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Updated 11mo ago

Coping with Chronic Pain and Loss of Independence

How do you handle loosing freedom and responsibility? I'm a very hard worker, and just had to move back under my parents wing because I can no longer work due to the pain. I want so badly to push thru it and just get better so I'm not using their money anymore.

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I felt like I lost all my autonomy in 2019. I still don’t have freedom because of my chronic pain but I have found little things that help me feel Like I have any control in my life. One of those things for me has been hockey- not playing but watching the sport- it was something I loved before my chronic pain and I have found that it gives me a sense of self when I watch it- makes me feel like “the old me” and that I am doing something that I like because I can. Other examples would be puzzles or doodling. Anything small that makes you feel like you have any power over your life is how you at least get some form of freedom



thank you so much for the advice!



i started taking care of plants (got a bunch of houseplants including anemone ♡) and doing more home chores where i can - just doing things to have responsibility that is mine alone but not so entrapping or time/energy consuming like work



👍👍👍 good advice

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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