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Updated 11mo ago

Seeking Information on Treatment Options

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I've tried Nortriptyline and Lyrica. Typically Gabapentin is prescribed but I'm allergic. I'm scheduled for a nerve block. Urogynocologist said this is both a treatment and a diagnostic. I'm crossing my fingers.



Good Luck! I’ve never been formally diagnosed, I’ve had MRI’s been to the Gynecologist, and 2 neurologist with no answer. I’ve self diagnosed myself basically but my doctor prescribed Gabapentin but I no longer need that as now I’m just totally numb. That was 1.5 years ago so I just don’t know what the next step is. Thanks for your input.



I finally demanded a nerve block. Have to go to Urogynocologist as they specialize in pelvic floor. It was so obvious to me (self diagnosed too. Met every single symptom) At first they said my myofascial (muscle) cause but Botox and lidocaine injections into vagina didn't help so then she said idiopathic (unknown origin) nerve pain. Thus why I demanded the nerve block. They didn't suspect pudendal nerve because MRI and CT scans normal. I did test positive for Covid (have all vaccines) and was asymptomatic. But I truly believe this is what started it. If they say you don't have Pudendal ask them to explain why you don't. That's what I did. I describe it as pinecone or cactus in my rectum and vagina. It's a truly unique pain isn't it. Sending you healing thoughts.



Thank you for the info, I will definitely reach out to a Urogynocologist. This is the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever experienced as you know as well. I hope all is good with you now.



I had the nerve block. Unfortunately my HMO ( rhymes with visor) doesn't have a specialist who can perform nerve block with fluoroscopy or radiology to be more precise in targeting Pudendal nerve. So the Urogynocologist gave me a vaginal injection on the left side of my vagina of lidocaine. It temporarily relieved pain on left side. Wore off in four hours. But that confirmed diagnosis. I'm scheduled with another Urogynocologist and physiatrist in a few weeks to discuss treatment options. Pain doctor increased my Lyrica. So far this has given me the most relief. I'm also going to try biofeedback and self hypnosis. It's an agonizing pain, I'm so sorry you're going through this as well. Unfortunately for us, it's really quite rare so there's not tons of research or treatments. I just keep telling myself this won't be forever. It's challenging after nearly 4 months. Best advice is to advocate for yourself. It's 2022 there's no need for people to live with this much acute pain. I also take a lot of warm baths. Spoil yourself. We deserve it.💜💜💜💜

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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