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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Chronic Migraines: Seeking Non-Medication Solutions

I have migraines that began in 2014 as episodic, usually due to periods or stress. In early 2020, they started occurring for about a week every month. In early 2021, they crossed the threshold into chronic, occurring more days than not. I’m currently navigating a flare up that has left me without any normal-feeling days over the past 2 weeks. Looking for help reducing frequency and severity of attacks, ideally through a route that doesn’t involve more medication.

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Not sure if this will help or not because my migraines are caused by a titanium plate in my neck which causes extreme pain leading to a migraine, but sometimes it helps to use Tiger Balm. U can rub it on your temples (b careful not to get it in your eyes!). I use it on my neck at the base of my skull and on my temple's. If u don't have one get an eye mask to shut out all light. I also wear sunglasses a lot. They have helped reduce mine. Mine usually last about 4-6 days and get them quite often. To say the least my Rx's don't last a month since they only give u 9 per month so these r the things I do. But everyone is different so who knows if they'll work for u but I hope some of this helps.



Don’t consume caffeine (chocolate/tea/coffee)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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