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Updated 10mo ago

Has anyone gone into remission?

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I have had it 8-10 years, no sorry,mine is worse.



Mine too. It doesn't seem to get better at all, but I'm not on medications for it and nothing seems to help, especially since they have stopped people from getting pain meds. They have treated me like I'm a junkie and have put me on Subutex and took me off pain meds period. I've had issues with my colon that I've had 4 surgeries that have left me with IBS and very limited things I can eat. My Dr has been very good to me but none of the surgeons seem to care. They treat me like I'm just another drug addict since I've been put on Subutex. Everyone, even the pharmacist treats me the same way. They were never like this before all the problems came up that not only do I have RA, but they don't care. They act like I brought it on myself or something. It's ridiculous! I'm going to see a rheumatologist next week and I'm desperately praying for help. I'm afraid he's gonna treat me the same way and I really don't know what to do. I'm 57 years old and I don't know how long my life will be but it's really scary just knowing that this is only going to get worse and I really need help! Does anyone have any suggestions?



Med free remission? No. Medicated in combination with diet? Yes. I’ve had RA since pre adolescence. I take daily Xeljanz and eat a low fat, gf, vegan diet. I don’t feel like I have RA. My joints feel great. I have gone off meds and switched meds for various reasons, through the years, ie Pregnancy, postpartum…. My joints are in near perfect condition. As a teenager, I was in remission on medication, and thought I could just go off meds…that didn’t go well. I experienced some joint damage during that period of abstaining from meds and eating everything. Since then, more than 20 years later, my joints have retained strength and mobility. I can exercise, rock climb, do push ups….everything. I feel great.






It is a progressive disease



I was in remission for about 7 years taking just hydroxychloroquine but then I lost my health insurance. 4 years later I got it back and my disease had progressed so much that my new doc said that treatment wouldn’t work anymore. I wish it would because I hate the side effects from the Simponi infusions

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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