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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for IBS Management Tips

I’m new to Alike so I would just like to ask anybody out there that had IBS fir over 10 years. What are some things that you’ve tried that help you

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I’ve always been at a loss of best way to handle IBS. Dr’s all tell you the same stuff. Probiotics, drink more water, move around more, small meals spread out. Nothing ever worked for me. I just deal with it.



that is so sad though because there are other things that can be done! Addressing the gut terrain is KEY. taking probiotics without a stop test can do more harm than good



I try to avoid trigger foods like onions, peppers, too much milk chocolate, dairy, too much sugar, ...



Hello Donna!!!! I’ve had problematic bowel(mainly chronic D/gut issues since 1978!!!! My general doc thought was stress related as I was newly married with relationship issues! As my gut issues worsened I was referred to a gastro and diagnosed with celiac disease(1990) and parasite infection-treated with antibiotics and had been prescribed too many antibiotics from childhood on with various infections! Celiac diet failed and more colonoscopies/ endoscopies…diagnosed with IBS. Had terrible digestion/reflux.. constant D… more and more foods I was intolerant to! Tried probiotics but had issues with those due to dairy or done filler I was intolerant to! Supplements were hard to find that were clean. Tried SCD diet, FODMAPS, eliminating nightshades…having some luck with Dr. Mercolas probiotic and digestive enzymes. I took a food intolerant test that highlighted having high intolerance to rice/tapioca foods and beef and chicken and more. Invested in grass fed bison that my body liked..otherwise all meats were not digestible/cause D and also having bowel leakage that was embarrassing. I blamed the animals diet of grains to cause me diarrhea/bowel leakage. Bought into Dr. Axe’s leaky gut program that failed but here is where my good fortune started! The Facebook group to this program offered members to ask questions, get support! First… By making bone broths and needing filtered water, I bought a 5 gal. jug of reverse osmosis water and decided to use exclusively! I jokingly stated it was the water making me sick as was only thing I didn’t yet remove from my diet!!! I was prescribed tons of drugs for D and bowel leakage over the years that didn’t help! Within two weeks of drinking/cooking with RO water my bowel leakage improved. I researched city water and what’s in it to cause gut issues….. fluoride! I did work with a specialist from out East and guided me on foods/drinks/products to avoid with fluoride. I also purchased a Berkey filtration system with fluoride filters in 2016…along with the diet eliminating fluoride … it all ended the bowel leakage..but not the chronic D! I also had hemorrhoids that my gastro had no resolution for (had gone to five different gastro’s over the years with last one being top celiac specialist and ran tons of tests to feel I never had celiac disease but nothing else showed up on tests and only offered antidepressants!!!!!!!!!!). Heard Dr. Oz mention if you can’t improve gut issues you herd to eliminate 4 foods…one being corn! My whole diet was reliant on corn .. my hemorrhoids healed within two weeks once eliminating corn!! I volunteered for a microbiome test thru UBiome to reveal I had no beneficial strains like lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium due to numerous colonoscopies over the years …sometimes two a year!!!! That’s not good for digestion! I also had histamine issues and fermented foods highly recommended in the leaky gut program caused me issues and just found not continue with Dr. Axes program but still had the Facebook group to ask questions… here is where I was recommended to research the Medical Medium! I started reading his books in fall of 2018 (library has them and did buy some for the info/recipes). I started his protocols in 2019 that includes daily juicing celery! My digestion/reflux healed within the year, healed dry eye syndrome, eczema and balanced low blood pressure! Most my numerous food intolerances are gone!!! I’m still working on the chronic D but is improving so that I am finally enjoying life without fear of accidents!!! It’s hard work to learn about diet changes….avoiding unproductive foods and relying on productive foods. Understanding all the misinformation about foods that truly makes sense!! Learning one needs to detox “safely”! Have recommendations for clean, quality supplements..all I can take with no issues! I’ve been ill since day one!!! Been in doctors offices /hospitals/tons of testings/drugs my whole life! The MM info finally gave me answers!



You may feel or read the MM is a scam!!!! Yes…at first I thought he was …. I researched/asked questions to realize is NOT a scam! But the program is hard! I cannot do it all 100%. He has 7 books out recommending to start with the first book.. The Medical Medium…2.Thyroid Healing…3. Liver Rescue..4. Celery Juice…5. Life Changing Foods…6. Cleanse to Heal! He’s on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest! I like following “celeryjuiceheals” on Instagram and can read others who are healing various chronic issues!!! Prior to knowing of the MM, I tried a kinesiologist/chiro to rid me of parasites! I tried some alternative testing too over the years that had positive testing for parasites. I read they are cause for food intolerances/D! Antibiotics do not clear the body of parasites! I was recommended in that Facebook group to try kinesiology for parasites, so found one and questioned his methods of treatment and after a year, decided to try him!! He was also a chiropractor and did adjustments. His tests showed parasites but other issues like my adrenals/heart issues and trumped the parasite treatments to work on adrenals first! To shorten up the story… 6 months into treatments and having no issues but no improvements either, he tapped on my tailbone! From that day on my tailbone had been messed up…same day started terrible itching there that went on for months…weirdly only starting in evening!! The bond pops and snaps…started to be painful and hard to life around. I fired that chiro and hoped the MM protocols would heal it, but has not. I’m working with a wellness center that also recognize the MM. I started here a year ago!!! My pain has improved but not the itching that revolves around the body. Their two forms of tests showed I had many imbalances but also parasites/lots of streptococcus/EBV/ CMV and some herpetic viruses. If you choose to read the MM books, you will understand of the EBV…strep and more as core cause to chronic ills!! I am doing treatments there and get testing every 12 weeks! My last test showing no concern for parasites/ streptococcus, CMV. They have the “zapper” and other bioenergetic treatments plus infrared sauna! I’m throwing lots of my issues at you… I’ve wasted too many years doctoring with no answers and just want to offer what has helped me so much!!!! Hopefully you will find the MM info to resonate with your issues and use his protocols to heal!! It’s not a scam…maybe too good to be true l!!!!! God created our body… not science..which in my opinion has failed miserably for chronic illness!! May have advanced leaps and bounds for healing traumatic issues…but ignore finding resolution to diseases other than drugs. Drugs have their place …not one and only!! The MM protocols are hard work! For myself and others…has been worth every bit of it!



Staying away from dairy, gluten and legumes. It helps



I've had almost complete remission with the low-fodmap diet and switching to A2 dairy.



I have had it close to 40 years. Brown rice eating it if diarhea is my flair. Increase Vitamin C if constipation is the trouble. Those are my two go tos. But thats just me.



Also, all drinking and cooking water is Kangan machine water.



Had it the past 20 years, and the three biggest things for me, in order, are taking psyllium twice a day, avoiding alcohol, and using cannabis. Just what works for me.



I had Ibs D until my my 30s and then it changed to IBS C. That's when I got diagnosed with IBS. I'm 64 now and I guess I've just learned to live with it. I have so many other issues that I don't dwell on it.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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