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Updated 10mo ago

Fibro and Laser Hair Removal: Any Advice?

anyone here with fibro who's done laser hair removal? should i be worried about treatments giving me a flare or hurting more than they expect?

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I do. And idk I feel like my skin might be too sensitive for that ; then again idk what it feels like. Why you want laser ?



personal reasons, but not strictly medical ones. basically, though, i need it pretty bad. the practice manager where i went (milan) also has fibro and has had laser and said it was fine and never caused her any flares. i've found that it's caused my neuropathy to flare at the very least, if not other pain. it may vary wildly by patient. the laser itself isnt super painful, but my skin isn't too sensitive, just kind of average? so it hasn't had too much ill effect. i also have a decently high pain tolerance so even though there is pain with it it's very much a manageable thing for me. the pain from it fades pretty quickly too, ime. i am also on gabapentin and pain is not my worst fibro symptom.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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