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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for HS treatment advice

I've had HS for 13 years now, though I was just diagnosed formally in 2021. I've been struggling for a long time, so I haven't been able to receive treatment apart from the initial diagnosis. I guess.. I just want to hear about treatments that have helped people like me? I'm finally getting my footing and I want to start taking care of myself, and ultimately loving myself.

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Congratulations! Obviously having HS isn’t what we all wanted to hear but it’s so nice to have diagnoses. I started spironolactone and didn’t see immediate results but I saw slow improvement. Now I’ve been on it for years and I have no new tracts open up and the old ones only flare up occasionally. I also started birth control at the same time which I think also helped. Compression shorts will be your best friend and welcome to the wonderful world of HS!!



I'm so glad you got a diagnosis! Have a name you can search up and do research on is something that provides you with agency. For a while they had me on antibiotics, but as my symptoms worsened, they decided to put me on Humira.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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