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Updated 11mo ago

How did your parents react to your ADHD symptoms?

Women diagnosed with ADD/ADHD later in life but who recognize the symptoms from childhood, how did your parents react to your behaviors?

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My parents thought It would eventually go away on it’s on, it never did I had to take care of it myself 😥



this is relatable. My parents said Jesus would never give me too much and to pray.



My dad would be patient with me until it became too overwhelmibg for him like if I would touch too much or something id get discipline. My mom sees it as me being rebellious n such theyve never fully understood the extent of my condition.



relatable. They treated it as bad behavior issue they could discipline out of me



My parents are both undiagnosed, they both show symptoms often, but in their day it ADHD wasn’t a thing. My parents just saw me as a little disorganized. And I would “do things my own way”.






I told my mom a while ago I wanted to get a psychiatric opinion on my symptoms because I thought I might have adhd. She asked me what the point was of even getting diagnosed as an adult, and suggested i may just be smoking too much weed. We have talked about it since then, and I don’t think she really understood why I react to things the way I do until I sent her a slew of podcasts and articles and bugged her enough to consume them. But that did work eventually I think.



My parents actually took me in two separate times as a child for a professional opinion. The first one basically said I was too young to look into it, come back in a few years. The second one (different practitioner), a few years later, said I was just "too smart for my own good". My parents always tried to challenge me in school. I learned just recently that my mother would actually go into school at the start of the year and tell my teachers to have extra "work" or "tasks' for me, or I would get bored and talk a LOT. Lol! Looking back, I totally agree with this. Working with my therapist, I brought this up to her casually one day. She giggled (we have a great therapy/patient relationship) and said, "I am SO glad you brought this up! I would like you to see so and so and have a reevaluation of your symptoms and diagnosis, as I don't think you fit this criteria any longer." I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, mild OCD, and BPD as a teen. I think my parents did really well with the knowledge they had at the time. Diagnosis of ADHD isn't black and white, and the science and research behind it has come a long way, especially in women. Most people look at me and say, "she has it figured out. She is intelligent and put together. She has a career." Blah blah blah. ADHD can look so different from just bouncing off the walls. I appreciate what my parents did for me then, and what they are doing for me now, being diagnosed in my early 30s, and looking back and realizing that my behaviors weren't necessarily anyone's fault, but the result of an undiagnosed neurodivergent brain. We've been able to do more healing (which we had already done quite a bit). I was quite the jerk as a teen, and gave them a run for it often, but they never stopped trying to build me up and supported me in all my crazy ventures from then until now. Sorry for the novel.



thank you for writing it all out and sharing 💕



my parents always called me lazy because i would never finish my assignments or clean my room because i would always get distracted lol



Now looking back my grandmother (who raised me) always showed symptoms. She always thought I was just disorganized, but in freshman year when the symptoms started to present more. Which caused me to have trouble focusing enough to be able to understand in the school. I was deemed as lazy and "you used to do so great in school" because I just wouldn't do my work or turn it in. I wasn't doing it because of comments like that. Because of comments like that I was too scared to ask for help.



I was called lazy and stupid by my dad specifically due to my symptoms. They knew something was wrong but they didn’t test me for ADHD specifically I was actually tested for learning disorders on multiple occasions throughout school bc of how much I struggled with school. But since my results were I didn’t rly have a learning disorder they didn’t rly believe in ADHD because of the stereotype with boys and how I wasn’t super hyperactive. I had a lot of mental health issues tho and I was misdiagnosed with bipolar 2 for a few year until I was correctly diagnosed but yeah I p much was called lazy n an airhead bc of bc my symptoms:)) My parents were v frustrated with me lol



My parents thought I was careless.



My dad was patient, my mom escalated any rage fits I went into due to undiagnosed ADHD/autism

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