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Updated 10mo ago

Questioning My Bipolar 2 Diagnosis

Hi there, new here. I am 38 and was diagnosed with bipolar 2 last year (in addition to chronic PTSD). Before that I was misdiagnosed with chronic depression and generalized anxiety, which I have had treatment for since I was about 16. My therapist noticed that I seemed to hang out in a mixed state until I swung into depression or hypomania and started to question my previous diagnoses. I have seen 5 different psychiatrists/DNPs in the last 18 months ( for a variety of reasons) and 1 disagreed with the diagnosis ( one felt I could meditate my problems away- didn't see her for long) and the rest confirmed. I am seeing yet another DNP and I think she is now questioning bp2- especially since I was diagnosed late. Have y'all ever had your diagnosis questioned? What do you do when that happens? It sends my world into a tailspin.

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I have had almost all of my diagnosis questioned, taken back, re diagnosed.. it SUCKS. PTSD is the one that has stuck (that one is hard to miss I guess). The best thing I’ve found is talking about my diagnosis in depth with my weekly therapist. I know he’s not a doctor and so can’t technically diagnose me or recommend medical treatment, BUT they see me WAY more than my psychiatrist. So I try to take my therapy progress into my psychiatry appointments armed with a little more information. Also making sure they have signed ROIs so they can communicate back and forth. Good luck friend. I relate to that tailspin.



thank you! Yes the PTSD one definitely seems to stick with me. I rely on my therapist a lot too. She sees my ups and downs and has seen me try antidepressant after antidepressant with absolutely no luck. I am glad I am not the only one spinning!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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