I also would get long bouts of D after antibiotics! Been on lots of antibiotics since a kid for various infections but didn’t have D then. Bowel issues started in in 1978 (22yo).
I have had many colonoscopies/endoscopies over the years. Diagnosed with celiac/parasite infection in 1990, celiac diet failed to then be diagnosed with IBS. Diarrhea worsened over years, food intolerances, indigestion/reflux. I had miserable D after antibiotics. I volunteered for a gut biome program..UBiome… to have no lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium strains in my gut blaming all the colonoscopies done..sometimes two a year! I went to top celiac specialist to have every test under the sun… he stated I never had celiac disease but had nothing else show in my tests!!! All he recommended was antidepressants… past gastro’s tried that drug too with no improvements! I was prescribed lots of drugs over the years with gastro’s that did not control the D. I also refused antibiotics with last bad ear infection in 2014 was prescribed penicillin instead. I had to find a different dentist to perform a root canal without taking antibiotics I left conv medicine to research alternatives, trying SCD diet, FODMAPS, removing nightshades, trying supplements, taking a food allergy test(ALCAT) to joining a leaky gut program in 2015. Had to retire earlier than planned due to uncontrollable D plus so many food intolerances, wasn’t much left for me to eat. I was recommended to research the Medical Medium! I started his protocols in 2019. My D has improved…healed other issues like dry eye syndrome, balanced low blood pressure, eczema and healed reflux/indigestion. Prior to the MM had good response with Dr. Mercolas probiotic and digestive food enzymes, but don’t need them anymore. My food intolerances are mostly gone and still working on D but can comfortably leave my home/travel now, can eat conv. foods occasionally…no more embarrassing accidents. I recommend to read the MM books! He explains the core causes to chronic illnesses, suggests quality supplements, recommends healing diets/detoxes. It is hard to change the mindset about foods, as we have been wrongly recommended to eat foods that are unproductive…contributing to inflammation/chronic illness. His books info will explain your D issues with antibiotics!! His answers all makes sense for me and gave me answers to why I was such a sickly child and poor health throughout life. I suffered so much with gastro’s issues that I was willing to try the MM protocols. Hopefully his info will help you! I got his books from my library, but bought a few for the recipes. I recommend starting with his first book…The Medical Medium! He has lots of info online, is on Instagram.Facebook, Pinterest. You will read some stating the MM is a scam! I researched well before I started to totally disagree! Not scam at all…but is hard work! Here are a few posts