to say a lot. I hate social interactions for that reason. Brings my anxiety more.



I have coped by, if I feel comfy enough, telling them 🤭 Like “whoops work with me here, I feel my condition tripping me up” “didn’t take my medicine so excuse the *whatever it is*” whether it’s forgetfulness, stuttering, mix up in words. Also, trying to speak more slowly and softly than you actually need will give your brain some extra time to process in advance. Learning how to use less words and lead with the most attention grabbing bullet points that get the same point across was GREAT for me. If I begin to get lost in my own words, I say “moving along” to get me back on track with my bullet points. Gives more room for lister to ask questions ab the parts that interest them, so your response can still be short & sweet as you want it. Hope something I’ve said helps 💝💝



do you take anything to help with Braun fog?



Same! It often feels like I'm faking my way through a conversation with generic replies and such until I get my thoughts back in order for at least a moment. People like to talk about themselves or their experience though, so I try to ask questions about things I did pick up on. If it's someone I'm comfortable with like a familiar coworker rather than a stranger, I've noticed ridiculous comparisons or substitutes for words I forget work just as well and make them smile. If it's something important though like instructions at work or a doctors appointment, I use a voice recorder and/or bring notes/make them ahead of time so I don't forget to mention things.



I get brain fog often, makes me feel like people then look at me like I’m just a drug addict and I feel like an idiot. So I can definitely relate.



I usually write my to do list on my arm. Otherwise I’ll forget to check my phone or daily calendar, if I write it down on something for my wife to see she will at least remind me.



i can’t remember half of the people i meet, mainly from sleep deprivation, but make sure u take ur vitamins and drink lots of water



I use the Notes app on my iPhone whenever an important thought or deadline enters my mind. I’m looking for better/more things to help. Dementia/Alzheimer’s runs rampant on my dad’s side of the family. Needless to say, I’m extremely worried.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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