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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling like the odd one out in your friend group

Do you just ever feel like you are the odd one out in your friend group? Idk if this is from my adhd or if it is something else. But does anybody else feel this way or do y or think it might be something else?

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Absolutely. Its probably the non-stop over thinking that keep my thinking like that, but its also because Everyone is unique in their own ways. Now you might be unique in the way that you dress or think compared to anyone you hang around, but thats what makes yourself, you.



I think it’s great that you have a friend group! At 47, I’ve had some close friend relationships that were very short, but I haven’t had a friend for the past five years. It sounds like you may be a bit different from your friends, but I doubt they even notice any symptoms of your ADHD.

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