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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling Tired, Dizzy and Blurry Vision - Could it be Vertigo?

hi! i have a question for you all. i have recently been feeling really tired, dizzy, having the headaches more often than usual, and worst all all my vision has been horrible. there was one day were i saw black spots but most times i just feel unbalanced and i see very blurry. i need to talk to my doctor but I'm wondering if this could be signs of vertigo? i have been diagnosed with a severe vitamin d deficiency this week which the doctor says explains the fatigue and tiredness. butt he rest of the symptoms she said i need to get an MRI to see if it's nothing neurological. any feedback is appreciated

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Have you been checked for Lyme ? Along with blood pressure being to low ? Could be a number of things ! Have you had a Echocardiogram carotid artery scan you’re a scan to rule out any blockage? That would slow the blood flow to the head area ? Don’t take no for a answer!!! Get this test done amd the Lyme test should be done by a Lyme clinic ! At the very least look at this exit overhaul check up .



blood pressure is okay. It was on the high side 6 months ago when i was pregnant. But it's been much better. I will ask for a Lyme test but i don't believe that could be it. An echo i might ask as well since could make sense, i have por blood flow and couldn't be affecting me... Might also ask for vertigo medicine see if that could help...



thank you🤗



Sounds like a vestibular migraine. I would find a specialist who deals with vestibular issues if you don't already have one. Sending hugs ❤️



if you can, try to get a caloric test done that’s how my doctors found an inner ear dysfunction and i have the same symptoms. vestibular neuritis and eye abnormalities, an optometrist might also be helpful too. good luck ❤️❤️❤️



I've been dealing with ocular migraines (vestibular) and yes they will cause awful vertigo. I went through alot or your symptoms. Sometimes my eyes will feel like they have pressure in them . Hope you find your answers! 🙏

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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