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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Marijuana Use and Mental Health

So, I know I have an addictive personality and I know marijauna isn't the best for anxiety but recently when I've gotten really high, I've started feeling like that's the only time I actually feel real and present. Of course, it's started to mess with me mentally because I know I have a lot of mental issues in general and have been most likely dissociating/burned out for at least a decade now so I can't tell if this is a good medical sign of me finally being able to remember my past more or if its just sending my anxiety and overthinking into overload? (More Info: I only realized I was autistic last year since I was pushed to mask heavily which I just thought was living life so I've been coming to a lot of realizations through my use which started in 2020)

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This is really interesting, because I feel like I unmask so much easier when I'm high, as well. Which can be really nice and calming when I'm alone, or stressful if I'm around people I don't feel comfortable unmasking around. I totally relate to the feeling of being more present while high, so you're definitely not alone in that



I can unmask a lot more too after smoking, its just that my anxiety skyrockets because I get anxious that I'm not which is an issue in of itself that I'm realizing isn't good 😅



I have an addictive personality also. I’m messed up in the head so I try to stay away from weed all that stuff. If I ever wanna feel out of it probably smoke Delta 8 pen. I had a cake weed pen and I was so high it was like everything was delayed 1 minute I couldn’t feel and couldn’t see exactly what I was doing in the moment, but after a few seconds I could see, but couldn’t feel anything I touched I did love the feeling. Smoked this a week ago. I really wanted to her high on DXM, but can’t risk the after affects of it I pursuing a wildland firefighting career. I’m 18 I’m 11th grade.



Marijuana is often prescribed for anxiety, different strains do different things and react differently for each person but most of the things associated with weed that make anxiety worse (ei. Paranoia) are generally just side effects, certain strains might do it for some people and for some people it might be all weed just like with pretty much any other medication. If you feel like it helps with your mental health it may be a good resource, and if you're worried about getting addicted you can do some research on strain types to figure out what you think might help and only use an allotted amount during periods of time you deem it necessary and safe. That way it registers more as a medication you're taking for your health than as a recreational drug. I use it for a number of things, largely chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia but despite having a fairly addictive personality I know how weed effects me and I no longer have worries that I'll be addicted so I also use it for more minor things (headaches, motion sickness, ect.) And recreationally because I don't really have any negative side effects from weed but I do from some of the other meds available for those things, including a family history of alcoholism so it makes for a better recreational substance for fun weekends and events that it's expected or encouraged to be intoxicated for. On top of that ive notice that it helps me unmask a lot easier as well as be a LOT more comfortable while I am masking, and ive even found a couple of strains that made me more focused and motivated to be productive. I've even managed to use it successfully to break minor executive dysfunction and hyperfixation periods that made it difficult to function.



I'm definitely a lot more present too, I felt that remembering some of the stuff while i was burnt out was a pretty good thing but I think that's at least partially due to having a support system including loved ones and a therapist. Venting and opening up helped get a lot of that stuff out and I was able to process and adjust to most of it so it felt like removing a weight. Understandably that might be different for someone who doesn't have a support system thats helping them or isnt ready for that. If either are the case it might just be a treatment you can keep in mind for the future if anything changes so you feel it's more compatible



This is so funny to me because it shows how different different people react to weed. Personally I felt the exact opposite. It made me so anxious that I had a DPDR event, where I felt very unreal.



I feel like my mind has a lot of clarity when im high, or at least, that my autistic experience being high is different than a neurotypical experience. But I always have a headache after even if I drink a lot of water?



weed headaches aren't from dehydration because weed doesn't do that the way alchohol does, it still does a little but not to the same degree so even regular water intake should be enough to avoid a headache. From what I can tell a lot of the consistant headaches that people get on a regular basis are from a minor allergy, so it might help to try some antihistamine medication before you get high. You can also get a headache if you over do it for your tolerance, from what I've noticed getting literally any amount of THC, even such a small amount that it doesn't do anything else, into you will make the headache go away immediately but that could just be a me thing.



The feel when you can’t smoke because you’re trying to get a new job😭

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