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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for others with OCD experiences

i’ve never talked to someone with ocd who doesn’t think it’s like being a perfectionist and it was recommended that i reach out on here and ask about other people’s ocd and their experiences

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Just a slim look into my ocd I try to go to sleep at night and im positive in my mind there is a spider on me somewhere any type of tingle on my body or my hair touching me will literally freak me out to the point I am up till 6am. I just obsess about different things throwing myself into a panic attack.



I think it is a really big misconception that ocd=perfectionism, that’s why the word is so widely misused. There are so many different types of OCD. For example, magical thinking, something like if I don’t have this thing over and over and over I will get in a car accident. Or intrusive thoughts, where you have unwanted thoughts (violent, sexual, etc.) that won’t go away. Even things that lots of people see as being “perfectionists” are not the same, because it is not by choice, there is an obsessive thought that is often distressing to a person that won’t go away until the conclusion is completed.



I meant “if I don’t tap this thing”






Many of my family members have OCD and experience what Red49 described. I have had symptoms of it in the past but I can only imagine how difficult it must feel to have it!



I've had OCD since around 4 years old. It was a lot worse when I was younger. I would do things like tap the door hinges in a pattern before I left the room. I was so sure that if I didn't do this, something was gonna be in the other room and hurt me. I wouldn't eat because I was 100% convince that there was poison in my food. I was absolutely terrified of any bodily fluids and thought they were poison. I still do things like tap my car headlights in a pattern bc I think if I don't, I will get into an accident.



Also, I obsess over things like death. I will constantly be thinking about things like "how would like be if my sister died and how would each person close to her react?" Or "If I die a week before Christmas, will my family still open the presents I got them?". I will obsess over these questions and then compulsively ask someone; then they look at me like I'm crazy.



i get that too! a lot of times for me it’s more like brain goes “they’re gonna die they’re gonna die they’re gonna die right here they haven’t answered in a few minutes they’re dead they’re dead and no one told you how did they die what’re all the possible ways they may have died in this moment what could i have done to stop the butterfly effect that eventually killed them” and i geeeettt very stressed about it and get crazy looks when the people answer or i see them and i’m OH THANK YOU I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD

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