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Updated 10mo ago

Sudden Fall and Overthinking

So yesterday I was sitting on my neighbors porch and I went to go by my house area cause my neice was in the little ally between two houses and when I was walking back to the neighbors I suddenly fell onto my knees I got right back up. It felt like my legs gave up on me when I fell it was really weird and thafs the first time anything like this has happened should I be worried about it or what? I've been overthinking this alot ever sense it happened.

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Yes get checked out sounds like it’s a bp problem or maybe your nerves



whats bp if you don't mind me asking



Happens to me a lot. From nerve issues and hypermobility in my knees. Sometimes they accidentally lock in hyperextension and my body freaks out and makes it give out completely. I try to be careful walking and with steps to keep my knee flexing in mid range so it doesn’t happen.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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