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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for Emotional Support and Hair Removal Solutions

I'm looking for emotional support on hereditary symptoms related to my hormone imbalance. I desire emotional support from other people going through things like me, not therapists necessarily. I've needed a lot of support for this for many years but never really got it I'm looking for permanent hair removal solutions that I can afford.

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Hey, I’m in the same boat and i know its difficult to find others who can relate to this and understand what we go through on a daily basis. I’ve never tried anything other than shaving and waxing so i don’t know if ill be much help to you, i found that waxing isn’t as painful or stressful for me in the long run because it lasts longer than shaving i know this isn’t permanent sadly. I’ve heard a lot of people recommend spearmint tea/capsules for hirsutism and electrolysis



I started electrolysis abd its amazing. The only problem is that is a little off my budget. At the beginning you should have more frquent and longer visits to the specialist. If you don't do it like that is going to take longer and you are going to feel disappointed.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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