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Updated 10mo ago

Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Seeking Advice

For the last few years I've been having very irregular cycles. I'll not have one for three or four months and then have one that seems pretty normal in flow and duration. But after that I'll bleed every other week for a few months. During the every other week phase the bleeding is a little different, it's not clotty but more like blood that comes from a cut, if that makes any sense. I think I'm approaching menopause but it still seems kinda wierd. My Doc didn't seem too concerned about me not having a period for months at a time, but she did raise and eyebrow at the every other week thing. I had a pelvic ultrasound done a few years ago and found some little fibroids, and just had another done today so still waiting for the results of that. Just curious if anyone else has experienced anything like this and what you've done about it.

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I experienced very irregular periods for a long, long time. I would go for a few months with nothing, then a week or two of really heavy flow that was totally debilitating and kept me at home. I went to various doctors about it, and was dismissed or told to go on birth control. When I insisted that they find out what was causing it, that's when they found cancer in my uterus. They wouldn't have found it if I hadn't insisted. Doesn't mean that's what you have, but I think we have intuition about our own bodies, and we are the foremost experts on our own bodies. If you have an intuition that something is wrong, don't ignore it.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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