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Updated 10mo ago

Late Diagnosis of Aspergers - Anyone Else?

any other late diagnosed people here I was diagnosed with moderate asbergers and honestly I was so angry with myself I began observing everything I did and became more self aware of the things I do like oh that's cause of the autism and I did the same with looking back at past events and they started to make more sense I was just overthinking my diagnoses so much, not anymore tho but I wonder if anyone else has a similar story to tell

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Yes, I am just now in the midst of diagnosis & it’s blowing my mind. It makes so much sense now. I’ve never been self-aware of the ways I was different until just now. But my mind has been exploding with memories that make total sense now, in light of meeting with a psychiatrist. I’m having a lot of internal emotions surrounding it, good & bad. Some relief, but also a lot of frustration & confusion…



Yup, I found out in my mid-thirties. I flew under the radar because I don't at all fit the stereotype. I totally get the combination of "oh, that makes sense in hindsight" and also being frustrated.

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