Posts on Alike for April 2022

  1. Looking for Alternative Treatments
  2. Dealing with Chronic Pain in a New State
  3. Looking for Chronic Pain Treatment Advice
  4. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue: How to Keep Going?
  5. Can I still eat chocolate while on sertraline?
  6. Desperately Seeking Binding Tips for Summer
  7. Dealing with ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation
  8. Anxiety and Frequent Urination: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  9. Looking for Coping Mechanisms for Lack of Motivation
  10. Dealing with Major Depression: My Coping Strategies
  11. Struggling with Hand and Wrist Pain in Math and Physics Classes
  12. Living with Type I Bipolar Disorder: Share Your Story
  13. Trouble Sleeping and Dealing with Anxiety
  14. How to Stay Positive and Connected When Stuck at Home
  15. Dealing with Hypersexuality in a Relationship
  16. Dealing with Long Covid Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  17. Looking for Herbal Remedies and Alternative Therapies for MCAS
  18. Struggling with Acne and Self-Image
  19. Struggling with PCOS Treatment: Seeking Supplement Recommendations
  20. Taking Testosterone Secretly at Home
  21. Could my depression and anxiety be symptoms of undiagnosed ADHD?
  22. Dealing with High Levels of Anxiety: Any Tips?
  23. Managing Heat Intolerance and Near-Syncope
  24. Why Does Alcohol Make Me Feel Better?
  25. First HS Symptoms: How to Identify Them?
  26. Managing Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  27. Need Help Affording DDAVP/Desmopressin Acetate Medication
  28. Experiencing Alice In Wonderland Syndrome
  29. Struggling with Loneliness: Need Suggestions
  30. Dealing with Hot Flashes: Seeking Advice
  31. Skin Issues with EDS: Stretch Marks and More
  32. Strategies to Help with Inattentive ADHD
  33. What to Expect After an AFib Diagnosis?
  34. Dealing with Anxiety Attacks at Work
  35. Struggling with Old Habits: To Accept or Fight?
  36. Working with Anxiety: What Job to Choose?
  37. Starting Therapy: What to Expect
  38. Struggling with ADHD: Seeking Advice
  39. New to Adderall: How Do I Know if it's Working?
  40. Pelvic Floor Issues After Vaginal Births: Seeking Advice
  41. Traits for Autism Spectrum
  42. Coping with DID Diagnosis: First Few Months
  43. Struggling with Mental Health: Seeking Advice
  44. Feeling Too Young and Healthy for Chronic Pain
  45. Looking for Support with Chronic Illnesses and Loneliness
  46. Dealing with Gender Dysphoria and Unaccepting Family
  47. Symptoms of MS: What to Look Out For
  48. Struggling with GI Issues and Pain
  49. Natural remedies for gout attacks?
  50. New here, struggling with mental health
  51. Irregular Periods with PCOS
  52. Starting Humira: What to Expect?
  53. Struggling with Weight Loss Due to PCOS
  54. Does Anxiety Affect IBS?
  55. EDS and KT Tape: Does it Work?
  56. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: Share Your Experience
  57. Abnormal Bloating: How to Reduce or Prevent It?
  58. Autistics, What's Your Biggest Interest? Others, What Meds Do You Take?
  59. Surgery for a Condition: Seeking Advice and Experiences
  60. Dealing with Depression: A Lifelong Struggle
  61. Living with Functional Neurological Disorder: Seeking Advice and Support
  62. Weird Symptoms After Stopping Propanol - Anyone Else?
  63. Living with Hirschsprung's Disease: Seeking Advice
  64. When is it okay to identify as disabled?
  65. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction after IC Diagnosis?
  66. Hysterectomy for Endometriosis: Was it Worth It?
  67. Need Motivation to Lose Weight: Tips?
  68. Looking for others with Exercise Induced Urticaria and Anaphylaxis
  69. Why am I always so hungry?
  70. Experiencing Hair Loss and Liver Pain on Lyrica
  71. Considering a Service Dog for My Condition
  72. Dealing with Nightmares and Morning Depression
  73. Medication or Lifestyle Changes?
  74. Looking for new IBS treatments
  75. Feeling Tired and Disconnected: Need Advice
  76. Neck Pain and Lump: Seeking Advice
  77. Looking for Support with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  78. How Does Caffeine Affect Your Symptoms?
  79. Propranolol for Anxiety: Anyone Tried It?
  80. Looking for fellow zebras with POTS and EDS
  81. Struggling with ADD in School
  82. Starting Zoloft and Remeron for CPTSD/Anxiety/Depression
  83. Managing ADHD without medication: Is it possible?
  84. Dealing with OCD Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  85. Questions for Mobility Aid Users
  86. Feeling Tired and Weak: Seeking Advice
  87. Coping with Saggy Boobs and Ehlers Danlos: Need Support
  88. Living with Lichen Sclerosis: Seeking Support and Advice
  89. Grocery Store Anxiety: Anyone Else?
  90. Managing Hip Subluxations with EDS
  91. Question about Dissociation and PTSD
  92. Do You Pretend to Be Fine When You're Not?
  93. Managing Chronic Pain and Mental Health Symptoms at Work
  94. Tips for Managing Dysphoria During Menstruation
  95. Diagnosed with a Health Condition at a Young Age
  96. Career with Bipolar Disorder: Is it Possible?
  97. Vegetarian with IC: Need Meal Suggestions
  98. Need help lowering my A1C of 14
  99. Struggling with Depression: Need Tips to Get Back on Track
  100. Introducing Myself: A Mom with Chronic Illness
  101. Loss of appetite on medication
  102. Looking for Understanding
  103. Struggling with Exercise Motivation
  104. Looking for insight on Wellbutrin for Bipolar Depression
  105. Non-Traditional Remedies for Anxiety
  106. Severe Paranoia and Anxiety: Am I Alone?
  107. Looking for Real Friends
  108. Life after Psychosis: How Did You Cope?
  109. Describing the Indescribable: Explaining FM Pain to Others
  110. Flu or IBS Attack?
  111. Struggling with ADHD and Self-Esteem: Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
  112. Debilitating Neck Pain and Occipital Headaches
  113. Managing Your Health: Tips and Tricks
  114. Should I Take ADHD Medication?
  115. Getting a Referral to a Geneticist: Tips and Tricks
  116. Looking for someone to connect with about mental health
  117. Stuttering after TBI: Any tips?
  118. Asking my Fiancé about Starting a Family
  119. Looking for others with Craniosynostosis
  120. Looking for Help with Hypersensitive Nerve Endings
  121. Struggling with Anxiety: Need Help!
  122. Arthroscopy Surgery for EDS/HSD Patients: Experiences and Recommendations
  123. Effective natural remedies for hypertension and high cholesterol?
  124. Struggling with Mobility: Need Advice
  125. Struggling with Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  126. Dealing with Nausea: Any Tips?
  127. Feeling Anxious and Disconnected
  128. Am I Really Getting Better or Just in Denial?
  129. Dealing with POTS Flares: What to Do?
  130. Seeking Advice on Health Diagnosis
  131. Excessive Sleeping with Fibromyalgia
  132. Looking for Someone to Talk to About My Struggles
  133. Struggling with Family Issues and Coping Mechanisms
  134. Talking to family about anxiety and depression
  135. Need help with my bad sleep schedule
  136. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Emotional Support from Family
  137. Myoclonic jerks after COVID - anyone else?
  138. Navigating My ADHD Journey: Seeking Advice
  139. Excessive Sleeping Taking Over My Life
  140. Experiencing Blackouts with DID
  141. What changes should I expect on hormone therapy?
  142. Should I seek help for my OCD symptoms?
  143. Overcoming Anxiety Without Medication: Share Your Tips
  144. Dealing with PCOS: Irregular Periods, Hair Loss, and Facial Hair Growth
  145. Struggling with Daily Motivation and Tiredness
  146. Dealing with Chronic Migraines: Anyone Else Experiencing Strange Reactions to To…
  147. Managing Extreme Depressive Episodes: Tips and Tricks
  148. Struggling to Make Friends with Social Anxiety
  149. Early Signs of Mania: What to Look Out For
  150. Dealing with Injury Anxiety
  151. Managing OCD without relying on medication
  152. Coping with Chronic Pain: Tips and Tricks
  153. Struggling with Memory Loss and PTSD
  154. Dealing with Prolapse Pain: Tips and Advice
  155. ADHD and Overeating: Anyone Else Struggling?
  156. Anyone with bone cysts or frequent foot fractures?
  157. Struggling with Obesity and Mental Health
  158. Worried about my daughter's mental health
  159. Feeling Alone and Looking for Support
  160. Ketamine Infusions and Spinal Cord Stimulators for Pain Management
  161. How did you find out you have ADHD?
  162. Struggling with Motivation: Any Tips?
  163. How Does Bi-polar Affect Your Relationships?
  164. Weed, Nightmares, and Medication: What Should I Do?
  165. Struggling with Anxiety and ADHD
  166. Struggling to Explain My Mental Health to Family
  167. Struggling with Procrastination and Anxiety
  168. Coping with Depression Without Medication
  169. Struggling with Chronic Illness: Need Help Communicating
  170. Realizing I have DID: Looking for Answers
  171. Constant Urge to Pee with OCD
  172. Has anyone had a spinal injection for back pain?
  173. Adjusting to POTS and Seeking Disability
  174. Can't Sleep After Using the Restroom at Night
  175. Managing Chronic Illness: Balancing Health, Career, and Social Life
  176. Most Effective Treatments?
  177. Tips for Overcoming Depression and Living a Fulfilling Life
  178. Struggling with Bipolar and Productivity
  179. Cannabinoid Hyperepesis Syndrome Diagnosis
  180. How long did it take to get diagnosed?
  181. New to the app and struggling with depression medication
  182. Share Your Gratitude: Prompts Inside!
  183. Seeking Advice: How Did You Get Diagnosed with Autism?
  184. Struggling with Depression Validation: How to Validate Yourself?
  185. Talking about my health with people who don't get it
  186. Coping with Chronic Illness: Dealing with Loneliness and Isolation
  187. Coping with Chronic Illness: Psychological Impact and Motivation
  188. Looking for Support with Rare Genital Condition as a Non-Binary Trans Person
  189. Craving gluten: a newly diagnosed celiac's lament
  190. Misinterpreting My Roommate's Tone
  191. Alternative Pain Management for Spinal Stenosis
  192. Managing Chronic Illness at Work: Tips for Dealing with Flare-Ups
  193. Sucrase Deficiency: Treatment Options?
  194. Seeking Advice for Natural Remedies for My Symptoms
  195. Help with Dropping Heart Rate While Sleeping
  196. Advice on Working with Flare Ups and Disability
  197. Struggling with Fibromyalgia and COVID-19
  198. Uncomfortable Hanging Out with Friends in Person
  199. Looking for Success Stories in Treating Depression
  200. Struggling with Sports Anxiety
  201. Debating ADHD Medication: To Take or Not to Take?
  202. Considering Stopping My Meds, Need Advice
  203. Mold Illness and Oxalate Sensitivity
  204. Coping with Symptoms: What's Your Toughest Challenge?
  205. Dealing with Learning Trauma: Struggling to Absorb Information
  206. Possible Asthma Symptoms - Need Advice
  207. Dealing with Storm Anxiety
  208. Has anyone tried a Spinal Cord Stimulator for back pain?
  209. Resting Tremors in Hand: Is it Parkinson's?
  210. How to Cope with Driving Anxiety?
  211. Explaining Depression to Others: How to Get Them to Understand
  212. 24 Hour Heart Monitor for POTS - Anyone Else?
  213. Traveling with Fibromyalgia: What to Expect After a Plane Ride?
  214. Finding Relief Through Pelvic Floor Therapy
  215. Ways to increase iron levels without pills
  216. Struggling with RA treatment, looking for support
  217. Struggling with Motivation: Any Tips?
  218. Struggling with Brain Fog and Forgetfulness After a Mental Breakdown
  219. Advice on Helping a Partner Understand Bipolar Disorder
  220. Escitaloprám Side Effects After 5 Weeks?
  221. Looking for advice on using mobility aids with Hypermobility Syndrome
  222. Do you remember your childhood?
  223. Hearing Faint Crying in My Head
  224. Dealing with PCOS Weight Stigma
  225. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: Headaches and More
  226. Chronic Strep Throat in Adults: Tonsillectomy Worth It?
  227. Looking for Stronger Anxiety Medication
  228. My Experience with Acne Medication and IIH
  229. Can't Sleep When Tired?
  230. Seeking advice on getting a proper diagnosis for neurodiversity
  231. Exercising with OCD: Tips and Tricks
  232. Shortness of Breath from Acid Reflux?
  233. Seeking Treatment for Scoliosis and Rib Pain
  234. Seeking Autism Diagnosis: Need Advice
  235. Pancreatitis and Gallstones: Causes and Treatment
  236. Sudden Eye Problems: Could it be High Pressure or IIH?
  237. Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  238. My Experience with Jaw Surgery and JRA
  239. Struggling to Value Friendships
  240. Looking for advice on EMDR therapy for PTSD
  241. Dealing with a Flare Up and Falling Behind
  242. Dating someone from rehab: Is it a bad idea?
  243. Struggling to Find a Job That Fits My Health Needs
  244. Looking for Migraine Relief
  245. Why am I so afraid of throwing up?
  246. Sumatriptan for Migraines Making My POTS Worse
  247. Gluten-free diet for fibromyalgia: Does it work?
  248. Need advice on Zoloft dosage
  249. Allergic to Whey, Peanut, and Eggs: Need Protein Alternatives
  250. Coffee alternatives for overactive bladder?
  251. Zoning Off and Seeing Colors: Anyone Else Experience This?
  252. Introducing Myself: Battling Agoraphobia for 10 Years
  253. Struggling with PTSD and Memory Loss: Any Tips?
  254. Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder: Does It Exist?
  255. Looking for support with Omicron-related breathing issues
  256. Has anyone tried DBT for their borderline?
  257. Dealing with Bladder Inflammation During Periods
  258. Best Advice for Chronic Pain Relief
  259. Alternative Ways to Restart Menstrual Cycle Without Birth Control?
  260. Feeling like the odd one out in your friend group
  261. Looking for others who have had ablations for paroxysmal a-fib
  262. Struggling with ADHD, Depression, and Anxiety: Need Help Finding the Right Medic…
  263. Constant Chest Tightness and Lung Pain
  264. Seeking Advice for Rare Migraine Condition
  265. Dealing with Joint Laxity: Seeking Advice
  266. Which Physician Should I See?
  267. Struggling to Survive: Seeking Improvement
  268. Dealing with COVID headaches: seeking advice
  269. Positive for HSV 2 but No Symptoms: What Does It Mean?
  270. Dealing with Pica Addiction: How to Stop Cravings for Non-Food Items
  271. Anemia Diagnosis and No Answers
  272. Feeling Tired All the Time: What Can I Do?
  273. PCOS and High Blood Pressure: Seeking Advice
  274. Struggling to Get Out of Bed on Cloudy Days
  275. Wanting to be held during panic attacks
  276. Tips for Managing Stress
  277. Alternative Medical Treatments for My Condition
  278. Struggling with Chronic Migraine: Seeking Relief
  279. Drinking and Flare Ups: Need Advice
  280. Dealing with Health Issues and Returning to Work
  281. Advice on Starting and Sticking to a Healthier Lifestyle with ADHD
  282. Tips for Reducing Anxiety Symptoms
  283. Frequent Vomiting and Constipation: Seeking Advice
  284. Struggling with Medication for Depression and Anxiety
  285. Dealing with Trichotillomania urges during stress
  286. Looking for Understanding and Support
  287. Reynaud's and Lupus: Seeking Advice
  288. Tips for Curving Agoraphobia
  289. Preventing Blood Sugar Crashes at Night
  290. Struggling to Sleep: Need Advice
  291. Looking for Spoonie Community and Coping Strategies
  292. Managing Chronic Pain: Coping with Anxiety
  293. Struggling to Cope Without Meds
  294. Finding Balance: Managing Symptoms and Daily Activities
  295. Recovering from SIBO: Seeking Advice and Support
  296. How to Keep Going When Things Seem Hopeless?
  297. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue: Seeking Advice and Motivation
  298. Struggling with Medication Management
  299. Is My Medication Making Me Slow?
  300. Seeking Advice on Gastroparesis Treatment with TCM and Functional Medicine
  301. Living with SPMS: Finding Myself in the Midst of MS
  302. Feeling Lonely and Isolated: Need Advice
  303. My POTS Diagnosis Journey: Bare Minimum Knowledge
  304. Looking for Affordable Thyroid Support Advice
  305. Depo Shot and Prolonged Periods: Is it Normal?
  306. Best stimulant medication for ADHD and anxiety/ASD?
  307. Concerns about Cervical Instability of the Spine
  308. Dealing with Rosacea and Oily Scalp: Need Advice
  309. Can't Sleep at Night
  310. Dealing with ADHD, ARFID, and Unintentional Weight Loss
  311. Need advice on women's health specialist
  312. Effective Treatments for Panic Disorder Besides Benzos and Ketamine?
  313. Pairing Prozac: Seeking Advice
  314. High Testosterone Levels: Normal or Cause for Concern?
  315. Breathing issues caused by anxiety
  316. MGD and Manual Eye Lid Scraping
  317. Dealing with a Lifelong Acne Picking Problem
  318. Can Crohn's be put into remission through diet?
  319. Tips for Falling Asleep in New Places
  320. Dealing with Anxiety and Social Isolation
  321. Struggling with My Coffee Addiction and Anxiety
  322. Seeking Help for Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  323. Tips for Facial Hair Growth Pre-T
  324. Need Help with Bloating and Pain
  325. 30 Years of RA Treatment: Concerns and Effects
  326. Friendly Greetings
  327. Need advice on getting diagnosed with autoimmune diseases
  328. Starting New Depression Treatment: Ketamine Nasal Spray
  329. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  330. Managing ADHD and Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  331. Finding a Therapist to Help with Anxiety and Depression
  332. Chronic pain with no known cause
  333. Struggling with Walking Due to Fibromyalgia
  334. Caffeine and ADHD meds interaction
  335. Muscle Spasms with Fibromyalgia: Is it Common?
  336. Implanting a Pacemaker: Seeking Advice
  337. Questions About IBS: Can We Go Back to Eating Certain Foods?
  338. Seeking Advice on Birth Control for Endometriosis with ADHD
  339. Can't Sleep Because of Anxiety
  340. Week-long Migraine, Need Advice!
  341. ECT didn't help, but now I have memory issues
  342. Struggling to Attend School Due to Anxiety
  343. Looking for advice on getting IV fluids for POTS
  344. Shortness of breath and rash after Delta?
  345. Dealing with Hearing Loss and Frustration with Doctors
  346. Tips for Starting Zoloft?
  347. Connecting for Mental Health Support on the Road
  348. Getting a Tattoo with EDS: Recovery Process and Risks
  349. Coping with Heart Failure at a Young Age
  350. Looking for Natural Remedies for Anxiety/PTSD
  351. Bipolar 2 Diagnosis: Unbalanced Ratio of Highs to Lows?
  352. Dealing with Anxiety and Depression
  353. Introducing Our System of 9 with DID
  354. Struggling with Accepting My Herpes Diagnosis
  355. Managing MS Hug: Seeking Advice
  356. Feeling Ignored by Doctors: How to Advocate for Yourself
  357. Dealing with Pre-Hypothyroidism and Nodules on Thyroid
  358. Tips for Driving with ADHD?
  359. Partner on the Spectrum: Seeking Advice
  360. Feeling like a fake neurodivergent
  361. Looking for Recommendations on Ab Compression Garments
  362. Has anyone used Ozempic for weight loss?
  363. Managing Parenting with Emetophobia
  364. Dealing with Clothes that Hurt: Tips and Tricks
  365. Struggling with Weight Loss with PCOS and Hypothyroidism
  366. Sertraline Side Effects: Anyone Else Struggling?
  367. Dealing with Memory Loss and Balance Issues After TBI
  368. Cannabis vs Prescription Meds for Symptom Management
  369. Anxiety and Puking: Is it Normal?
  370. New to Fibromyalgia: Seeking Pain Management Tips
  371. Questioning my Schizophrenia Diagnosis
  372. Dealing with a POTS Flare-Up: Tips and Advice
  373. Living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Share Your Experience
  374. Managing My Relationship with Food
  375. Seeking Advice for a Medical Condition
  376. Need advice on Hydroxyzine prescription
  377. Best Mobility Aids for Hip and Back Pain
  378. PCOS and Infertility: Struggling to Manage Symptoms
  379. Help! I'm Addicted to Sunlight and It's Ruining My Relationship
  380. How Long Should I Stay on Zoloft?
  381. Coping with an Undiagnosed Condition
  382. Anyone on Methotrexate for AS?
  383. 24 Hour Sleep/Reset Process with Fibro/CRPS
  384. Understanding Alters in Dissociative Identity Disorder
  385. Dealing with Chronic Colds as an Immunocompromised Person
  386. How to Stop Overthinking and Start Living
  387. Starting Lexapro - Looking for Experiences
  388. Weird Dreams on Cymbalta
  389. Coping with BPD: Seeking Advice and Support
  390. Diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism: Anyone Else?
  391. Dealing with Restless Leg Syndrome
  392. Looking for advice on Clomid for PCOS-related infertility
  393. Has anyone with POTS tried beta blockers?
  394. Struggling with ADHD and Bipolar - Need Advice
  395. Living with Stage IV Kidney Disease: How Long Can I Last?
  396. Looking for PANDAS Support
  397. Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety
  398. Considering EMDR for PTSD: Has anyone tried it?
  399. Looking for PMDD Treatment Options
  400. Looking for IBS-C tips beyond what doctors suggest
  401. Managing Symptoms: Tips and Tricks
  402. Possible Fibromyalgia Diagnosis
  403. Considering Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
  404. Waiting a Year to See a Rheumatologist: Is it Reasonable?
  405. Struggling with Food Intolerances and Socializing
  406. Coping with Chronic Illness and Pain
  407. Anxiety and Stomach: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  408. How do I know when I'm back to normal after depersonalization?
  409. Looking for experiences with Fluoxetine for anxiety and ADHD
  410. Tips for Better Sleep at Night
  411. Struggling with Safe Food and Inconsistent Access
  412. Choosing Between Libre and Dexcom Glucose Monitors
  413. Need advice on Prolia for osteoporosis
  414. How to Stop Medication Without Anxiety and Depression?
  415. Understanding Osteoarthritis vs. RA
  416. Alternative treatments for POTS?
  417. Dealing with Panic Attacks in School
  418. Substituting Hydrocortisone with Natural Alternatives
  419. Feeling Frustrated with Energy Blockage
  420. Treating ADHD and Imposter Syndrome
  421. Tips for Dealing with IV Insertion Anxiety?
  422. Looking for Support with My Mental Health
  423. Worsening Symptoms: What Should I Do?
  424. Need advice on getting a proper diagnosis for recurring boils
  425. Dealing with Depression: Tips and Advice
  426. Looking for Non-Surgery PE Ladies
  427. Considering cutting out gluten and dairy
  428. Need advice for lower back and hip pain
  429. Should I Get ADHD Medication or Go to Therapy Again?
  430. Living with Chronic Pain in My Hands and Arms
  431. Managing Diabetes with Diet and Exercise
  432. Starting DBT Therapy: Advice Needed for Severe Social Anxiety
  433. Tight Chest and Trouble Swallowing
  434. 7 months without a period, what could be the cause?
  435. Living with Hereditary Spherocytosis: Questions and Concerns
  436. Coping Mechanisms: Share Your Tips and Tricks
  437. Let's be friends! AMA with chronically ill folks
  438. Dealing with Chronic Migraines and Health Problems
  439. Coffee doesn't work on me, is it an ADHD thing?
  440. Question about switching with DID
  441. Can Insomnia Be Location Based?
  442. Getting a Doctor to Take My Conditions Seriously
  443. Struggling with Relaxation and Emptiness
  444. Dealing with Nausea Days from CVS Diagnosis
  445. Starting Vyvanse for Depression: Looking for Feedback
  446. What Can I Do to Help Alleviate Moderate Migraines?
  447. Struggling with Mental Health: Need Advice
  448. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Other Conditions
  449. Looking for others with CNS Vasculitis
  450. Struggling with Reintroduction on Low FODMAP Diet
  451. Can't Sleep with a Headache: What to Do?
  452. Dealing with Anxiety: My Story and Yours
  453. Difficulty with Sensory Processing
  454. Struggling with ADHD Symptoms: Should I Get Checked?
  455. Coping with Changes in My Body: A Journey to Self-Love
  456. Looking for Advice on Buspar and Anxiety Medications
  457. How to Overcome My Fear of Rejection and Connect with Others?
  458. Anxious about my upcoming neurology appointment
  459. Napping to Escape Reality: Is it Healthy?
  460. Seeking Advice: Could My Anxiety Be Asperger's?
  461. Sudden urge to cry for no reason
  462. Looking for Advice on Buspar and Anxiety Medications
  463. Coming off medication and finding support
  464. Struggling with Pain Management
  465. Struggling with PCOS and Body Hair
  466. Need help with IC pain relief
  467. Feeling Disconnected from My Reflection
  468. Tips for Menstrual Pain Relief
  469. Worsening Health Condition
  470. Managing Chronic Pain: Surgery Every 1-4 Years?
  471. Dealing with SAD on a Daily Basis
  472. Looking for PMDD Support
  473. Sharing Medication Dosages
  474. PMS Symptoms 2 Weeks Before Period - Normal or Not?
  475. Take My Hand: A Personal Account of Living with ADHD
  476. Struggling with My Health and Loneliness as a Stay-at-Home Mom
  477. Struggling with Anxiety and Antidepressants: Should I Increase My Dosage?
  478. Struggling with Mental Health: Seeking Connection
  479. Difficulty Speaking with Negative Emotions - Autism Related?
  480. Should I take medication for my BPD?
  481. Hyoscyamine for IBS: Anyone tried it?
  482. Dealing with Anxiety at Work
  483. Could my ADHD be Bipolar Disorder?
  484. Looking for IBS-Friendly Sweet Treats
  485. Need advice for CRPS pain relief in my face
  486. Eye trouble with hydroxychloroquine?
  487. Shingles and Lupus: Anyone with Similar Experiences?
  488. Struggling with Motivation, Any Tips?
  489. Looking for advice on depression/anxiety medication
  490. Autistic and Obsessed with Words: Anyone Else?
  491. Looking for support and advice on living with Interstitial Cystitis
  492. Managing Anxiety Without Coping Mechanisms
  493. Struggling with Various Health Issues
  494. Coping with Exhaustion from Switches
  495. Question about filling Omnipod with pen instead of vial
  496. Struggling with Parenting and BPD
  497. Why is my memory so bad? Need help!
  498. Prozac and Insomnia: Anyone Else?
  499. Getting a Second Opinion for Rheumatology Medication Trials
  500. Relentless Itchiness All Over My Body - Need Help!
  501. Struggling with Undiagnosed ADD Symptoms
  502. Vyvanse not working anymore, anyone else?
  503. New to the App, Looking for Diabetic Friends!
  504. Medication for Primary Amenorrhea
  505. Impactful Foods for Treatment
  506. Looking for Support and Advice with Borderline Personality Disorder
  507. Distinguishing IC from UTI symptoms
  508. Coping with PTSD: What Works for You?
  509. Living with Chronic Pain: Tips for Coping with Fatigue
  510. Struggling with PCOS weightloss, any success stories?
  511. Testosterone Pellet Insertion Pain
  512. Need help with fibromyalgia pain relief
  513. Tips for Surviving College with Celiac Disease or Severe Food Allergies
  514. Advice for Dealing with Depression
  515. Struggling with Asthma and Vaping Addiction
  516. Different Faces of Depression: Anger, Anxiety, and Sadness
  517. Overly Counting Things and Feeling Anxious
  518. Experiences with Birth Control and Mental Health?
  519. Struggling to Sleep with ADHD and PTSD
  520. Finally Got a Diagnosis! What's Next?
  521. Dropping a Goal: Keeping Pain to Myself Around My Kids
  522. New to Epilepsy and Seeking Advice
  523. Unrecognized Symptoms: What Are You Experiencing?
  524. Overcoming Nicotine Addiction: Does the Want Ever Go Away?
  525. Flushing and Warmth on Skin: Anxiety or HSV Symptoms?
  526. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Illness: Seeking Advice
  527. Struggling with Anxiety and ADHD: My Story
  528. Debilitating LBP: Seeking Advice
  529. Feeling Stuck: Struggling with Fibromyalgia, Depression, Work Stress, and Parent…
  530. My Experience with the Birth Control Patch
  531. Syncope and Anxiety: Trouble Sleeping Alone
  532. Tips for Finding Summer Jobs with EDS
  533. Taking Care of Mental Health Without Medicine
  534. Can't Remember Touching My Earrings
  535. Heartbeat in my Head: Anyone with POTS or Dysautonomia Experience This?
  536. Latex Allergies and Medical Equipment: Anyone Else Feel Weird?
  537. Question for those with ADHD: Do your hyper fixations cycle through multiple tim…
  538. How Has Derealization Affected My Impulses?
  539. Can an Inhaler Help with Panic Attacks?
  540. Dealing with Brain Fog: Tips and Tricks
  541. Ways to subside OCD symptoms or tics?
  542. Tips for Dealing with Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms?
  543. How long does methotrexate take to work?
  544. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue: Seeking Advice
  545. Realizing I Might Have ADHD and Autism
  546. 50% Slippage at L5S1 - Anyone Else?
  547. Struggling with Clonazepam for Nocturnal Seizures
  548. Looking for MCAS Support
  549. Taking Control of My Depression
  550. Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks
  551. Tips for Managing Anxiety Without Medication
  552. How Does Weather Affect Your Pain?
  553. Struggling with Eating Habits
  554. Scared to Try New Medications
  555. Discussing the Impact of DID on Daily Life
  556. Struggling with IBS after Endometriosis Surgery
  557. Best Medical Treatment and Doctors for You?
  558. Yoga for Pain Management: Any Success Stories?
  559. How Bad Sleep Habits Affect My Mood and Actions
  560. Ways to Boost Iron Levels
  561. Auto-pilot mode with bipolar and BPD
  562. Seizures during blood draw
  563. Considering switching from Concerta to Lithium
  564. Seeking Advice on Adult ADHD Diagnosis
  565. Dealing with Chronic Crohn's/IBS Pain
  566. Looking for Support with Hypermobile EDS Diagnosis
  567. Struggling to Brush My Teeth Regularly
  568. Struggling with Tic Attacks: Need Coping Mechanisms
  569. Memory Loss with Bipolar Disorder
  570. Looking for a space to discuss hEDS research and management options
  571. Can Alcohol Numb Your Symptoms?
  572. Dealing with Chronic Stomach Issues: Seeking Advice
  573. Has anyone tried an anti-inflammatory diet?
  574. Is Depression and Anxiety Hereditary?
  575. Coping with Chronic Illness as a Young Adult
  576. Need advice on Ducolax laxative tablets
  577. Managing ADHD and Memory Loss: Seeking Advice
  578. How to Moderate Autistic Breakdowns?
  579. Constant ringing in my ears, getting louder
  580. My Struggle with Hashimoto's and Finding the Right Treatment
  581. Anxiety Flare When Adderall Wears Off
  582. Looking for Rosacea Treatment Suggestions
  583. Medical Bracelet for Functional Neurological Disorder and Non-Epileptic Seizures
  584. Fear of Trying New Treatments
  585. Discovering Gatorlyte: A Game Changer for My POTS
  586. Should I Get an Autism Diagnosis?
  587. How Far Are You on Your Health Journey?
  588. Starting Prozac for FND, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and Migraines
  589. Running out of ADHD medication options
  590. Looking for HS treatment advice
  591. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Tips and Tricks
  592. How does doxepin help with intrusive thoughts?
  593. Should I Start Taking Medication?
  594. Dealing with Chronic Illness: Supplements, Pain Meds, and Fatigue
  595. Is Tanning Lotion Necessary for Iron Deficiency Anemia?
  596. When to switch medications for depression?
  597. Dealing with dissociation after splitting
  598. How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Talk to Your Crush?
  599. Feeling Good After Mania
  600. Tips for dealing with Trich and other mental health issues
  601. Best Non-Medicated Bladder Treatments?
  602. Looking for Vegan Recipes for Diabetes 2
  603. Should I go to therapy? Has it helped you?
  604. Gluten-free on Anti-inflammatory Diet?
  605. Tips for Calming Down During an Anxiety Attack
  606. Dealing with Seizure Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  607. Anyone have experience with Floxetine for anxiety?
  608. Experiences with DBT therapy for BPD?
  609. Panic Attack Triggers: Slow Motion Sounds and Sweating
  610. Living with Elhers Danlos Syndrome: Seeking Advice and Support
  611. How did you know you had Hashimoto's?
  612. Questioning My Bipolar 2 Diagnosis
  613. Undiagnosed and Rediagnosed: What Does It Mean?
  614. Struggling with Energy Levels in New Environment
  615. Visual Disturbances from Anxiety: Anyone Else Experience This?
  616. Help! Severe Hair Loss
  617. Dealing with Driving Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  618. Life with a Mental Health Diagnosis
  619. To Medicate or Not to Medicate: My Struggle with Severe ADHD
  620. Coping with Bad Days: Tips and Tricks
  621. Struggling with Hyperthyroidism and Weight Loss
  622. Non-Drug Pain Management Suggestions Needed
  623. My Journey with Chronic Illness: Sharing and Listening
  624. Avoiding Meltdowns in Public: Tips and Tricks
  625. Dealing with Old Habits After ADHD Diagnosis and Medication
  626. Dealing with EDS and frequent thumb dislocation
  627. Managing Anger Outbursts: Tips and Tricks
  628. How to Start Therapy: Tips and Advice
  629. Dealing with Rude Behavior Due to a Disorder
  630. What are the Symptoms of Optic Neuritis and MOG?
  631. Connecting with Others to Improve Health
  632. Need advice on bladder port surgery
  633. Best treatment options for managing symptoms?
  634. Dealing with Anxiety and IBS in College
  635. Do Antidepressants Make You Dependent?
  636. Dizziness and Nausea with Anxiety: Anyone Else?
  637. New to Strattera, feeling off - any advice?
  638. Dealing with Tics in Public: Tips and Tricks
  639. Need Help with Night Time Teeth Grinding
  640. Looking for Medication Recommendations
  641. Dealing with Social Anxiety: Tips and Strategies
  642. Detecting Dormant Bipolar Disorder
  643. Coping with Hard Days: Emotional Eating and Self-Comfort
  644. Can You Be Addicted to a Person?
  645. Dealing with Night Terrors and Nightmares
  646. Asking for a Handicap Sign/Sticker: How to Approach Your Doctor
  647. New to Mental Health Medication, Need Advice
  648. Do you have vivid and graphic dreams?
  649. Explaining Fibromyalgia to Friends
  650. Alternative treatments for mental health?
  651. Managing Emotions with ASD and PMDD
  652. Struggling with Dissociation: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  653. Dealing with Scalp Psoriasis: Tips and Tricks
  654. Struggling with IBS and Anxiety in College
  655. Pressure around eyes due to overuse of jaw muscles?
  656. Best Ways to Lose Weight with a Slow Metabolism
  657. Questions about Sjogren's Syndrome and Chronic Neck Pain
  658. Managing Anxiety Without Medications
  659. Feeling Guilty for Mental Health Struggles
  660. Tics while gaming, could it be related to epilepsy or autism?
  661. Looking for Support with Type One Diabetes
  662. Dealing with HS symptoms for 8 months, seeking advice
  663. Dealing with Insomnia: Need Advice
  664. Can't Sleep, Anyone Else?
  665. Dealing with Switches in Public
  666. What to Expect from a Hysteroscopy & D&C Procedure for Endometrial Hyperplasia?
  667. Hip and Lower Back Pain: Seeking Advice and Support
  668. Weaning off Synthroid: DIY vitamins and supplements
  669. Is My Health a Burden to My Relationships?
  670. Feeling Inadequate and Paranoid
  671. Struggling to Concentrate on Creative Projects
  672. Weight gain on Seroquel SR - any tips?
  673. Struggling to Start the Day: Coping with Mental Health Challenges
  674. Living with Epilepsy: More Questions Than Answers
  675. Coping with Mental Health: Beyond Medication
  676. Breaking the Cycle: How to Get Out of Your Head
  677. Morning Routines for a Productive Day
  678. Best Anxiety Medications for Side Effect Worriers
  679. The Impact of Estrogen Birth Control Pills on Mental Health
  680. Is it safe to take miralax for life?
  681. How to Cope with Depressive Episodes
  682. Tips for Fighting Fatigue
  683. How to Apply for Disability with Fibromyalgia?
  684. Effective Therapies and Medications for Mental Health
  685. Need coping skills for emotional control at work
  686. Should I Open Up About My Depression to My Family?
  687. Therapy for PTSD/Depression: Share Your Experience
  688. Managing Work and School with Chronic Illness
  689. Dealing with RLS: Seeking Advice
  690. Falling Asleep at Inconvenient Times
  691. Dealing with Anxiety-Induced Food Aversion
  692. Sports for Anxiety: What Worked for You?
  693. Dealing with Daily Headaches, Anxiety and Depression
  694. Misdiagnosed for 10 years: Finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder
  695. Hypermobility Pain and Fibromyalgia Flare Ups
  696. Licensed Massage Therapist Offering Stretching and Pain Relief Tips
  697. Non-medical ways to manage PTSD
  698. Strategies for Staying Clean: Tips from Recovering Addicts
  699. Dealing with Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Pain
  700. Struggling with Hearing Loss and Lack of Support
  701. Has anyone experienced remission from IC?
  702. Feeling like a stranger in my own body
  703. Pain and Bumps on Finger Joints
  704. Coping with Anxiety: Tips and Tricks from Others
  705. Possible MS Diagnosis, Seeking Advice
  706. Opinions on Ozempic/Wegovi?
  707. Opinions on Chiropractor Treatment for Fibro and Osteoarthritis?
  708. Concerns about my feet's circulation
  709. Constant Vertigo: Anyone Else?
  710. Desiring Another Child After Postpartum Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis
  711. Twitching Leg/Foot When Trying to Sleep
  712. Debilitating Neuropathy Pain: Any Suggestions?
  713. Dealing with Joint Deformity and Muscle Weakness
  714. Health Impacts of High Heart Rate in POTS
  715. Switching from HIV Meds to Herbal Medicine?
  716. Does Hyper Mobility Increase Adrenaline Levels?
  717. Tips for Coping with Low Energy Throughout the Day
  718. Gabapentin effectiveness - how long until it works?
  719. Insomnia and the Paradox of Feeling Alert Despite Sleep Deprivation
  720. Looking for natural ways to fight disease
  721. Irregular Periods and Heavy Bleeding: What's Going On?
  722. Do You Also Suffer From Excessive Sweating?
  723. Struggling with a Chronic Condition: How to Stay Positive
  724. Surviving a Heart Attack: My Mom's Story
  725. Vaping and Medication: Is There a Connection?
  726. Managing Chronic Pain and Daily Life: Tips and Tricks
  727. Anxiety-induced physical symptoms
  728. Seeking Advice on Cyst Removal
  729. Managing ADHD Impulsivity and Fatigue with Nutrition
  730. Do I Need Further Diagnoses?
  731. Struggling with ADHD and Staying Focused
  732. Identifying Symptoms of Condition Progression
  733. MRI Results for Back Pain: What Should I Ask My Doctor?
  734. Pins and Needles on Left Cheek: Anxiety Symptom or Something Else?
  735. Newly Diagnosed with EDS: Share Your Story
  736. Connecting with others on disability benefits
  737. How to Manage Social Anxiety in the Workplace?
  738. Seeking Help to Determine if I Have ADHD or Autism
  739. Getting Professionally Diagnosed: What to Expect?
  740. Hormonal Fluctuations and Depression in Women
  741. Looking for Recommendations on Lupus Supplements
  742. Questioning My Diagnosis of Orthostatic Hypotension
  743. Weird Anxiety Symptoms: Jolting Limbs
  744. Feeling Stuck in Therapy: Coping with a Plateau
  745. Looking for experiences with ovarian vein embolization
  746. Tips for Making Colonoscopy Prep More Bearable
  747. Struggling with Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks
  748. Swollen and Throbbing Hands - Fibro Symptom?
  749. Managing Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  750. The Connection Between Music and Drugs
  751. Depo Shot and Weight Gain: Anyone Else?
  752. Help with Nausea and Vomiting
  753. Need Information on a Medical Condition
  754. Which doctors do you see?
  755. Dealing with Medicine Setbacks: How to Cope
  756. Joint Pain During Menstruation with Fibromyalgia
  757. Looking for Gastroparesis Medication Help
  758. Hives after Covid vaccine: Need advice
  759. Can I Get Pregnant with Stage Three Endometriosis?
  760. Struggling with Identity and Memory Issues
  761. Struggling with an Injury: My Last Track Meet
  762. Losing Weight with PCOS/Hypothyroidism: Tips and Tricks
  763. Dealing with Constipation: Tips and Tricks
  764. Sickle Cell Pain Crisis: Anyone Else Experience Pneumonia and Acute Chest?
  765. Living with HSD and Gastroparesis: Seeking Advice on Occult TCS and Chiari
  766. Chronic UTIs: Seeking Advice
  767. Dealing with GI Issues with POTS
  768. Overcoming Anxiety: Is it Possible?
  769. Does Anxiety Cause Bowel Movements? TMI Alert!
  770. Dealing with Panic Attacks Outside: Tips and Tricks
  771. Does Xanax Make You Sleepy? Find Out Here
  772. Do I Have Herpes? Itching and Burning Sensation
  773. Need Help with Migraine Relief
  774. Possible Endometriosis Diagnosis
  775. Managing Injury Pain: Seeking Advice
  776. Dealing with Anxiety: Seeking Advice and Support
  777. Treating ADHD without medication: Is it possible?
  778. Newbie with Nerve Issues from GBS
  779. Constant Snapping in My Hand: Is It Just Carpal Tunnel?
  780. Heart Racing in Sleep - Anxiety or Something More?
  781. Struggling with Personal Care: Need Tips
  782. MRI Results: Mild Sinus Disease?
  783. Questioning my fibromyalgia diagnosis
  784. Struggling with Sleep: Any Supplement Recommendations?
  785. Tilt Table Test Results for POTS - Normal or Not?
  786. Managing Illnesses: Coping Strategies for Daily Life
  787. Success with DBT therapy for BPD?
  788. Dealing with Severe Hip Pain: Seeking Advice
  789. Experience at a Mental Hospital
  790. Nail Care and Eczema: Can You Wear Nail Polish, Gel Nails or Acrylics?
  791. Struggling with Appearance and Social Skills
  792. ER Visit Due to PCOS
  793. Missed Dose of Atomoxetine/Strattera: Effects on Mental and Physical Health
  794. Sensory Issues and Overeating: Seeking Advice
  795. Looking for Support with My Dissociative Identity Disorder
  796. Looking for medication recommendations for BPD symptoms
  797. Hot water for fibro pain relief
  798. Tips for Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism
  799. How to Get an Official Diagnosis: Tips and Tricks
  800. Dealing with Sleep Paralysis: Any Tips?
  801. Need Help with Menopause Symptoms
  802. Why am I still depressed despite taking medicine and going to therapy?
  803. Adding a Second Dose of Cymbalta: Success Stories?
  804. Muscle relaxers for fibro pain: Has anyone had success?
  805. Anxiety Symptoms: Pain in Arms, Neck, and Shoulders
  806. Exercising with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  807. Struggling with Glucose Levels After Gastrectomy
  808. Struggling to talk about my health concerns
  809. Applying for Disability Benefits with Chronic Pain and Mental Issues
  810. Gastroparesis and Feeding Tubes: Anyone Else?
  811. Hormonal Imbalances and Migraines: Any Connection?
  812. Struggling to Keep a Job and Pay Child Support
  813. Need advice on coping with DID and making friends
  814. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  815. Why do I have high blood pressure?
  816. Tapering off Klonopin: Seeking Advice
  817. How Long Did It Take to Get Diagnosed?
  818. Living with Lupus and Arthritis: Struggling to Stay Awake
  819. Struggling with Anxiety: My Experience
  820. Managing Neuropathy Pain in Lower Legs
  821. Considering a Pain Pump - Need Advice
  822. What are your OCD symptoms?
  823. Looking for Healthy Subjects to Relieve Joint Pain
  824. Adderall XR Side Effects - Need Advice
  825. Dealing with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  826. Seeking Advice and Support for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Diagnosis
  827. Overcoming Childhood Bullying PTSD
  828. Looking for Support: Experiences with Bipolar 2
  829. What are your sensory triggers for migraines?
  830. Trying Alpha Brain for Memory and Focus
  831. Suspecting EDS: Seeking Diagnosis and Community
  832. Overcoming Paranoia: Tips and Tricks
  833. The Pressure to Use Birth Control
  834. Managing Medication Side Effects: Less Fatigue, More Stomach Pain
  835. Bad Diarrhea After Taking Water Pills
  836. Do Hemangiomas Affect Everyday Life?
  837. Anxiety after COVID vaccine - anyone else?
  838. Seeking Advice for Multiple Myeloma Treatment Options
  839. How to get a proper POTS diagnosis?
  840. Treating Depression and ADHD: What Are the Effects?
  841. Can Coffee Help with CFS and ADD Symptoms?
  842. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and Derealization/Depersonalization
  843. Joint and Bone Pain at 20 Years Old - What to Expect?
  844. Coping with Severe Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  845. Missed Periods and Menopause at 25?
  846. Is My Obsession with Shows and Merch Connected to ADHD?
  847. Considering an ESA for Emotional Support - Any Advice?
  848. Feeling Heavy and Nervous About Taking the Next Step
  849. Remedies for Newly Diagnosed Condition
  850. Understanding the Similarities Between D.I.D and Borderline Symptoms
  851. Chronic Headaches for 3 Years: Seeking Advice
  852. Dealing with Fatigue After Total Thyroidectomy
  853. Dealing with Anxiety-Induced Nausea at Prom
  854. Share your health tips with us!
  855. Physical Symptoms of GAD: Anyone Else Experience This?
  856. How do you know if your bipolar meds are working?
  857. Klonopin affecting my cognitive skills
  858. Share your symptoms with me
  859. Struggling to focus on Keppra - anyone else?
  860. Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Food Allergies
  861. Dealing with GERD: Seeking Advice
  862. Getting a Doctor to Take My Concerns Seriously
  863. Fibro and Laser Hair Removal: Any Advice?
  864. Struggling with the Decision to Go Back on Medication for Anxiety
  865. Dealing with Long Covid Fatigue
  866. Participating in Martial Arts with Factor V
  867. Struggling with Driving: Anyone Else?
  868. Looking for a Stimming Process to Try
  869. Tips for Managing Fatigue?
  870. Missing a Dose of Paroxetine: Effects and Symptoms
  871. Missing Periods with Fibromyalgia: Anyone Else?
  872. Dealing with a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
  873. Looking for Advice on Supplements and Routines for Light Working Out with FMS
  874. Severe Lower Back Pain for Weeks
  875. Struggling with Bipolar: Need Help
  876. Introduction and Seeking Advice for Constipation Relief
  877. Need Motivation to Lose Weight
  878. Fluoxetine and Melatonin: Side Effects?
  879. Need advice for anxiety treatment without medication
  880. Seeking Advice: Which Specialist Should I See for Fibromyalgia?
  881. Worst part of taking prednisone?
  882. Non-medication treatments for PTSD?
  883. Looking for Others with Biliary Atresia
  884. Can Anxiety Trigger Acid Reflux?
  885. Asking for Help with Lupus Fatigue
  886. Need advice for spinal stenosis while caring for my daughter
  887. Dealing with Hair Loss: Any Success Stories?
  888. Dealing with appetite loss from Adderall XR
  889. Eliminating Gluten with Hashimotos
  890. Lamotrigine for BPD: Experiences?
  891. How Effective is Your Medicine?
  892. Heart Skips a Beat: Anxiety or Something More?
  893. Questioning if I'm Autistic
  894. Handwashing Laundry with Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  895. Talking to My Mom About Using a Cane
  896. Coping with Health Challenges and Personal Standards
  897. Considering a Service Dog for My Disabilities
  898. Struggling with Depression: Seeking Advice
  899. Collagen Supplements for EDS-HT: Any Success?
  900. Painful Instillations: Is This Normal?
  901. Hearing Things: Am I Hallucinating?
  902. Meniscus Root Tear - To Surgery or Not?
  903. Am I Feeling Better or Is It My Meds?
  904. Has anyone taken Kesimpta before?
  905. Nauseous and Losing Weight - Should I Be Worried?
  906. Dealing with Chronic Ear Infections and Deafness
  907. Maintaining a Healthy Diet as the Only Diabetic in the House
  908. Struggling with Sleep: Another Night of Restlessness
  909. What's Your Favorite Miralax Mix?
  910. Diagnosed with Endometrioma: Nervous About Surgery
  911. Can You Get Addicted to Lexapro?
  912. Struggling with Self-Control: Tips for Losing Weight
  913. What Causes Flare Ups? Understanding the Triggers
  914. Newly Diagnosed with Vasculitis - Need Advice!
  915. Fear of Vulnerability: Is it my Anxiety Disorder?
  916. Dealing with Impulsive Spending: Need Advice
  917. Looking for information on anxiety medication
  918. Pain in Lower Left Abdomen and Vomiting
  919. Constant Pain Between Spine and Shoulder Blade
  920. Coping with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tips and Tricks
  921. Preventing UTIs: Beyond Antibiotics
  922. When Can I Stop Using Oxygen for COPD?
  923. Living with Liver Problems and COPD
  924. Managing Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  925. Getting a Tattoo with RSD/CRPS: Is it Safe?
  926. Managing Symptoms While Job Searching
  927. Vyvanse and Depression: Anyone Else Experience This?
  928. Sharp Pain Under Breastbone Radiating to Shoulder Blade
  929. Starting Cymbalta for Depression/PTSD - Need Advice
  930. Struggling to Talk About My Past
  931. Heart palpitations during Covid recovery
  932. Struggling with Health Issues as a Mom of Three
  933. Next Steps for Three Meningiomas Found on CT Scan
  934. Losing Patience and Switching Personalities
  935. How to Overcome Lingering Feelings of Night Terrors?
  936. Struggling to Control My Type 2 Diabetes
  937. Unsuccessful Kidney Stone Blasting: Any Advice?
  938. Getting a Tattoo with EDS: Is it Safe?
  939. Misdiagnosed with Bipolar?
  940. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  941. Dealing with Vraylar Side Effects
  942. Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World
  943. Does ADHD Medication Help with Depression Symptoms?
  944. Uncomfortable Chest Pain for 3 Days
  945. Need Support for Heart Transplant List
  946. Looking for advice on getting off clonidine
  947. Dealing with EDS Pain: Back Aches
  948. Struggling with Impulsivity and Bipolar Disorder
  949. Seeking Advice on High RDW Levels and Possible Cancer Diagnosis
  950. Dealing with Low Blood Sugar in the Morning
  951. Advice for Going Through Breakups with BPD
  952. Terrified of Stopping Birth Control to Conceive
  953. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  954. Restlessness after Depression: Is it Normal?
  955. Natural ways to lower cholesterol?
  956. Exploring Psychedelics for Mental Health Relief
  957. Looking for advice on endometriosis
  958. Struggling with Sleep after TBI
  959. Looking for Pen Pals to Connect with on Mental Health
  960. Dealing with Persistent Edema in My Heel
  961. TENS Unit for Chronic Pain: Does it Work?
  962. Has anyone tried Otezla for psoriasis?
  963. Hot tubs and IC: Help or Harm?
  964. How to Talk to Your Parents About Depression
  965. Looking for a Mental Health Support Group on Snapchat
  966. When Were You Diagnosed? Share Your Story
  967. Getting Help for Long COVID
  968. Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions
  969. Considering a Service Dog for My Visual Impairment and Anxiety
  970. Dealing with Health Issues and Anxiety
  971. Foods and drinks that trigger anxiety attacks
  972. Psoriasis Diagnosis at 48: Is Progression to Plaque Unlikely?
  973. Transitioning to a Visible Disability: What to Expect
  974. Dealing with EPI and Distended Ducts: Worried About Pancreatic Cancer
  975. 20 Years on Dialysis: Can I Still Get a Transplant?
  976. Tips for Binding with a Large Chest?
  977. Has anyone had spinal stenosis surgery?
  978. Endometriosis Surgeries: How Many Have You Had?
  979. Should I Tell My Doctor About My Disorder?
  980. Need advice on metoprolol dosage increase
  981. Alternative ways to improve mental health?
  982. Dealing with Medication Side Effects
  983. Asking for a Prescription: Is it Weird?
  984. Dealing with Muscle and Joint Pain from Hashimoto's
  985. Struggling with Hpylori treatment
  986. Question about Tamofloxen and other blockers after breast cancer
  987. Starting Wellbutrin for Depression and ADHD - Any Advice?
  988. Constant Bloating: Is It Just Me?
  989. Esophageal Motility Test for Gastroparesis
  990. Coping with Chronic Pain and Loss of Independence
  991. New to Oxygen Therapy: How Many Others Are on It?
  992. Thyroid Removal: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  993. Managing Medical Issues: Tips and Tricks
  994. Can You Have EDS Without Hyper Mobility?
  995. Seeking advice on getting a DID diagnosis
  996. Dealing with Gastritis and GERD: Pain and Recovery Time
  997. Random period-like cramps before actual period?
  998. Seeking Information on Treatment Options
  999. Dealing with Rejection Sensitivity Disorder
  1000. Coping with Work Stress: Tips and Tricks
  1001. How to Stop Anxiety at Night When Everyone Else is Sleeping
  1002. Experiencing Dispersonalization with Anxiety
  1003. How to Manage Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1004. Using Oil Painting App to Cope with Panic Attacks
  1005. No period after Nexaplon implant?
  1006. Need Help Relaxing: Any Suggestions?
  1007. Need help with turning off alarms in sleep
  1008. Depakote and periods: Has anyone else experienced changes?
  1009. Misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder?
  1010. How long have you been diabetic?
  1011. Symptoms Despite Medication
  1012. Managing Blood Glucose: What Foods Work for You?
  1013. Coping with Bipolar Mood Swings
  1014. Chronic Chest Pain and Digestive Issues
  1015. Contacts or Glasses for Nystagmus?
  1016. What Long Covid symptoms do you experience?
  1017. How Effective is This Medication?
  1018. Struggling with Overeating and Weight Gain
  1019. Alternative Treatments for My Condition?
  1020. Painful Boobs Before Period: Any Remedies?
  1021. Effective Tinnitus Treatment: Can It Be Cured?
  1022. Sudden Worsening of Anxiety Symptoms: Is it Normal?
  1023. Dealing with Pancreatitis and Fatty Liver: Need Advice
  1024. Bilateral Leg Pain Since Childhood - Seeking Advice
  1025. Long-term Effects of Exedrin for Migraines?
  1026. Do You Have IBS? What Treatments Do You Use?
  1027. Shingles after Covid vaccines?
  1028. Struggling with Social Anxiety in Speech Class
  1029. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1030. Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis: Seeking Advice
  1031. Micro-dosing psychedelics for ADHD treatment
  1032. Managing OCD: What to do with a diagnosis?
  1033. Are Palpitations from Eating or Heavy Lifting Normal?
  1034. Preparing for a Rheumatologist Appointment: What Should I Ask?
  1035. Coughing Again: Is It a Sign of Something Serious?
  1036. How to Handle Relationships When You Don't Feel Understood
  1037. Looking for POTS medication advice
  1038. What health tech helps you track your vitals?
  1039. Living with Social Anxiety: My Symptoms and Experience
  1040. Starting Hoshimotos Medication - Need Advice
  1041. Driving Anxiety: How to Cope with Fear of Driving
  1042. Struggling with personal hygiene due to depression and flare
  1043. Dealing with Chronic Kidney Disease: Seeking Support
  1044. Tips for Coping with Trauma Anniversary Anxiety
  1045. Concerns about long-term use of hydroxychloroquine
  1046. Managing Anxiety: Taking it Out on Others
  1047. Struggling with Communication in My Relationship
  1048. Caplyta vs Vraylar: Which Antipsychotic Works Best?
  1049. Dealing with Normalization of Symptoms
  1050. Considering Therapy: Which Type is Right for Me?
  1051. Feeling Weird and Uncomfortable - Seeking Advice
  1052. Struggling to Gain Weight with Acalacia
  1053. Feeling Guilty About Carbs and Insulin
  1054. Alternative Treatments for Managing Episodes
  1055. Need Help Finding Energy!
  1056. PTSD: Can it be cured?
  1057. Tips for Organizing Medications
  1058. Looking for Vitiligo Advice and Support
  1059. Is Tinnitus Curable? Seeking Success Stories
  1060. Sore throat and lump sensation
  1061. Looking for fellow cancer survivors to share experiences
  1062. Creating Inclusive Characters: Seeking Suggestions
  1063. Dealing with lingering Lyme symptoms
  1064. Struggling to Sleep Without Cannabis, Need Alternatives
  1065. How to stay focused with ADHD medication?
  1066. Decreasing Venlafaxine Dosage: Need Advice
  1067. Frequent Nausea: Is it Normal?
  1068. How to Advocate for Yourself with Your Doctor When Treating PAH
  1069. Weird stroke-like attack at 20, anyone else?
  1070. Need advice for internal hemorrhoids
  1071. Are Diabetes and Depression Linked?
  1072. How to Stay Positive During Injury Recovery
  1073. Bilateral Leg Pain Since Childhood - Seeking Advice
  1074. What are Intrusive Thoughts and Are They Normal?
  1075. Seeking Advice on Migraine Treatment
  1076. Struggling with Chronic Pain Diagnosis
  1077. Managing Pain Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1078. Help! Weed is giving me social anxiety!
  1079. Struggling with Schizoeffective Disorder
  1080. Looking for natural remedies
  1081. How Long Does Depression Last? Dealing with Waves of Suppressed Emotions
  1082. Struggling to Take My Medication
  1083. Need help with my alarms!
  1084. Dealing with PVCs and Anxiety: My Experience
  1085. Constant Labia Acne: Any Solutions?
  1086. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1087. Need advice on uterine prolapse and hysterectomy
  1088. Weird Head Feelings: Seeking Advice
  1089. Need Help Jump Starting My Weight Loss
  1090. COVID Anxiety: Is Anyone Else Struggling?
  1091. Has anyone had success with Pristiq for anxiety?
  1092. Dealing with Anxiety: Involuntary Leg Bouncing
  1093. Seizures and Nightmares: Anyone Else?
  1094. Weird Seizure Symptoms: Frozen with Locked Joints and Muscles
  1095. Managing In-Person Therapy with No Child Care
  1096. How to Cope with Negative Emotions
  1097. Zoloft Side Effects: Hyperactivity and Paranoia
  1098. Severe Colon Pain: Is it Similar to Migraines?
  1099. Seeking Advice: Could I Be Autistic?
  1100. Non-typical ADHD Symptoms: What Are Yours?
  1101. IBS Onset: Sudden or Gradual?
  1102. Lost sense of smell after COVID-19, need help!
  1103. Botox for Migraines: Share Your Experience
  1104. Dealing with Anxiety and Fear of Death
  1105. Struggling with Tardive Dyskinesia: Need Advice
  1106. Success with Lyrica? Concerned about pain returning after stopping
  1107. Researching Fibromyalgia Diagnosis: Where to Start?
  1108. Uncomfortable Tingling in Limbs with Multiple Sclerosis
  1109. Living with Kartagener's Syndrome: Seeking Support
  1110. Switching Antidepressants: Need Advice
  1111. Do Seizures Make You Feel Like a Fly on the Wall?
  1112. Scared of Methotrexate for Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment
  1113. Recently Diagnosed with Herpes Simplex 1: What Should I Do?
  1114. Managing Anxiety Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1115. Need Natural Energy Boosters, Help!
  1116. Can Depression Be Treatment Resistant?
  1117. Dietary Changes for Fibromyalgia Relief
  1118. Dealing with Fixation on Safe Foods
  1119. Vivid Memories Interrupting My Life
  1120. Excessive Bleeding and Blood Clots
  1121. Dealing with Chronic Shoulder Pain
  1122. Zoloft Side Effects and Anxiety
  1123. Looking for Support with Severe OCD and Anxiety
  1124. New Diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathy
  1125. Dealing with Scalp Itching and Lice
  1126. Fell Hard on My Back, Neck Hurting - Do I Need to See a Doctor?
  1127. Considering a Hysterectomy at 51: Need Advice
  1128. Concerned about my dad's condition
  1129. Arm Pain: Fibromyalgia or Heart Problems?
  1130. Medication Effects: Feeling on Cloud 9?
  1131. Struggling with Starting Medication for Psoriatic Arthritis
  1132. Dealing with Pelvic Floor Issues: My Story
  1133. Lowering Blood Pressure: Tips and Tricks
  1134. What Works Best for Controlling GERD?
  1135. Breathlessness with Anxiety and Asthma
  1136. Dealing with Menstrual Flare-ups: Any Suggestions?
  1137. Need advice on pain management and braces
  1138. Long-term Medication Use: Seeking Advice
  1139. Best Medications for Depression?
  1140. Need help managing my diabetes diet
  1141. Dealing with Pain in Legs and Feet
  1142. How to Cope with and Prevent Burnout
  1143. Understanding Systemic Candidiasis and Intertrigo Skin Rashes
  1144. How Long Does Shingles Last? Symptoms and Treatment
  1145. Coping with ADD/ADHD: Tips and Tricks
  1146. Struggling to Manage Multiple Health Issues
  1147. Constant Migraines: How to Cope?
  1148. Dealing with Cerviogenic Headaches After Cervical Spine Surgery
  1149. Healthy Eating and Workout Motivation for Lacto Ovo Vegetarians
  1150. Looking for natural heartburn remedies
  1151. Living with Multiple Autoimmune Diseases: Does Anyone Else Relate?
  1152. Dealing with daily heart palpitations: Are ablations worth it?
  1153. Do You Wake Up Feeling Hungover with Chronic Pain?
  1154. Natural remedies for ADHD focus and motivation?
  1155. Radiofrequency Ablation for Neck Pain: Anyone Else Tried It?
  1156. Avoiding Medications for Kidney Disease
  1157. Has anyone else experienced side effects from CPAP machine?
  1158. Looking for support as a teen mom with medical conditions
  1159. How to Control Blood Pressure with Food Choices
  1160. What vitamins do you take and how do they affect you?
  1161. Finding Hope and Connection with Chronic Illness
  1162. Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia: Seeking Advice
  1163. How to Stop Pain Prescription Meds?
  1164. Struggling with Anxiety Before Leaving the House
  1165. How to Tell if Your Gastroparesis is Getting Worse
  1166. Managing Chronic Pain: Medication Tips
  1167. Sharp pain in front of uterus with Endometriosis
  1168. Help! My Leg Knots Up at Night
  1169. Alcoholic Arthritis: Does Anyone Else Suffer from This?
  1170. Dealing with Sensory Overload at Home
  1171. Vision Problems and Chest Pain
  1172. Questions about Euthyrox for Hypothyroidism
  1173. Self Help for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Spasms
  1174. Long-term use of Clonazepam for Anxiety: Anyone else?
  1175. Changing Anxiety Medication: Seeking Advice
  1176. Looking for advice on managing anxiety and depression
  1177. Living with Chronic Migraines: Seeking Community and Support
  1178. Anxiety Symptoms: Chest, Shoulder, and Arm Pains
  1179. Getting Tattoos with EDS: Any Experiences?
  1180. Dealing with PTSD and Memory Loss: How to Fill in the Gaps?
  1181. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1182. Finding Relief for Chronic Migraines: My Experience
  1183. New to the community and scared about CHF diagnosis
  1184. Pill Method for Colonoscopy Prep: Experiences?
  1185. How Has Your Diagnosis Impacted Your Life?
  1186. Feeling Lightheaded and Dizzy: Anyone Else?
  1187. Dealing with Kidney Stones: Can They Be Dissolved?
  1188. Nausea and Vomiting When Not Eating?
  1189. Managing CKD Stage 3B without Medications
  1190. Chronic Breathing Problems After Lifting Water Case
  1191. Need help with migraines
  1192. Struggling with Nutrition on Concerta
  1193. Struggling to Succeed in College with Chronic Health & Mental Conditions
  1194. Dealing with Mobility Issues: When to Use Walking Aids
  1195. Is 2mg of Ativan a high dose?
  1196. Accidentally inserted vaginal insert in urethra, should I be concerned?
  1197. Possible Subluxation of Big Toe - Seeking Advice
  1198. Alternative Ways to Improve Mental Health
  1199. Help with my oral health routine
  1200. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1201. Switching to Vraylar for Mixed Mania - Thoughts?
  1202. Driving with a Medical Condition: Share Your Experience
  1203. Dealing with IBS Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1204. My Medical Journey: Battling GERD, IBS, and T1D
  1205. Dealing with Chronic Cough: Any Suggestions?
  1206. Depo Shot Side Effects: Severe Depression and Mood Swings
  1207. Overcoming Phone Call Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1208. Has anyone tried CBT for Tourette's?
  1209. What to Expect from a Gastric Emptying Study?
  1210. Dealing with Chronic Digestive Issues
  1211. Recommendations for a good patch or brace for lower back pain?
  1212. Managing Chronic Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  1213. Knee Swelling with SLE and Fibromyalgia
  1214. Dealing with Social Anxiety: My Struggle with Crowds
  1215. Seeking Advice for Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
  1216. How to Relieve Burning Pain in FM/CFS?
  1217. Looking for Alternatives to Effexor XR
  1218. Dealing with Anxiety and Fear of Heart Attack
  1219. High Glucose Levels in Urine with Kidney Stones?
  1220. How to Motivate Yourself When Your Brain is Lacking Motivation?
  1221. Can't Sleep Because of Eczema: Any Advice?
  1222. What Can I Do for Pain Besides Taking Painkillers?
  1223. Dealing with Social Anxiety and Loneliness
  1224. Anxious Silence: Anyone Else Experience This?
  1225. Cannabis and Mental Health: Any Cons?
  1226. Experiencing Dyspnea: Seeking Advice
  1227. Need Help Managing Anxiety Attacks
  1228. Looking for ways to cope with depression and make friends
  1229. Introducing Myself: Autistic and Disabled
  1230. Managing Anxiety in Stressful Situations
  1231. Natural remedies for mental health?
  1232. Struggling with Low Hemoglobin on Dialysis: Any Suggestions?
  1233. Recovering from a Hospital Stay: Dealing with Flare Ups
  1234. Spinal Cord Stimulator - Recovery and Restrictions
  1235. Struggling with Brain Fog and Concentration
  1236. Newly Diagnosed with EDS: Seeking Advice
  1237. Chronic wrist pain affecting work, seeking advice
  1238. Antibiotics vs Antihistamines: A 59-Year-Old's Story
  1239. Abnormal White Blood Cell Count - Seeking Advice
  1240. Chronic Hashimoto's Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1241. Share your Humira experiences with me!
  1242. Constant Fatigue: Is It Just Me?
  1243. Dealing with Dry Eyes: Sharp Pain and Headaches
  1244. Shaky when talking about mental illness
  1245. Urinating every time I stand, how long until dialysis?
  1246. Dealing with Chronic Nausea
  1247. Effexor for Mental Health: Share Your Experience
  1248. Struggling with the Decision to Have Children While Battling CML
  1249. Alternative Ways to Improve Mental Health
  1250. Severe belching and indigestion for 9 months
  1251. Living with Crest Syndrome: My Story
  1252. Celebrating My Improved A1C Levels!
  1253. How to Help Someone with Severe Anxiety Attack?
  1254. Coping with Panic Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1255. Looking for a Psychiatric Service Dog in Kentucky
  1256. Struggling with Weight Loss after CHF Diagnosis
  1257. How to Improve Kidney Function: Tips and Tricks
  1258. Needle-like Bowel Pain and Burning Sensation
  1259. Numbness on Topamax: How Long Will It Last?
  1260. Dealing with Anxiety in Everyday Situations
  1261. My Type 2 Diabetes Journey: 6 Months In
  1262. Hip Dislocation and Loneliness
  1263. Is taking potassium vitamins good for high blood pressure?
  1264. Contemplating Surgery for Chronic Pain
  1265. Shortness of breath with Myasthenia Gravis
  1266. Trouble Making Eye Contact - Social Anxiety?
  1267. Feeling Empty: How Do I Fill the Void?
  1268. Tips for fixing teeth without dentures?
  1269. Managing POTS: Tips for a Regular Life and Career
  1270. Considering Antidepressants: Seeking Advice
  1271. Struggling with OSDD and Identifying Switches
  1272. Consistently Tired and Can't Function Normally
  1273. Living with Late Stage COPD and Oxygen Dependency
  1274. Feeling Tired and Dizzy: Any Tips?
  1275. Need advice for disc bulging and lower back pain
  1276. Overcoming Social Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  1277. Rapid Weight Gain and Autoimmune Diseases
  1278. Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis
  1279. New to Jardiance - What Should I Expect?
  1280. Taking Calcium Channel Blocker for Condition: Right Choice?
  1281. Living with Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Nervous System
  1282. Anxiety Induced Stomach Problems - Seeking Advice
  1283. Can My Tubes Come Untied After Being Tied for 15 Years?
  1284. Looking for Recovery Stories and Advice
  1285. Dealing with Prolonged Periods Due to PCOS: Need Advice
  1286. Looking for Treatment Options
  1287. Humira: Help or Hindrance?
  1288. Struggling to Connect with My Emotions
  1289. Chronic wrist pain affecting work, seeking advice
  1290. Need advice on MRI side effects and symptoms
  1291. Dealing with Menstrual Bloating: Tips and Tricks
  1292. Struggling to Get Out of Bed: Tips for Motivation
  1293. Can't read or understand numbers or letters while dissociating
  1294. Dealing with Dysautonomia: Struggling to Function Without a Diagnosis
  1295. Dealing with Serotonin Syndrome: Need Advice
  1296. Managing Mental Health: Beyond Medication
  1297. Is Chest Pain Normal?
  1298. Has anyone had an ablation for endometriosis?
  1299. Healthy Late Night Snack Ideas
  1300. 13 Years of Belly Button Pain: Seeking Answers
  1301. Nutritional Diet and Acupuncture for Kidney Ailments
  1302. Spondy Pain in Glutes and Hamstrings - Need Suggestions
  1303. Dealing with Sensory Overload
  1304. Looking for RLS remedies
  1305. Looking for a natural cure for RLS
  1306. Constant Anxiety Symptoms: Numb Feet, Twitches, and More
  1307. IBS Pain: Where and How?
  1308. Constant Brain Fog and Dizziness with Epilepsy?
  1309. Why Can't They Just Shrink the Fibroid?
  1310. Dealing with Hypokalemia: Seeking Advice
  1311. Dealing with Trichotillomania and Unsolicited Comments from Friends
  1312. Dealing with Hashimoto's and Double Vision
  1313. Has anyone experienced changes in their periods since going on spiro?
  1314. Living with PTSD and TBI: Struggles and Connections
  1315. Staying with a Partner Who Has HSV2: Worried About Contracting It
  1316. Debilitating Headaches and Brain Fog
  1317. Drinking Alcohol with Medications: Is it Safe?
  1318. Dealing with Panic Attacks in Everyday Situations
  1319. Chest Tightness and Health Anxiety
  1320. Struggling with Motivation and Mood
  1321. Best ADHD Medication for Attention and Distractibility Symptoms?
  1322. Medication vs Therapy: Which is Necessary for Stability?
  1323. Has anyone tried phototherapy?
  1324. Struggling with Vulvodynia Treatment: How to Keep Hope?
  1325. Genetic Testing for Medication Compatibility
  1326. How to Deal with Anxiety After Quitting Smoking?
  1327. Tips for Dealing with Urinary Incontinence
  1328. Alternative treatments for conditions: Have they worked?
  1329. Experiencing Bleeding and GI Symptoms on Norethindrone Acetate
  1330. What Are the Severity and Frequency of Your Tremors?
  1331. Memory Loss with Hepatic Encephalopathy
  1332. Looking for a POTS Specialist
  1333. Realizing My Abnormality: A Journey to Mental Health
  1334. Is it okay to stay on Suboxone forever?
  1335. Dealing with Severe Health Anxiety
  1336. When to disclose my condition to a new partner?
  1337. How to Stop Night Terrors: Tips and Tricks
  1338. Has Anyone Experienced Menopause at a Young Age?
  1339. Natural Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms
  1340. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue and Never Feeling Well Rested
  1341. Considering Bottom Surgery After Top Surgery: Seeking Opinions
  1342. ADHD and Self-Harm: Seeking Attention or Something More?
  1343. Living with Health Anxiety and Type 2 Diabetes
  1344. Looking for other diagnoses before EDS
  1345. Questions about Mobility Aids
  1346. Has anyone tried the Zephyr stem treatment?
  1347. Immunosuppressants and Covid vaccine: Did it worsen your symptoms?
  1348. Looking for Others with NON-24 Sleep Wake Disorder
  1349. Looking for Self-Help Techniques for Depression and Anxiety
  1350. Loss of Appetite: Is it Normal?
  1351. Dealing with Coronary Heart Disease Diagnosis
  1352. Struggling to Eat: Need Advice
  1353. Finding Solace in Solitude: The Struggle of Social Withdrawal
  1354. Improving My Digestive Health with Dicyclomine
  1355. Can Drugs and Alcohol Help?
  1356. Dealing with Chronic Migraines: Seeking Non-Medication Solutions
  1357. Fibromyalga and MS: A Common Misdiagnosis?
  1358. Surviving Without Medication: Mental Health in a Post-Apocalyptic World
  1359. Dealing with Chronic Nausea and Fatigue
  1360. Chronic Sinus Headaches - Seeking Advice
  1361. Managing SLE Symptoms During Pregnancy: Need Advice
  1362. New Anxiety Medication Making Things Worse
  1363. Dealing with Instructive/Negative Thoughts
  1364. Struggling with Overwhelming Fatigue
  1365. Canker Sore or Mouth Cancer?
  1366. Tips for Managing Gastroparesis and Anxiety
  1367. Help with Gassy Burping and Explosive Diarrhea
  1368. Connecting with fellow kidney transplant recipients
  1369. Looking for BV home remedies
  1370. Best way to treat long Covid?
  1371. Weak Positive for Celiac: Anyone Else?
  1372. Has anyone had a thyroid goiter removed?
  1373. Do Psychologists Keep Your Diagnosis Secret?
  1374. Struggling with Weight Loss and Metabolic Syndrome
  1375. New to therapy, struggling with ADHD diagnosis
  1376. Dissociation and Substance Use: Does One Affect the Other?
  1377. Struggling with Eating: Is it the ED Voice or Something Else?
  1378. Managing Anxiety Without Medications: Does CBD Help?
  1379. Do Chronic Illnesses and Autism Often Co-Occur?
  1380. Frustrated with Fibro Medications
  1381. Dealing with Fibromyalgia and the Question of Trauma
  1382. Coping with Anxiety During the Day
  1383. Looking for Success Stories: Natural Treatments for DVT
  1384. Dealing with Tinnitus: How Are You Coping?
  1385. Feeling like something is being missed in my diagnosis
  1386. Struggling with Sleep and Motivation
  1387. Dealing with Anxiety about Bipolar Diagnosis
  1388. Dealing with the Stress of Metastatic Breast Cancer
  1389. Dealing with Post-COVID POTS: Seeking Advice
  1390. Dealing with Menopausal Symptoms: Need Advice
  1391. Need advice for blocking mast cells in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  1392. Best Medication for Fibromyalgia?
  1393. New Job Exhaustion: Will It Get Better?
  1394. Managing UC: Tips and Tricks
  1395. Struggling with Chronic Tickborne Illness in College
  1396. Living with Seizures: My Story
  1397. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Extreme Anxiety in High School
  1398. Dealing with Bulging Disc Pain: Seeking Advice
  1399. Anyone else struggle with depersonalization?
  1400. New to the App and Looking for Advice on Immunosuppressants for Autoimmune Disea…
  1401. Is Coffee Bad for Your Health? Exploring the Effects of Caffeine on Your Body
  1402. Finding the Right Medication: Share Your Experience
  1403. Treatment for Vaginal Lichen Sclerosus
  1404. Side Effects or Worsening Condition?
  1405. Elastic causing skin irritation
  1406. Dealing with Neurocardiogenic Syncope: Seeking Advice
  1407. Struggling to Get Out of Bed
  1408. Menstrual Irregularity: Seeking Answers
  1409. Worried about Burning Chest Pain
  1410. Zoloft Experience: Calmness and Empowerment
  1411. Need advice on sleep apnea symptoms and treatment
  1412. Changes in Migraine Patterns
  1413. How can I tell if my medications are working?
  1414. Struggling with Levothyroxine: Seeking Advice
  1415. Are My Meds Making Things Worse?
  1416. Dealing with OCD and Scrupulosity
  1417. When to Rely on Your CGM?
  1418. Managing Panic Attacks: Need Advice
  1419. Considering Dupuytren Contracture Surgery: Need Advice
  1420. Severe Foot Pain - Need Advice
  1421. Effects of Drinking and Weed on POTS Symptoms
  1422. Managing Herpes Outbreaks: Seeking Advice
  1423. Morning Depression: Anyone Else?
  1424. Alternative medicine for adult ADHD
  1425. Do I Need an Official OCD Diagnosis?
  1426. Living with Diabetes and Mental Health Challenges
  1427. Balancing Medical Studies with ADHD: Seeking Advice
  1428. Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  1429. Constant Discomfort with Endometriosis: Anyone Else?
  1430. Need help increasing my appetite and energy levels
  1431. Does having a cold trigger IBS symptoms?
  1432. Struggling with Weight Loss
  1433. Struggling with Ulcerative Colitis and Weight Gain
  1434. Managing Psychotic Features: Can They Wax and Wane?
  1435. Dealing with Mental Exhaustion in School or Work
  1436. Looking for a cure for recurring BV
  1437. How are you managing your fibromyalgia symptoms?
  1438. Lamictal Side Effects: Anyone Else Experienced This?
  1439. Experiencing Heart Palpitations After Covid Recovery
  1440. Constant Fear of Death
  1441. Anyone else with Wegener's (GPA)?
  1442. Struggling with Asthma after 8 years
  1443. Vision problems after stroke and sarcoidosis
  1444. Need advice for severe chest pains
  1445. Struggling with Anxiety: Can't Get a Break
  1446. Debilitating HS Pain: How Do You Cope?
  1447. How Long Until Insoles Work?
  1448. Living with Osteoarthritis: My Struggle with Mobility
  1449. Stomach Pain and Bathroom Problems Every Morning
  1450. Struggling with Anxiety for Over a Decade
  1451. Just diagnosed with UCTD, feeling lost and alone
  1452. How to Monitor Illness Progression and Explore Treatment Options
  1453. Managing Panic Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1454. Dealing with Intense Anxiety: Need Advice
  1455. Exploring Natural Treatments: Reducing Medications
  1456. Struggling with a Diagnosis: Can Anyone Share Their Symptoms?
  1457. Risks of Surgery for Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
  1458. How to Get Rid of Foul Taste and Smell?
  1459. Nausea on Birth Control: What's Causing It?
  1460. Struggling with Hopelessness in Depression
  1461. Dealing with Severe Changes in Balance?
  1462. Help with Neuropathy in Hands
  1463. What to Expect with Cancer Diagnosis
  1464. How to Control Sugar Cravings with Diabetes?
  1465. Recently diagnosed with Lupus, looking for support
  1466. Waiting for Autism Assessment: Seeking Encouragement and Advice
  1467. Diagnosed with Temporal Arteritis at 59
  1468. Nausea after NET resection
  1469. Feeling Lazy with POTS
  1470. When is Knee Surgery Necessary for Genu Valgum?
  1471. Managing Bipolar 2: Tips and Support
  1472. Adenomyosis and High Estrogen Levels: Seeking Advice
  1473. Need help with a chronic condition
  1474. Diet for Pain Relief: Recommendations?
  1475. Dealing with Anxiety and Depression after Losing a Parent
  1476. Help with Tremors
  1477. Dealing with Anxiety in Public Places
  1478. Need GERD Relief: Omeprezole Not Working
  1479. Managing Diabetes: Should I Cut Carbs Out at Dinner?
  1480. Struggling with ADHD Medication and Socializing
  1481. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression for Over a Decade
  1482. Dealing with Chronic Hives: Seeking Advice
  1483. Struggling with Heat Sensitivity
  1484. Managing Sinus Problems: Tips and Triggers
  1485. Dealing with Chronic TMJ Pain
  1486. Looking for alternative medication options
  1487. Living with IBS: How to Travel and Socialize?
  1488. Exploring Homeopathy: Seeking Natural Remedies
  1489. Dealing with Migraines: Coping Strategies Needed
  1490. Dealing with IBS Symptoms: Feeling Something Moving in My Stomach and Butt
  1491. Managing Life with POTS: Share Your Experience
  1492. What autoimmune disease causes Raynauds Syndrome?
  1493. Nausea and Vomiting with Gastroparesis
  1494. Managing Anxiety Attacks: My Personal Experience
  1495. Long COVID: Anxiety and Stomach Issues
  1496. Looking for Therapy and Psychiatry Apps
  1497. Hashimoto's and Post-Meal Fatigue
  1498. Best Techniques for Calming Down After a Panic Attack
  1499. Looking for advice on IVIG infusions for Anti Dermatomyositis MDA5
  1500. Making Friends with Social Anxiety
  1501. Fighting Brain Fog with Chronic Migraines
  1502. Need advice on eating and nutrient absorption
  1503. Struggling with Diabetes and PCOS: Looking for Support
  1504. Alternative Thyroid Medications
  1505. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1506. Tips for Organizing Your Medicines
  1507. Struggling with Marijuana Use and Mental Health
  1508. Struggling with Gullibility as an Autistic Person
  1509. Dealing with Social Anxiety and Overthinking
  1510. How to Get Rid of Fatty Liver for Good?
  1511. Just Diagnosed with Lyme, Need Advice
  1512. Dealing with GERD Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1513. Unique Aspects of Our DID System
  1514. Finding Relief for My Debilitating Nausea
  1515. Coping with a New Disability: Transitioning to a Wheelchair
  1516. Fibromyalgia Flare in Spring: Anyone Else?
  1517. Mental Health and Thyroid: Symptoms and Connections
  1518. Need Help with Energy Levels After Going Gluten-Free
  1519. Am I Hearing Real Voices Telepathically?
  1520. Should I Tell My Therapist About My Suspected CPTSD and OCD?
  1521. Antidepressants and BPD: Seeking Advice
  1522. Extreme Fatigue After Meals with Hypothyroidism
  1523. Terminal Lupus Diagnosis: Seeking Advice
  1524. Chronic Abdominal Pain and Mental Health: Is There a Connection?
  1525. Struggling with Memory Issues Due to PTSD
  1526. Finding it Hard to Hold Down a Job with Bipolar Disorder?
  1527. Triggers for Depersonalization
  1528. What Medications Can Help Depression with POTS?
  1529. Dealing with Mental Health: My Story
  1530. Struggling to Find a Doctor for EDS Care
  1531. Seeking Advice: Which Specialist Should I See?
  1532. Balancing My Own Struggles as a Therapist with Depression and Anxiety
  1533. Seizures Caused by Anemia: Seeking Input
  1534. Dealing with Hair Loss: My Struggle and Journey
  1535. What's Your Substance of Choice?
  1536. Looking for advice on OCD medication
  1537. Exploring the Roots of My Mental Health Struggles
  1538. Sudden Headaches and Falling Sensation
  1539. Has anyone tried TDCS for panic and anxiety?
  1540. Need help finding a sleep doctor or neurologist
  1541. Dealing with Alopecia Areata on My Beard and Body Hair
  1542. Botox for Chronic Migraines: Experiences?
  1543. Looking for BPD Support
  1544. Has anyone had a similar reaction to a 4.3 CM dilated Aortic Aneurysm?
  1545. Managing Pain During Exercise: Tips and Tricks
  1546. Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder: My Story
  1547. Considering Flat Feet Surgery: Need Advice
  1548. Need Help with Psoriasis on Scalp
  1549. Is Fatigue a Normal Part of Aging?
  1550. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  1551. Diet changes for POTS symptoms
  1552. Has anyone tried the G-POEM procedure for gastroparesis?
  1553. Looking for Alternative Treatments for a Medical Condition
  1554. Help with PMDD Symptoms
  1555. Need Help with Anxiety: It's Driving Me Crazy!
  1556. Raynauds Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: Any Connection?
  1557. Looking for a better hydration drink
  1558. Considering Accutane for Hormonal and Cystic Acne
  1559. Looking for Emotional Support and Hair Removal Solutions
  1560. Preventing UTI Symptoms: Tips and Advice
  1561. Dealing with Back Pain and Bladder Control Issues
  1562. Curious about my MS clonus jerks
  1563. Upper Right Abdomen Pain and Middle Back Pain
  1564. Need advice on medication for panic attacks
  1565. Struggling with my first Raynauds episode
  1566. Struggling with My Child's Mental Health
  1567. How to Confirm a Costochondritis Diagnosis?
  1568. Losing Weight on a Lower Dose: Normal or Not?
  1569. What's Your Go-To Coping Mechanism?
  1570. Looking for advice on cholesterol-lowering supplements
  1571. Concerns about POTS diagnosis and misdiagnosis
  1572. Has anyone with Hashimoto's had thyroid cancer or surgery?
  1573. Shortness of breath and chest pain
  1574. Dealing with Uneven Foot and Nerve Pain
  1575. Pressure Under My Right Rib - Medical Mystery
  1576. Talking to Your Partner About Anxiety: Tips and Advice
  1577. Coping with Obsessive Thoughts: Seeking Advice
  1578. Struggling with Hobbies and Depression
  1579. Just diagnosed with PCOS, should I take birth control?
  1580. Little Blood on Tissue: Is it from Stress?
  1581. Mood swings and physical symptoms - any advice?
  1582. Dealing with RA Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  1583. Dealing with Scars from a Skin Condition
  1584. Alternative ways to manage depression?
  1585. Tramadol for Fibromyalgia: Experiences and Side Effects
  1586. Considering Weight Loss Surgery: Any Suggestions?
  1587. Struggling with Anxiety or Something More?
  1588. Best Diet for Ulcerative Colitis: Tips and Tricks
  1589. Living with IBS: My Story and Support Group
  1590. Looking for an Alternative to Xanax
  1591. Best Eye Drops for Sjogren Syndrome?
  1592. Losing Friends to Chronic Illness: Does Anyone Else Relate?
  1593. Has anyone tried Contrave for weight loss?
  1594. Need advice for managing my POTs diagnosis
  1595. What's Your Go-To IBS Medication?
  1596. Struggling with ADHD Medication
  1597. Concerns about driving with pseudotumor cerebri
  1598. Need Help with Swallowing Difficulty
  1599. Looking for advice on hypothyroidism symptoms
  1600. Dealing with Chronic Migraines: Any Tips?
  1601. Looking for a cheaper alternative to Vyvanse
  1602. Starting Midodrine for Low Blood Pressure
  1603. Dealing with Panic in Unknown Situations
  1604. Best doctors for MCAS treatment?
  1605. Buspirone for Anxiety: Fewer Side Effects?
  1606. Can People with ADHD Hyperfixate on Other People?
  1607. How to Cure Vertigo: Tips and Tricks
  1608. Leg Cramps and Kidney Disease: Seeking Answers
  1609. Favorite Non-Verbal Communication Methods
  1610. Need advice for dealing with vertigo and tinnitus
  1611. Shortness of Breath: Anyone Else?
  1612. Struggling with Covid aftermath
  1613. Surviving Lung Cancer: My Journey
  1614. Struggling to Lose Weight with RA
  1615. Tips for Constipation Relief?
  1616. Realizing You Have a Mental Health Condition
  1617. Struggling with a Lupus Flare
  1618. Disclosing my DID diagnosis to family
  1619. Looking for a Better Migraine Medication
  1620. Struggling with Sleep for Months, Need Help!
  1621. Tips for Working Out with Sensory Processing Disorder
  1622. Struggling with Anxiety and Burnout
  1623. PCOS Diagnosis: To Take or Not to Take Birth Control?
  1624. Getting off Lexapro: My Experience with Bipolar Disorder
  1625. Dealing with POTS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: How to Tell the Difference?
  1626. Seeking Diagnosis for Hypermobile EDS
  1627. Morning Nausea and Loss of Appetite
  1628. Living with Anemia: My 4 Year Journey
  1629. Struggling with Braces and Shoe Inserts
  1630. My Thyroid Removal Experience
  1631. Need Help with Anxiety and Sleep
  1632. Facing a Pacemaker at 44
  1633. Managing Anxiety Post-Vaccination: My Experience
  1634. A Year of Diarrhea and Appetite Loss
  1635. Dealing with Post-Seizure Emotions
  1636. Struggling with Accepting Myself as a System
  1637. Struggling with Depression and Anxiety
  1638. Struggling with Sugar Addiction After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
  1639. Medical Cannabis for PsA Pain: Any Success Stories?
  1640. Coping with Anxiety and Depression
  1641. Finding Solutions to Improve Mood and Reduce Anxiety
  1642. Dealing with Guilt Over Sharing Medicine Side Effects
  1643. Looking for Support with Epilepsy Diagnosis
  1644. Looking for IBS Management Tips
  1645. Introducing Myself: Struggling with Chronic Migraine for 11 Years
  1646. Coping with Racing Thoughts and Restless Legs
  1647. Debilitating Gastritis Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1648. Scared of being dependent on medication for OCD
  1649. Coping with Sensory Overload: Tips and Tricks
  1650. Dealing with GERD: Is it Normal to Still Have Issues?
  1651. Coping with Daily Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  1652. Overpowering Fear of Losing Loved Ones
  1653. When will I feel better? Need advice on Hashimoto's treatment
  1654. Looking for experiences with Lexapro
  1655. How to Tell if Your Spine Degeneration is Getting Worse
  1656. Looking for others with OCD experiences
  1657. Struggling with Derealization
  1658. Does medication really help?
  1659. New to Addison's Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes
  1660. How to Quickly Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels
  1661. Feeling Alone with Fibromyalgia
  1662. Could my iron levels be causing my exhaustion and nausea?
  1663. Managing Diabetic Neuropathy: Seeking Advice
  1664. How to Treat a Stubborn Sinus Infection?
  1665. Relieving Peripheral Neuropathy Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1666. How to Stabilize My Mood Swings?
  1667. Alternative Medicine for Hiatal Hernia
  1668. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Seeking Advice
  1669. Struggling with Memory Loss, Need Advice
  1670. Managing Anxiety: Symptoms, Supplements, and Therapies
  1671. Experiencing Dizziness and Balance Issues
  1672. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression: Need Medication Recommendations
  1673. How to Stop Crying: Tips for Emotional Control
  1674. How to Get Chores Done with Back Pain?
  1675. Waiting for MRI Results: Should I Be Concerned?
  1676. Reducing Symptoms with Medical Marijuana
  1677. Dealing with H. pylori infection and its symptoms
  1678. Uncomfortable Physical Symptoms and Panic Attacks
  1679. Head Pressure for a Month, Anxiety or Something Else?
  1680. Struggling with post-COVID symptoms
  1681. Navigating Health Anxiety: How to Decide What to Bring Up to Doctors
  1682. Saw Palmetto for Symptom Relief: Does it Work?
  1683. Dealing with Endometriosis Pain: Seeking Insights and Comments
  1684. Need Help with Skin Allergies
  1685. Lines in my poop - is it normal?
  1686. Dealing with Accidental Triggers
  1687. Is it wrong to feel nothing for anyone?
  1688. Dealing with Gastroparesis: Need Advice
  1689. Best Medicine for Others?
  1690. Dealing with Anxiety and Constant Chest Pain
  1691. Chronic fevers on doxycycline?
  1692. Just Diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD: Seeking Advice
  1693. Medication and Duration for Atrial Fibrillation
  1694. Looking for others with similar lung cancer diagnosis and treatment plan
  1695. Do I need to inform my other specialists about my Raynauds Phenomenon Syndrome d…
  1696. Need advice on migraine medication
  1697. Dealing with Lexapro Side Effects: Anyone Else?
  1698. Concerned about possible Crohn's diagnosis
  1699. Can Anxiety Cause Tingling on One Side of the Body?
  1700. Finding a Job with Chronic Pain
  1701. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Tips for Self-Relief
  1702. Need help with RLS at home remedies
  1703. Dealing with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis: Share Your Stories
  1704. Avoiding Uncomfortable Situations: A Common Struggle
  1705. Tips for Lowering A1C with Diabetes, PTSD, Depression, PCOS, and ED
  1706. Tips for Managing Pain When Meds Aren't Enough
  1707. Blood in urine: infection or cancer?
  1708. Looking for Sleep Apnea Solutions
  1709. Switching from Medication to Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy
  1710. Best Options to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
  1711. Tips for Overcoming Driving Anxiety
  1712. Coping with Depression: Strategies and Tips
  1713. Adhesive Allergy with Dexcom - Any Suggestions?
  1714. Coping with Anxiety Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  1715. Dealing with Ulcer Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  1716. Looking for Tinnitus Relief: Any Suggestions?
  1717. Looking for someone who understands Hashimoto's
  1718. Has anyone tried Botox for chronic migraines?
  1719. Managing Flares: Coping with Chronic Illness
  1720. Struggling with Mental Health: Seeking Connection
  1721. Struggling with ADHD in Adulthood
  1722. Struggling to Communicate with My Partner Due to Anxiety
  1723. Dealing with Joint Pain: Suboxone and Stomach Issues
  1724. ODD and ASD: A Common Co-Occurrence?
  1725. Feeling Tired, Dizzy and Blurry Vision - Could it be Vertigo?
  1726. Recommendations for Anxiety Medication
  1727. Struggling with Exercise and Chronic Illness
  1728. Struggling to Focus with ADHD: Need Advice
  1729. Struggling with Medication Withdrawal
  1730. Dealing with Anxiety About Getting Sick Again
  1731. Chemo in the Bladder: A Cure for Life?
  1732. What Lupus Symptoms Bother You the Most?
  1733. How was your MS diagnosis?
  1734. Clarification on My Bipolar Diagnosis
  1735. Serequel Side Effects: Gained 100 Pounds and Now Hearing Voices
  1736. Looking for a medication to help with motivation
  1737. Are these symptoms related to BPD?
  1738. Which Specialist Has Made the Biggest Difference in Your Health?
  1739. Dealing with Sensory Overload in Public
  1740. Terrible Side Effects from Meds - Anyone Else?
  1741. What Helps with Pain Management?
  1742. Is it Normal to Have Mood Imbalance When Taking Sertraline?
  1743. Dealing with IBS and Anxiety: Need Advice
  1744. Distinguishing Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  1745. Coping with Grief: Dealing with Depression and Anxiety After Losing a Parent
  1746. Taking Adderall with Pseudotumor Cerebri: Any Experiences?
  1747. Need advice on Fibromyalgia and Lupus diagnosis
  1748. Reversing Psoriatic Arthritis: Is It Possible?
  1749. Concerned About My Neurological Health
  1750. How to Overcome Paranoia: Tips and Tricks
  1751. Looking for Autism Symptom Checklists
  1752. Dealing with RSD/CRPS and Memory Loss
  1753. Introduction of a Late-Diagnosed Autistic Adult with Mental Health Issues
  1754. Tips for Overcoming Food Aversions and Sensory Overload
  1755. Need help with blood pooling in hands and feet
  1756. Struggling with Body Temperature Regulation
  1757. Coping with BPD Symptoms Without Medication
  1758. Dealing with Social Anxiety at Formal Events
  1759. Looking for Medications for Depression and Anxiety
  1760. Feeling Tired on Propranolol for POTS
  1761. How to Remember to Check Blood Sugars Without Alarms?
  1762. Alternatives to Medication for Mental Health Treatment
  1763. Looking for non-medical solutions for mental health
  1764. Eye Makeup and Sjogren Syndrome: Need Advice
  1765. Misdiagnosed with ADHD instead of epilepsy
  1766. Can Changing Your Diet Affect the Severity of Your Disease?
  1767. New to the group, scared of dialysis
  1768. Dealing with Severe Health Anxiety
  1769. Dealing with Symmetry OCD: Tips and Advice
  1770. Has anyone tried online therapy services?
  1771. Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
  1772. Tips for Managing Flare-Ups of Joint Pain?
  1773. Natural Supplements for Anxiety Relief
  1774. Has anyone tried Botox for migraines?
  1775. Worried about Remicade treatment effectiveness
  1776. Self Care for Fibromyalgia Flares
  1777. Opinions on Weekly Benlysta Injection?
  1778. Urinary Urgency with Endo: Anyone Else?
  1779. Can Dieting Help with Eczema?
  1780. Constantly Changing Antidepressants: Anyone Else?
  1781. Experiencing Vaginal Wall Pain After Hysterectomy and Cyst Removal
  1782. Effective Ways to Calm Down During Anxiety Attacks
  1783. Share Your In-Patient Care Experience
  1784. Can Medication Cure Herpes?
  1785. Dealing with Chronic Acid Reflux: My Story
  1786. Using an inhaler after Covid: anyone else?
  1787. What are your thoughts on cannabis use?
  1788. Discovering Allergies During Pregnancy
  1789. Dealing with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria
  1790. Looking for feedback on Lamictal for anxiety and derealization
  1791. Canker Sores and Crohn's: Any Connection?
  1792. Forgetting Medication Names: Is It Normal?
  1793. Struggling with Anxiety: Seeking Control and Autonomy
  1794. Starting Adderall - Feeling Sleepy?
  1795. Coping with ASD and SPD: Seeking Advice
  1796. Switching to Latuda: Any Side Effects?
  1797. Looking for experiences with Xolair for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  1798. Do I Need to Disclose My Genital HSV-1 to Future Partners?
  1799. Small Fiber Neuropathy with Dysautonomia/POTS
  1800. Feeling Like a Burden on My Family
  1801. Muscle spasms on fluoxetine - seeking advice
  1802. Dealing with Constant Joint Pain: Seeking Advice
  1803. Need Help with Gastroparesis Diet
  1804. Managing Anxiety and Depression Without Medication
  1805. Seeking Advice: Which Specialist Should I See?
  1806. Looking for advice on ADHD medication alternatives
  1807. Living with Hydrocephalus: My Story
  1808. How long does a Ureter Stent hurt?
  1809. Dealing with Spinal Degeneration and Neck Swelling
  1810. Do you wear diapers? Managing incontinence
  1811. Dealing with Fibromyalgia: Struggling with Fatigue and Sleep Issues
  1812. Alternative remedies for migraines?
  1813. Need advice on which specialist to see
  1814. Dealing with Crohns and Inflammation: Seeking Tips
  1815. Lack of Motivation and Exhaustion
  1816. Struggling with ADHD Medication and Panic Attacks
  1817. Struggling with Sleep Apnea: Seeking Natural Solutions
  1818. Taking Wellbutrin and Adderall Together: Experiences?
  1819. Has anyone else had a stroke at 45?
  1820. Managing Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Need Help with Walking Aids
  1821. Alternative Treatments for Chronic Constipation?
  1822. Looking for Comfortable Shoes for Chronic Foot Pain
  1823. Constant Runny Nose and Allergy Symptoms
  1824. Looking for Successful Mental Health Treatments
  1825. Looking for Endometriosis Support
  1826. Changing Medication and Treatments Over Time: Is it Necessary?
  1827. Struggling with Insomnia and Heartbeat in Head for 2 Years
  1828. Looking for Aubagio Experiences
  1829. Lightheadedness and Panic Attacks
  1830. Dealing with Muscle and Joint Pain: Seeking Advice on Fibromyalgia
  1831. Dealing with Postnasal Drip for Years - Seeking Answers
  1832. Raising Kids as a Single Parent with Illness
  1833. Hip and Shoulder Blade Pain - Seeking Advice
  1834. Dealing with Acid Reflux and Throat Pressure
  1835. What Can I Take for Interstitial Cystitis Relief?
  1836. Fibromyalgia patients: Are you deficient in something?
  1837. Do I Need Regular Medical Checkups?
  1838. Dealing with Obsessive Thoughts: Does Anyone Understand?
  1839. How did your parents react to your ADHD symptoms?
  1840. Do All Schizophrenics Hallucinate? Exploring Hallucinations in Schizophrenia
  1841. Need advice for dealing with panic attacks
  1842. Feeling Overwhelmed: How to Ground Yourself
  1843. Hemorrhoidectomy and Sphincterotomy: Recovery Time and Pain Level
  1844. Dealing with Anemia Caused by Periods
  1845. Need help managing urticaria triggered by heat and pressure
  1846. Do I Need Regular Testing or Therapy for My Mental Health?
  1847. Lower Back and Chest Pain - Seeking Remedies
  1848. Questions about Medication and Mental Health
  1849. Struggling with Fibromyalgia: Is it Just Me?
  1850. Long-term effects of Adderall on ADHD patients
  1851. Marriage in Trouble: Seeking Advice
  1852. Lamotrigine/Lamictal: Share Your Experience
  1853. Constant Bruising Over Veins - Need Advice
  1854. Looking for advice on Hep C treatment
  1855. Tips for Stopping Blood Pressure Medication
  1856. Confused about Buspar for anxiety
  1857. Why do my experiences with DID seem different from others?
  1858. Stimulant Medications and BPD: A Concerned Inquiry
  1859. Smoking and Anxiety: Thoughts and Opinions Wanted
  1860. Help with Skin Irritation
  1861. Need help with water retention and flavored water
  1862. 20 Years of Chronic Coughing: Seeking Advice
  1863. Managing Work Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1864. Dealing with Frequent UTIs: Tips and Tricks
  1865. Struggling with Consistency in Motivation
  1866. Natural Remedies for Herpes Outbreaks
  1867. Looking for Bladder Cancer Survivors to Share Stories
  1868. How to End or Prevent a Mental Health Episode?
  1869. Struggling with Relapse: How to Get Back on Track?
  1870. Has anyone tried Psilocybin for depression?
  1871. Advice on Applying for Disability and Financial Struggles
  1872. Experiencing Lightheadedness and Dizziness for Months
  1873. Looking for other LADAs to connect with
  1874. Need advice on endometriosis surgery
  1875. Admitting Myself to a Psychiatric Hospital: What to Expect?
  1876. Struggling to Conceive: What Could Be the Issue?
  1877. Living with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy: An Introduction
  1878. Caffeine's Effect on Stimulant Medications
  1879. Best Meds and Herbs for Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide
  1880. Has anyone tried the Fisher Wallace Stimulator?
  1881. Dealing with UTIs: Is it Normal to Still Have Symptoms?
  1882. Alternative Treatments for Severe Mental Illnesses
  1883. Looking for a Mobility Aid for POTS
  1884. Treating My Condition Without a Doctor?
  1885. Looking for Alternatives to Age Regression in Public
  1886. Has anyone tried the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for IBD?
  1887. Late Diagnosis of Aspergers - Anyone Else?
  1888. Dealing with Unexplained Dizziness
  1889. Dealing with Chronic Back Pain: Tips and Tricks
  1890. Depersonalization and Derealization as Trauma Responses
  1891. How to lessen anxiety while driving?
  1892. Need advice on small kidney neoplasm