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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with a Flare Up and Falling Behind

I have been dealing with a flare up the past few days and I feel like I'm getting behind on stuff I wanted to do. I struggle with time mangent so much because I plan to do things, then my health gets in the way and I feel like I can't catch up and work around it. Especially if I'm spending hours in and out of the bathroom feeling crappy. Does anyone else struggle with this/have suggestions?

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The last year I’ve had two severe flare ups that drastically changed the course of my life. I got so sick I couldn’t attend college and had to quit my job. As someone who goes in and out of flare up’s, the thing I’ve been doing is just little tasks that relate to my current routine things that need to be done. For example, if it’s hard for me to leave the house to grocery shop and I don’t know when I’ll have an attack, I’ll make a list of everything I need from the store, so if I can’t get to it because of sickness, I can ask someone else or be ready for a different time to go. It helps keep me focused on living a sustaining day to day life, hope it helps just a little! Honestly, I’m kinda lost 😭



I definitely struggle with this, only thing that helps me is minimizing stress and having a very clean diet, doesn’t stop stuff from happening tho 🤷‍♀️



So far almost everybody with ibs has had an appendectomy. I think the adhesions are causing the sensitivity, inflammation, gas pain, motility problems and all around unpredictable attacks. Keep your died boring and eat small!



Same here 😥



Have a strong support group! When I get flare ups, I let everyone know, and they help me with things, and when I’m feeling good, I make sure to help others since I know there will be a time in the future where I’ll need support.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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