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Updated 11mo ago

Tips for ASD assessment appointment?

I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow to (hopefully) get a referral for an ASD assessment and diagnosis. Does anyone have any tips? I'm feeling nervous and scared I won't be listened to or believed.

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Getting diagnosed as an adult is always more difficult, especially as a woman. I managed to get diagnosed at 18, but some providers can be very critical, so try to be prepared for that and don't be afraid to ask for a referal to get a second opinion if it doesn't go well. If you're able to, asking parents about any developmental delays they may have noticed when you were younger may be good to bring up. Deep breaths, try to be confident, and remember you know your lived experiences, they can't tell you otherwise. Good luck!



I know its a bit late for this, but there are providers who specialize in diagnosing women & or adults. If you can afford to go to a specialist I would definitely reccomend because they are the most educated



I may have been diagnosed as a kid, I've lived with the stigma of autism my entire life. It's almost impossible for people to believe how your mind works. Just be absolutely honest about where your thoughts are when you are by yourself. Talk about what feels right to you. Autism is an incredibly tough road 🙏



If you feel like you aren't being listened to or believed and they won't test you have them make note in your file that they are refusing testing and walk out and go get a second opinion. Remember that doctors are people you are hiring, if you feel like they're inadequate for your needs you can leave and hire someone else. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Good luck with your appointment!



Another good tip I learned is if they ask you to describe your symptoms and how they affect your life, ALWAYS describe a bad symptom day, so you get help for that.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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