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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Driving Anxiety: Seeking Advice

Has anyone ever dealt with Driving Anxiety? I have not started to deal with driving anxiety until the past year. I still push myself to drive however I find myself when tempting to drive a far distance in anxiety and almost a panic attack. I havent dealt with this until last year when I quit smoking Cigs. I use to be able to drive anywhere and have no issues. If you dealt with this how did you get past this? The book Im reading teaches to just do it go drive the distance. Its very hard to do when your already anxiety filled but I am trying. The other part of me feels like Im making too big of a deal about this. However, Im the type of person that wants to solve things and if I cannot solve it I push until I can. I thino thats why Im having issues with this. I dont want to feel like I cannot drive 45 minutes North by myself to visit family. I want to conquer this.

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I had a problem driving when I got hit by a car when I broke my hip it was my step dad that pushed me to drive again it was not easy but eventually I come over it I wish you best of šŸ¤ž luck



how did you overcome driving far distances by yourself. That is the number one anxiety issue Im dealing with lately.



I pray ask God help me get strong and listen to music on tape like relaxing music



It was tough not easy but I did do it



I have anxiety driving every day to work. I use to be on xanax but Iā€™m no longer on it. I drive 45 minutes from my home and it is hell. I listen to music that is full of energy to get me thru but when it rains or very windy nothing helps it and i just want to pull over and not drive anymore. Anxiety is a very hard thing to deal with.



I totally understand. When I am driving home from is sucks I get inpatient I just want to be home and when I get inpatient my anxiety starts I have talk to myself so I lower my anxiety. Rain used to bother me not as much but I hate it when it's windy. Also I haven't driven in the freeway for a while now.



@ Chevygirl Did the Xanax help with the driving stuff?



yes it did. I was taking it 3 times a day.



I don't have my license just because I'm scared of driving. I get so much anxiety. I never know if I am gonna fuck up and cause a use wreck or if I'll forget what certain road signs mean



People begin to look at you as a burden afterwhile when you tell them that you can't drive due to crippling anxiety and the only advice that they can give me is " oh it's easier than it looks" " if I can do it you can do it" šŸ˜‘



I had and still have this issue. It started in 2016. I remember I was on the freeway merging to another freeway. For 3 years I took the bus it got so bad that sometimes even being a passenger was giving anxiety. When the pandemic hit I started driving again which I loved there were hardly any cars. Then the traffic started again. Now I able to manage it better but there are still times that I get it. Especially when I am at the stop light to turn left. I hate it. I haven't been on the freeway for a while now. I should read that book thanks.

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